博士生導師,中國工程教育專業認證專家(見習),擔任全國鍋爐壓力容器標準化技術委員會管道分技術委員會委員(SAC/TC262/SC3)、石油工業標準化技術委員會儲氣庫專業標準化技術委員會委員、《Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering》編委。長期從事油氣儲運系統結構與安全、腐蝕與防護、檢測評價、完整性管理、智慧型管道等方面的教學與科研工作;承擔/參與國家自然科學基金、973計畫、國家重大科技專項等國家級項目6項,省部級科研項目9項、省級教改項目2項;參與國家級規劃教材、高等院校規劃教材編寫2部;獲省部級教學與科研成果獎勵6項,發表論文180餘篇。
●Liao K X,Leng J,Cheng Y F,et al. Effect of H2S concentrations on corrosion failure of L245NS steel in CO2-O2-H2S system[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2022,168:224-238.
●Liao K X,Qin M,Yang N,et al. Corrosion main control factors and corrosion degree prediction charts in H2S and CO2 coexisting associated gas pipelines[J]. Materials Chemistry and Physics,2022:126838.
●He G,He T,Liao K X,et al. Experimental and numerical analysis of non-contact magnetic detecting signal of girth welds on steel pipelines[J]. ISA transactions,2022,125:681-698.
●Qin M,Liao K X,He G,et al. Main control factors and prediction model of flow-accelerated CO2/H2S synergistic corrosion for X65 steel[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2022,160:749-762.
●Qin M,Liao K X,He G,et al. Corrosion mechanism of X65 steel exposed to H2S/CO2 brine and H2S/CO2 vapor corrosion environments[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2022,106:104774.
●He G,Zou Q,Liao K X,et al. Corrosion mechanism of high temperature and O2 content in steamed CO2/O2/SO2 system and failure behavior of 20G steel on steam-injection pipelines[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2022,163:528-542.
●Zhao S,Liao K X,Liu Y,et al. Corrosion prediction model of submarine mixed pipeline X65 steel under a CO2/Cl− synergistic system[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,2022,47:11673-11685.
●Zou Q,Liao K X,Leng J,et al. Corrosion mechanism of oil field gathering pipeline containing small H2S Impurity[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,2022,47:12075–12087.
●Liao K X,Qin M,He G,et al. Study on corrosion mechanism and the risk of the shale gas gathering pipelines[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis,2021,128:105622.
●Zhao S,Liao K X,Wang X,et al. Corrosion behavior of 35CrMo steel in a CO2/O2 coexistent simulating environment of fire-drive tail gas[J]. Materials Chemistry and Physics,2021,272:125016.
●Zhao S,Liao K X,Zhou F,et al. Effect of temperature on the corrosion behavior of L245NS Steel in a CO2/H2S/O2 multi-component thermal fluid collection and transportation system[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,2021,47(9):11223-11237.
●Qin M,Liao K X,He G,et al. Flow influenced initiation and propagation of SRB corrosion on L360N carbon steel[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,2021,47(9):11469-11480.
●He G,He T,Liao K X,et al. A novel three-dimensional non-contact magnetic stress inspection technology and its application on LNG pipeline[C]//International Pipeline Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers,2020,84461:V003T04A028.
●He G,Chen S,Liao K X,et al. Study on the Distribution of Submarine Pipeline Corrosion Defects Based on Internal Inspection Data and Data Mining Method[C]//International Pipeline Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers,2020,84454:V002T08A010.
●Zhao S,Liao K X,Chen Z,et al. Study on corrosion mechanism of the weld seam of submarine pipeline’s spool[C]//E3S Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences,2019,121:03006.
●Liao K X,Cao B,Liu Z. An effective internal corrosion rate prediction model for the wet natural gas gathering pipeline[C]//2011 International Conference on Computational and Information Sciences. IEEE,2011:698-701.