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  • 中文名:張俊俊
  • 畢業院校廈門大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 工作單位:電子科技大學
  • 教學職稱:副教授
2014/06 – 現在,電子科技大學,生命學院
2012/09 - 2014/05,喬治華盛頓大學(美國),心理學系,博士後
 2010/03 - 2012/09,加州大學爾灣分校(美國),認知科學系,博士後
 2009/10 - 2010/01,中科院昆明動物研究所,研究助理
 1999/09 - 2009/09,廈門大學計算機科學系,本科、碩士、博士
 中央高校基本業務費、ZYGX2015J089、產生深度知覺的時間進程研究、
· ZHANG, J., BRAUNSTEIN, M. ANDERSEN, G. (2014) The shape of the scene background determines the perceived path of a moving object. Journal Of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40(6):2117-23
· ZHANG, J., BRAUNSTEIN, M. ANDERSEN, G. (2013) Effects of changes in size, speed and distance on the perception of curved 3D trajectories. Atten Percept Psychophys, 75(1): 68-82
· ZHANG, J., BRAUNSTEIN, M. ANDERSEN, G. (2013) Changes in angular size and speed affect the judged height of objects moving over a ground surface. Perception, 42(1): 34-44
· ZHANG, J., ZHU, W., DING, X., ZHOU, C., HU, X., & MA, Y. (2009). Different masking effects on “hole” and “no-hole” figures. Journal of Vision, 9(9):6, 1-14
· ZHANG, J., ZHU, W., ZHOU, C., MA, Y. (2009) Configural processing of different topologically structured figures: an ERP study. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences, 52(12):1198-1204
· ZHU, W., ZHANG, J., DING, X., ZHOU, C. (2013) The time course of the perceptual processing of “hole” and “no-hole” figures: An ERP study. Neuroscience Bulletin, 29(1):47-57
· ZHU, W., ZHANG, J., DING, X., ZHOU, C., MA, Y., XU, D. (2009). Crossmodal effects of Guqin and piano music on selective attention: an event-related potential study. Neuroscience Letters 466(1): 21-6.
· ZHU, W., ZHANG, J., LIU, H., DING, X., MA, Y. and ZHOU, C., (2008) Differential cognitive responses to guqin music and piano music in Chinese subjects: an event-related potential study. Neuroscience Bulletin (1): 21-28.
· ZHU, W., ZHAO, L., ZHANG, J., DING, X., LIU, H., NI, E., MA, Y. and ZHOU, C., (2008) The Influence of Mozart’s sonata K.448 on Visual Attention: An ERPs study. Neuroscience Letters 434(1):35-40.


