



  • 中文名:張丙印 
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:大學教師
  • 畢業院校:清華大學、聯邦德國亞琛工業大學
  • 主要成就:國家級精品課《土力學》課程負責人
  • 代表作品:《土力學(第2版)》、《城市水環境工程


1992.9-1999.7,聯邦德國亞琛工業大學(RWTH Aachen)土木工程系,工學博士


2005.01-至今, 清華大學水利水電工程系,教授,博士生導師
1992.04-1999.05,德國亞琛工業大學(RWTH Aachen)土木工程系,訪問學者








2015年 中國職業安全健康協會科學技術一等獎 排名第一
2014年 國家科技進步二等獎 排名第五
2013年 雲南省科技進步一等獎 排名第五
2000年 教育部科技進步二等獎 排名第四


國家自然科學基金面上項目 超高面板堆石壩面板結構破損發生機制和模擬方法 (2015~2018)
企事業單位委託 觀音岩水電站心牆堆石壩變形反演分析及安全性評價研究 (2015~2018)
企事業單位委託 如美高心牆堆石壩計算研究 (2015~2018)
企事業單位委託 西藏瀾滄江如美水電站300m級心牆堆石壩堆石料風化劣化等特性試驗 (2014~2016)
企事業單位委託 紅石岩堰塞湖永久性整治工程-複雜條件下堰塞體工作性能評估及永久綜合治理措施 (2014~2015)
企事業單位委託 瀾滄江如美水電站300m級心牆堆石壩防滲土料特殊性能試驗研究 (2013~2015)
企事業單位委託 小浪底水利樞紐主壩壩頂表層裂縫及大壩安全預警體系研究 (2011~2014)
企事業單位委託 天津文化中心交通樞紐工程-超深大軟土基坑群動態形變效應研究 (2011~2013)
企事業單位委託 糯扎渡水電站數字大壩—工程安全評價與預警信息管理系統開發 (2010~2014)
國家“973”項目課題 城市地下工程安全性的基礎理論研究-多場條件下的多體相互作用機理 (2010~2014)
國家自然科學基金重點項目 高土石壩變形分析與安全控制 (2007~2010)
國家自然科學基金面上項目 堆石料風化過程與高堆石壩長期性態演化規律 (2009~2011)
國家自然科學基金面上項目 土石壩水力劈裂發生過程的物理和數值模擬 (2007~2009)
企事業單位委託 新泓口圍墾工程對金塘大橋樁基應力和變形影響的分析研究 (2005~2006)
企事業單位委託 司家營尾礦庫壩三維滲流、地震動力反應分析及尾礦沉積狀態仿真 (2005~2006)
企事業單位委託 上海港羅涇港區二期工程廊道及轉運站樁基有限元分析 (2004~2006)



  1. 土力學,第2版,李廣信、張丙印、於玉貞主編,清華大學出版社,2013年
  2. 城市水環境工程,張丙印、倪廣恆主編,清華大學出版社,2005年


  1. Zhang B., Li Q., Yuan H., Sun X., Tensile Fracture Characteristics of Compacted Soils under Uniaxial Tension, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), 2015,27(10)(SCI)
  2. Zhang B., Zhang J., Sun G., Deformation and shear strength of rockfill materials composed of soft siltstones subjected to stress, cyclical drying/wetting and temperature variations, Engineering Geology, 2015,190(SCI)
  3. Fei J., Jie Y., Zhang B., Fu X., A shallow constitutive law-based granular flow model for avalanches, Computers and Geotechnics, 2015:68(SCI)
  4. Wu Y., Zhang B., Yu Y., Zhang Z., Consolidation Analysis of Nuozhadu High Earth-Rockfill Dam Based on the Coupling of Seepage and Stress-Deformation Physical State, International Journal of Geomechanics, 2015:12(SCI)
  5. Peng C., Wu W., Zhang B., Three-dimensional simulations of tensile cracks in geomaterials by coupling meshless and finite element method, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2015:39(SCI)
  6. Zhang B., Zhang J., Sun G., Development of a Soft-Rock Weathering Test Apparatus. Experimental Techniques 38, 2014(SCI)
  7. Zhang B., Jie Y., Kong D.,Simulation of rockfill materials using aggregates of cement ellipsoids,Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,2014 (SCI)
  8. Zhang B., Jie Y., Kong D., Particle breakage of cement ellipsoid aggregate --- Part I: triaxial compression tests. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2014 (42)1: 1-11(SCI)
  9. Zhang B., Jie Y., Kong D., Particle breakage of cement ellipsoid aggregate --- Part I: triaxial compression tests. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2013 (41)5:761-769 (SCI)
  10. Qian X., Yuan H., Zhou M., Zhang B., A general 3D contact smoothing method based on radial point interpolation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2014(257): 1-13 (SCI)
  11. Wang X., Xu W., Zhang B., Sun Q., Particle crushing simulations with improved discontinuous deformation analysis . Engineering Computations, 2014(SCI)
  12. Wang X., Xu W., Zhang B., Study on the breakage and crushing mechanism of cement materials using point-loading tests and DEM, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2014 (SCI)
  13. Yuan H., Peng C., Lin Q., Zhang B., Simulation of Tensile Cracking in Earth Structures with an Adaptive RPIM-FEM Coupled Method. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2014 (SCI)
  14. Peng C., Wu W., Zhang B., Three-dimensional simulations of tensile cracks in geomaterials by coupling meshless and finite element method. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2014 (SCI)
  15. Qian X., Yuan H., Zhou M., Zhang B., Comparative study on interface elements, thin-layer elements, and contact analysis methods in the analysis of high concrete-faced rockfill dams, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013 (SCI)
  16. Peng C., Yuan H., Zhang B., Zhang Y., Factors affecting accuracy of radial point interpolation meshfree method for 3-D solid mechanics, Journal of Central South University, 2013(20): 3229−3246
  17. Zhang B., Jie Y., Kong D., Particle size distribution and relative breakage for a cement ellipsoid aggregate, Computers and Geotechnics, 2013 (53):31-39 (SCI)
  18. Zhang B., Zhang J., Sun G., Particle breakage of argillaceous siltstone subjected to stresses and weathering, Engineering Geology, 2012 (SCI)
  19. Wang J., Zhang Y., Liu J., Zhang B.,Numerical simulation of geofluid focusing and penetration due to hydraulic fracture,Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2010, 106 211-218(SCI)
  20. Hu L. , Zhang B. , Ma J.,Mechanical characteristics for interfaces between granular materials,Mechanics research Communications , 2010, 37: 42-46 (SCI)
  21. Zhang B., Yu Y., Fu J., Hu L., Simple Shear Test for interfaces between core and filter soils in rock-fill dams, Geotechnical Testing Journal 2008; 31(3) (SCI)
  22. Yu Y., Zhang B. and Yuan H., An intelligent displacement back-analysis method for earth–rockfill dams, Computers and Geotechnics 2007; 34(6), 423-434 (SCI).
  23. Yu Y., Xie L. and Zhang B., Stability of earth–rockfill dams: Influence of geometry on the three-dimensional effect, Computers and Geotechnics 2005; 32(5), 326-339. (SCI)
  24. Yu Y., Zhang B., Zhang J.,Action mechanism of geotextile-reinforced cushion under breakwater on soft ground,Ocean Engineering 2005, 32 (14-15): 1679-1708(SCI)
  25. Zhang B., Wang J., Shi R.,Time-dependent deformation in high concrete-faced rockfill dam and separation between concrete face slab and cushion layer,Computers and Geotechnics 2004, 31(7) (SCI)
  26. Wang J., Zhang B., Nogami T., Wave-induced Seabed Response Analysis by Radial Point Interpolation Meshless Method, Ocean Engineering 2004, 31(1)(SCI)


  1. 孫遜,張丙印,李全明,魏瑞, 軸向拉伸與土梁彎曲試驗儀,ZL200910023426.8
  2. 孫遜,張琰,張丙印, 一種臥式三軸拉壓試驗儀,ZL200910023261.4
  3. 孫遜,孫國亮,張丙印, 堆石料風化儀,ZL200910023730.2


  1. 土石壩有限元分析軟體V1.0,2007年,2007SRBJ1546
  2. 大型非線性接觸三維有限元數值模擬軟體,2015年,2015SR20364


