- 中文名:廖衛兵
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:江西新餘人
- 職業:科研與教學
- 畢業院校:北京科技大學/北京大學/香港城市大學
- 學位/學歷:博士/博士後
- 專業方向:材料科學與工程
- 榮譽:深圳市引進海外高層次人才
1、Weibing Liao, Si Lan, Libo Gao, Hongti Zhang, Shang Xu, Jian Song, Xunli Wang, Yang Lu, Nanocrystalline high-entropy alloy (CoCrFeNiAl0.3) thin-film coating by magnetron sputtering,Thin Solid Films, 638, 2017: 383-388.
2、 Weibing Liao, YinshanMeng, Ming Xu, Jiaxin Zheng,Feng pan, Song Gao, Magnetic anisotropy of iron-based metallic glassy fibers, Chemical Communications,51, 2015: 16072-16075.
3、 Weibing Liao, Jiming Hu, Yong Zhang, Micro forming and deformation behaviors of Zr50.5Cu27.45Ni13.05Al9 amorphous wires.Intermetallics, 20, 2012: 82-86.
4、 Weibing Liao, Yangyong Zhao, Jianping He, Yong Zhang, Tensile deformation behaviors and damping properties of small sized Cu-Zr-Al metallic glasses, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 555, 2013: 357-361.
5、 Weibing Liao,Zhaodi Chen, Min Li, Yong Zhang, Nolinear tensile deformation behavior of melt-extracted Co69.5Fe4.5Cr1Si8B17 amorphous wires, MaterialsLetters, 97, 2013: 195-197.
- 張勇,趙楊勇,廖衛兵,朱志光,胡繼明,“一種連續製備非晶合金絲的方法及其裝置 ”,ZL201110032907.2.