建築抗震設計規範(GB 50011-2010)(英文版)

建築抗震設計規範(GB 50011-2010)(英文版)

《建築抗震設計規範(GB 50011-2010)(英文版)》是2014年中國建築工業出版社出版的圖書,作者是中華人民共和國住房和城鄉建設部組織。


  • 中文名:建築抗震設計規範(GB 50011-2010)(英文版)
  • 作者:中華人民共和國住房和城鄉建設部組織
  • 出版社:中國建築工業出版社
  • ISBN:9787112169672


《建築抗震設計規範 GB50011-2010(英文版)》,本書為《建築抗震設計規範》GB50011-2010的英文版。主要技術內容是:總則,術語和符號,基本規定,場地、地基和基礎,地震作用和結構抗震驗算,多層和高層鋼筋混凝土房屋,多層砌體房屋和底部框架砌體房屋,多層和高層鋼結構房屋,單層工業廠房,空曠房屋和大跨度屋蓋建築,土、木、石結構房屋,隔震和消能減震設計,非結構構件,地下建築和附錄。


1 General
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols
3 Basic Requirements of Seismic Design
3.1 Category and Criterion for Seismic Precaution of Buildings
3.2 Earthquake Ground Motion
3.3 Site and Soil
3.4 Regularity of Building Configuration and Structural Assembly
3.5 Structural System
3.6 Structural Analysis
3.7 Nonstructural Components
3.8 Isolation and Energy-Dissipation
3.9 Materials and Construction
3.10 Seismic Performance-Based Design of Buildings
3.11 Seismic Response Observation System of Buildings
4 Site, Soil and Foundation
4.1 Site
4.2 Natural Soil and Foundation
4.3 Liquefied Soil and Soft Soil
4.4 Pile Foundation
5 Earthquake Action and Seismic Checking for Structures
5.1 General
5.2 Calculation of Horizontal Earthquake Action
5.3 Calculation of Vertical Earthquake Action
5.4 Seismic Checking for the Sections of Structural Member
5.5 Seismic Checking for the Story Drift
6 Multi-story and Tall Reinforced Concrete Buildings
6.1 General
6.2 Essentials in Calculation
6.3 Seismic Details for Frame Structures
6.4 Seismic Details for Seismic Wall Structures
6.5 Seismic Details for Frame-seismic-Wall Structures
6.6 Requirements for Seismic Design of Slab-column-seismic-Wall Structures
6.7 Requirements for Seismic Design of Tube Structures
7 Multi-story Masonry Buildings and Multi-story Masonry Buildings with RC
Frames on Ground Floors


