- 中文名:廖宗湖
- 性別:男
廖宗湖,區塊鏈金融研究中心主任、教授、博導、石大學者。2008年獲得福州大學勘查技術與工程學士學位,分別於2012年和2013年獲得美國俄克拉荷馬大學能源學院碩士和博士學位。2013年底在美國俄克拉荷馬州地質調查局擔任研究科學家、局長助理。2014年回國工作,組建了斷裂動力學研究團隊,2016年-2017年兼任清華大學遙感大數據研究中心執行副主任、清華物聯網遙感大數據研究中心執行副主任,2021年底創建中國石油大學區塊鏈金融研究中心,並擔任中國石油大學—上海期貨交易所金融研究院籌備組組長。主持國家自然基金委中國—以色列重點國際合作項目、科技部重點研發子課題等,在EPSL、GJI、AAPG等國際主流期刊上發表論文20餘篇。任《Interpretation》特約主編、《Applied Sciences》特約主編、《石油科學通報》編委、《Petroleum Science》青年編委,擔任國家自然基金研究項目和國家級人才項目評審專家。
(1) 國家自然科學基金委員會,重點國際合作項目, 2021/10—2024/09, 在研,主持。
(2) 國家自然科學基金委員會, 青年科學基金項目, 2017/01—2019/12,結題,主持。
(3) 科技部, 重點研發計畫(子課題), 2020/06—2023/06,在研,主持。
(4) 中國科學院, 戰略性先導科技專項(A類)(任務), 2017/06—2022/06,在研,主持。
(5) 中國石油化工股份有限公司勝利分公司項目, 2020-10 至 2022-12,在研,主持。
(6) 國家自然科學基金委員會, 聯合基金項目, 2016/01—2019/12,結題,參與。
(7) 中國石油化工股份有限公司西南油氣分公司項目, 2019-08 至 2020-12,結題,參與。
廖宗湖,孫竹. 元宇宙金融基礎設施:DeFi九講, 機械工業出版社2022,260頁。
Liao, Zonghu, Kurt J. Marfurt. Seismic Interpretation, 哈爾濱工業大學出版社 2022,164頁。
Liao et al. (2020), Composite damage zones in the subsurface. Geophysical Journal International , 222: 225–230
Liao & Reches (2019), An experimentally-based friction law for high-velocity, long-displacement slip-pulse events during earthquakes. E arth and Planetary Science Letters , 515:209-220.
Liao et al. (2019), Analysis of fault damage-zones by using 3D seismic coherence in Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma. AAPG Bulletin , DOI:10.1306/1219181413417207
Liao et al. (2014), Fault strength evolution during high velocity friction experiments with slip-pulse and constant-velocity loading. Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 406: 93-101.
Liao et al. (2010), Prototyping an experimental early warning system for rainfall-induced landslides in Indonesia using satellite remote sensing and geospatial datasets. Landslides , 7(3): 317-324.
Papers and Chapters (*corresponding author):
Liao, Z.*, and Z. Reches (2019), An experimentally-based friction law for high-velocity, long-displacement slip-pulse events during earthquakes.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 515:209-220.
Liao, Z.*, H. Liu, B. Carpenter, K.Marfurt, and Z.Reches (2019), Analysis of fault damage-zones by using 3D seismic coherence in Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma.AAPG Bulletin, DOI:10.1306/1219181413417207
Liao, Z.*, N. Gupta, Z. Reches, and K. Marfurt (2017), Fault damage zone at subsurface: a case study using 3D seismic attributes and clay model from the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma.Interpretation, 5 (2), T143-T150.
Liao, Z.*, Z.Reches, G. Paton, V.Lyakhovsky, A.Ouenes, H. Cao, and S.Busetti (2017), Introduction to special section: Fault damage zones.Interpretation5 (4), SPi-SPi.
Lyu, W., L. Zeng, Z. Liao, Y. Ji, P.Lyu, S. Dong (2017), Fault damage zone characterization in tight-oil sandstones of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the southwest Ordos Basin, China: Integrating cores, image logs, and conventional logs.Interpretation, 5(4), doi.org/10.1190/INT-2016-0231.1
Hong,Y., X. He, A.Cerato, K. Zhang, Z. Hong, and Z. Liao (2015), Predictability of a physically based model for rainfall-induced shallow landslides: Model development and case studies, in M.Scaioni eds.,Modern Technologies for Landslide Monitoring and Prediction, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, 165-178.
Liao, Z., J. Chang, and Z. Reches (2014), Fault strength evolution during high velocity frictionexperiments with slip-pulse and constant-velocity loading.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 406: 93-101.
Liao, Z.*, N. Gupta, K. Marfurt, and Z. Reches (2013), Characterizing a fault-zone and associated fractures using lab experiments and attribute-based seismic analysis: an example from Woodford Shale, Anadarko basin, Oklahoma.SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts,1416-1420. doi: 10.1190/segam2013-0656.1
Liao, Z., and Z. Reches (2012), Modeling dynamic-weakening and dynamic-strengthening of granite fault in high-velocity slip experiments, in S. D’Amico, eds.,Earthquake Research and Analysis, Rijeka, Croatia,InTech, 107-125.
Liao, Z., Y. Hong, D. Kirschbaum, R. Adler, J. Gourley, and R. Wooten (2011), Evaluation of TRIGRS’s Predictive Skill for Hurricane-triggered Landslides: A Case Study in Macon County, North Carolina.Natural Hazards., 58(1), 325-339.
Liao, Z., Y. Hong, J. Wang, H. Fukuoka, K. Sassa, D. Karnawati, and F. Fathani (2010), Prototyping an experimental early warning system for rainfall-induced landslides in Indonesia using satellite remote sensing and geospatial datasets.Landslides, 7(3): 317-324.
Liao, Z., Y. Hong, D. Kirschbaum, and C. Liu (2010), Assessment of shallow landslides from hurricane Mitch in central America using a physically based model.Environmental Earth Sciences, 66(6), 1697-1705.
Hong, Y.,Z. Liao, and R. Adler (2010), Satellite Remote Sensing for Landslide Prediction, in N.B. Chang, eds.,Environmental Remote Sensing and System Analysis, Taylor & Francis Group CRC press, 191-208.
Liao, Z., Y. Hong, R. Adler, and D. Kirschbaum (2010) A physically based SLIDE model for landslide hazard assessments using remotely sensed data sets, in Jiang et al. eds.,Geomechanics and Geotechnics From Micro to Macro, Taylor & Francis Group CRC press, 807-813.
Liao, Z., Y. Hong, H. Fukuoka, K. Sassa, and D. Kirschbaum (2009), Prototyping an early warning system for rainfall-induced landslides: case studies in Java Island in Indonesia and North Carolina in USA, in Sassa K, Fukuoka H et al.,eds.,Early Warning of Landslides, Springer.
Wu, M.,Z. Liao, X. Chen, and B. Carpenter (2019) The mechanical properties of fractures in carbonate and evaporite caprocks from the Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for seal integrity in deep gas reservoirs, University of Oklahoma Spring Symposium, Norman, O.K., 13-14 Apr.
Reches, Z., andZ. Liao(2016)An Experimentally-based Friction Law of Earthquake Rupture, oral presentation at AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 12-16 Dec.
Reches, Z.,Z. Liao, and Y.Boneh (2016) Energy dissipation and fault slip kinematics: Effects of velocity history, poster presentation at AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 12-16 Dec.
Liao, Z., P. Debapriya, Z. Reches, and K. Marfurt (2015), Analysis of a pull-apart basin and its associated fractures in the Woodford Shale, Central Oklahoma, oral presentation at AAPG International Convention & Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia, 13-16 Sept.
Reches, Z.,Z. Liao, and J. C. Chang (2014) Earthquake energy dissipation in light of high-velocity, slip-pulse shear experiments, oral presentation at AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec.
Liu, X.,Z. Liao, and Z. Reches (2014), Fracture patterns in synclinal folds, Miaofengshan, Beijing, poster at AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec.
Liao, Z., J. Chang, and Z. Reches (2014), Fault strength evolution during high velocity friction experiments with slip-pulse and constant-velocity loading, poster at AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 15 Dec.
Liao, Z., Z. Reches (2014), Frictional strength of faults during earthquake-like experiments, invited oral presentation at 1st annual World Congress of Geophysics (WCG), Taiyuan, China, 16-18Sept.
Liao, Z., Z. Reches (2014), Frictional strength evolution during earthquake-like shear experiments, oral presentation at EGU annual meeting, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr.-02 May.
Liao, Z., J. Chang, and Z. Reches (2013), Dynamic rupture simulation with an experimentally-determined friction law leads to slip-pulse propagation, oral presentation at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 8-14 Dec.
Liao, Z., N. Gupta, K. Marfurt, and Z. Reches (2013), Characterizing a fault-zone and associated fractures using lab experiments and attribute-based seismic analysis: an example from Woodford Shale, Anadarko basin, Oklahoma, oral presentation at SEG annual meeting, Houston, TX, 22-27 Sept.
Liao, Z., and Z. Reches (2013), Rupture modeling by an experimental-based friction model, oral presentation at Rock Friction and Wear, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 4-17 May.
Liao, Z., and Z. Reches (2013) Shear rupture along a fault with an experimentally-determined frictional strength, poster at 2013 SSA annual meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 17 Apr.
Liao, Z., and Z. Reches (2013) Application of high-velocity friction experiments to the shear rupture of a fault in an elastic half-space, oral presentation at EGU annual meeting, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 Apr.
Liao, Z., and Z. Reches (2013) Earthquake rupture: Modeling with experimental-based friction law, poster at AAPG/SEG EXPO, Norman, O.K., 14-15 Mar.
Liao, Z. (2013) Shear rupture along a fault with an experimentally-determined friction strength, oral presentation at University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif., 5 Feb.
Liao, Z.and Z. Reches (2013) Shear rupture along a fault with an experimentally-determined friction strength, oral presentation at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., 4 Feb.
Liao, Z., S. Kalra, J. Nordvik, and Y. Ma (2012) Geological analysis of natural fractures for horizontal well planning within Woodford Shale within central-west Oklahoma, Advanced Drilling Consortium, Norman, OK, 6 Dec.
Liao, Z., and Z. Reches (2012) Modeling dynamic Weakening-Strengthening (WEST) of a granite fault under high slip-velocity experiments, poster at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec.
Liao, Z., and Z. Reches (2012) Dynamic fault strengthening at high-velocity shear experiments, oral presentation at Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing, China, 18 May.
Liao, Z., J. Chang, Y. Boneh, X. Chen, and Z. Reches (2011) Dynamic strengthening during high velocity shear experiments with siliceous rocks, poster at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.
Liao, Z., Y. Hong, D. Kirschbaum, H. Fukuoka, K. Sassa, D. Karnawati, and F. Fathani (2010) Prototyping an early-warning system for rainfall-triggered landslides on a regional scale using a physical-based model and remote sensing datasets, poster at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.
Hong, Y., andZ. Liao(2010) Monitoring and early warning in complex terrains under changing climate, oral presentation at National Geological Engineering (ENGGEO) annual meeting, Fuzhou, China, 19 Nov.
Liao, Z., Y. Hong, R. Adler, and D. Kirschbaum (2010) A physically based SLIDE model for landslide hazard assessments using remotely sensed data sets, oral presentation at International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro (IS-Shanghai 2010), Shanghai, China, 10 Oct.
Liao, Z.,Y. Hong, H. Fukuoka, and K. Sassa (2009) Evaluation of physically-based model’s predictive skill for hurricane-triggered landslides: Case study in North Carolina and Indonesia, poster at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 14-18 Dec.
Liao, Z., Y. Hong, H. Fukuoka, K. Sassa, D. Kirschbaum (2008) Prototyping an early warning system for rainfall-induced landslides: Case studies in Java Island in Indonesia and North Carolina in USA, oral presentation at Early Warning for Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction in the Eastern Asian Region, Kunming, China, 30 Nov.-5 Dec.
Hong, Y., J. J. Gourley, H. Vergara,Z. Liao,S. V. Cooten, and K. Kelleber (2009) Prototyping a hurricane-flood-landslide continuum prediction system: a CI-FLOW contribution to north Carolina& broader coaster regions, oral presentation at Hurricane Floyd Symposium, Greenville, N.C., 18 Sept.