

康躍軍教授(Professor Yuejun Kang), 現任西南大學材料與能源學部教授、博士生導師;教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫獲得者。1977年3月出生。 2000年6月畢業於中國科技大學熱能與動力工程系獲得工學學士學位,2004年6月獲得新加坡南洋理工大學機械與航天工程學院博士學位,2008年12月獲得美國范德比特大學機械工程系博士學位,接著先後加入澳大利亞莫納什大學(2008年12月-2009年12月)和美國洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室(2010年1月-2011年3月)從事博士後研究。2010年3月起受聘於新加坡南洋理工大學化學與生物醫學工程學院任助理教授、博士生導師。2015年9月起受聘於西南大學材料與能源學部。2001-2004年獲得新加坡南洋理工大學研究生獎學金。2004年獲得加拿大多倫多獎學金。入選教育部2006年“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫。2009年被澳大利亞國家研究委員會評選為年輕科學家旅行獎金以及莫納什大學,博士後學者旅行獎金。


  • 中文名:康躍軍
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1977年3月
  • 畢業院校中國科技大學新加坡南洋理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:微流控生物晶片,微納米加工製造,生物感測器,
  • 主要成就:國際會議論文或摘要40餘篇。申請國際發明專利3項,已授權1項。
  • 職稱:教授


康躍軍教授以微流體生物晶片為中心,開展了生物材料、表面化學、物理、電子、生物醫學等多學科的交叉研究,在生物醫學工程領域包括微/納米流控技術、微尺度加工、生物電子感測器、基於細胞晶片的組織工程、可穿戴式藥物傳輸及治療微型設備方面取得優異成果,掌握了相關研究領域的關鍵技術,可獨立進行前沿性和開創性研究。曾作為項目負責人獲得新加坡國家級科研項目經費超過130萬新加坡元(合人民幣600萬),中國基金委項目經費200萬人民幣。在國際著名期刊Scientific Reports ,Chemical Communications, Analytical Chemistry,Nanoscale,Acta Biomaterialia,Biosensors & Bioelectronics Biomicrofluidics等發表SCI期刊論文80篇(引用數量超過1500次,H因子21),書籍章節14篇,國際會議論文或摘要40余篇。申請國際發明專利3項,已授權1項。近年所指導本科畢業生和博士研究生分別獲得新加坡生物醫學工程學會年會金獎和銀獎,日本實驗動物科學協會國際大獎,微流控生物醫學和環境工程大會“最佳學生論文獎”,第六屆微化學與微系統國際論壇“最佳論文展覽獎”等國際獎項。最新研發專用於治療人體皮膚瘢痕瘤的無創微針膠帶技術被《今日科學》、《歐洲醫療設備技術》、及新加坡《聯合早報》等媒體廣泛報導。這些研究成果不僅有重要科學意義,並產生了創造性的實際套用。康教授所指導的博士畢業生技術團隊於2014年7月在四川成都創立了“勁宏科技有限公司”,致力於研發自有智慧財產權及處於國際最前沿的微納米生物電子感測技術,並將其產業化為中國市場目前所稀缺的攜帶型、可穿戴式生物醫療檢測設備。通過這種產學研的密切結合,康教授團隊希望為中國醫療健康行業注入創新活力,用最新的科學技術改變和提高人們的生活質量。




1. Yon Jin Chuah, Yi Ting Koh, Kaiyang Lim, Nishanth V. Menon, Yingnan Wu, Yuejun Kang*. “Simple surface engineering of polydimethylsiloxane with polydopamine for stabilized mesenchymal stem cell adhesion and multipotency”. Scientific Reports#. Accepted, 2015. (IF = 5.578)
2. Yinxi Huang, Jinhong Guo, Yuejun Kang, Ye Ai, Chang Ming Li. "Two dimensional atomically thin MoS2 nanosheets and their sensing applications". Nanoscale. DOI: 10.1039/C5NR06144J. In press, 2015. (IF = 7.394)
3. Peng Xue, Jingnan Bao, Yafeng Wu, Yilei Zhang, Yuejun Kang*. “Porous Prussian Blue Nanocubes as Photothermal Ablation Agents for Efficient Cancer Therapy”. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Accepted, 2015. (IF = 1.556)
4. Fang Xin Hu, Yuejun Kang, Feng Du, Lin Zhu, Yu Hua Xue, Tao Chen, Li Ming Dai, Chang Ming Li. “Living cells directly growing on a DNA/Mn3(PO4)2- immobilized and vertically aligned CNT array as a free-standing hybrid film for highly sensitive in situ detection of released superoxide anions”. Advanced Functional Materials. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201502341. In press, 2015. (IF = 11.8)
5. Xiaoling Zhong, Weiyong Yuan, Yuejun Kang, Jiale Xie, Fangxin Hu, Chang Ming Li. “Biomass-derived hierarchical nanoporous carbon with rich functional groups for direct-electron-transfer-based glucose sensing”. ChemElectroChem. DOI: 10.1002/celc.201500351. In press, 2015. (IF pending)
6. Yu Chen, Jinhong Guo, Muhammad Hamidullah, Yuejun Kang, Sunil K. Arya. “CMOS compatible silicon-nanowire-based Coulter counter for cell enumeration”. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2015.2456190. In press, 2015. (IF = 2.347)
7. Zhigang Xu, Shiying Liu, Hui Liu, Cangjie Yang, Yuejun Kang, Mingfeng Wang. “Unimolecular Micelles of Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin-Core Star-like Block Copolymers for Anticancer Drug Delivery”. Chemical Communications. In press, 2015. (IF = 6.834)
8. Jinhong Guo, Zhi Chen, Yong-Ling Ban, Yuejun Kang*. "Precise enumeration of circulating tumor cells using support vector machine algorithm on a microfluidic sensor". IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. DOI: 10.1109/TETC.2014.2335539. In press, 2015. (IF pending)
9. Parijat Borah, Sivaramapanicker Sreejith, Palapuravan Anees, Nishanth V. Menon, Yuejun Kang, Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh, Yanli Zhao. “Near-IR Squaraine Dye-Loaded Gated Periodic Mesoporous Silica for Photo-Oxidation of Phenol in Continuous-Flow Device”. Science Advances. 1 (8), e1500390 (2015) (IF pending)
10. Peng Xue, Xuyang Zhang, Yon Jin Chuah, Yafeng Wu, Yuejun Kang*. "Flexible PEGDA-based microneedle patches with detachable PVP-CD arrowheads for transdermal drug delivery". RSC Advances. 5, 75204-75209 (2015) (IF = 3.84)
11. Dongyuan Shi, Jinhong Guo, Liang Chen, Chuncheng Xia, Zhefeng Yu, Ye Ai, Chang Ming Li, Yuejun Kang, Zhiming Wang. “Differential microfluidic sensor on printed circuit board for biological cells analysis”. Electrophoresis. 36 (16), 1854–1858 (2015) (IF = 3.028)
12. Jinhong Guo, Ye Ai, Yuanbing Cheng, Chang Ming Li, Yuejun Kang*, Zhiming Wang. “Volumetric measurement of human red blood cells by MOSFET-based microfluidic gate”, Electrophoresis. 36 (16), 1862–1865 (2015) (IF = 3.028)
13. Dhiman Das, Zhibin Yan, Nishanth V. Menon, Yuejun Kang, Vincent Chan, Chun Yang. “Continuous detection of trace level concentration of oil droplets in water using microfluidic AC electroosmosis (ACEO)”. RSC Advances. 5, 70197-70203 (2015) (IF = 3.84)
14. Nishanth V. Menon, Yon Jin Chuah, Samantha Phey, Ying Zhang, Yingnan Wu, Vincent Chan, Yuejun Kang*. “Microfluidic assay to study the combinatorial impact of substrate properties on mesenchymal stem cell migration”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 7 (31), 17095–17103 (2015) (IF = 6.723)
15. Yon Jin Chuah, Ying Zhang, Yingnan Wu, Nishanth V. Menon, Ghim Hian Goh, Ann Charlene Lee, Vincent Chan, Yilei Zhang, Yuejun Kang*. "Combinatorial effect of substratum properties on mesenchymal stem cell sheet engineering and subsequent multi-lineage differentiation". Acta Biomaterialia. 23, 52-62 (2015) (IF = 6.025)
16. Jinhong Guo, Xiuhong Liu, Kai Kang, Ye Ai, Zhiming Wang, Yuejun Kang*. “A Compact Optofluidic Cytometer for Detection and Enumeration of Tumor Cells”. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 33 (16), 3433-3438 (2015) (IF = 2.965)
17. Zhigang Xu, Shiying Liu, Yuejun Kang*, Mingfeng Wang. “Glutathione-responsive polymeric micelles formed by a biodegradable amphiphilic triblock copolymer for anticancer drug delivery and controlled release”. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 1 (7), 585-592 (2015) (IF pending)
18. Ying Zhang, Chuan Li, Vincent Chan, Yuejun Kang*. “Biomechanistic Study of Smooth Muscle Cell Sheet during Circumferential Alignment in Circular Micropatterns”. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 1 (7), 549-558 (2015) (IF pending)
19. Sivaramapanicker Sreejith, James Joseph, Manjing Lin, Nishanth V. Menon, Parijat Borah, Hao Jun Ng, Yun Xian Loong, Yuejun Kang, Sidney Yu, Yanli Zhao. “Near-Infrared Squaraine Dye Encapsulated Micelles for In Vivo Fluorescence and Photoacoustic Bimodal Imaging”. ACS Nano. 9 (6), 5695-5704 (2015) (IF = 12.881)
20. Jinhong Guo, Yuejun Kang, Ye Ai. “Radiation Dominated Acoustophoresis Driven by Surface Acoustic Waves”. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 455, 203-211 (2015) (IF = 3.368)
21. Jinhong Guo, Yuejun Kang, Ye Ai. “Disposable microfluidic channel with dielectric layer on PCB for AC sensing of biological cells”. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 22 (3), 1439-1443 (2015) (IF = 1.278)
22. Peng Xue, Jingnan Bao, Yafeng Wu, Yilei Zhang, Yuejun Kang*. “Magnetic Prussian blue nanoparticles for combined enzyme-responsive drug release and photothermal therapy”. RSC Advances. 5 (36), 28401-28409 (2015) (IF = 3.84)
23. Zhigang Xu, Shiying Liu, Yuejun Kang*, Mingfeng Wang. “Glutathione- and pH-Responsive Nonporous Silica Prodrug Nanoparticles for Controlled Release and Cancer Therapy”. Nanoscale. 7 (13), 5859-5868 (2015) (IF = 7.394)
24. Yu Chen, Seong-Jin Kim, Jinhong Guo, Yuejun Kang, Kausalya P. Jaya, Alicia Ghia Min Ong, Walter Hunziker, Jaehoon Chung, “Portable Coulter Counter with Vertical Through-holes for High-throughput Applications”. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 213, 375-381 (2015) (IF = 4.097)
25. Peng Xue, Yafeng Wu, Jinhong Guo, Yuejun Kang*. “Highly efficient capture and harvest of circulating tumor cells on a microfluidic chip integrated with herringbone and micropost arrays”. Biomedical Microdevices. 17 (2), 39 (2015) (IF = 2.877)
26. Jinhong Guo, Liang Chen, Ye Ai, Yuanbing Cheng, Chang Ming Li, Yuejun Kang, Zhiming Wang. “Numerical and experimental characterization of solid-state micropore-based cytometer for detection and enumeration of biological cells”. Electrophoresis. 36 (5),737-743 (2015) (IF = 3.028)
27. Jingjing Han, Nishanth V. Menon, Yuejun Kang*, Shang-You Tee. “An in vitro study on the collective tumor cell migration on nanoroughened poly(dimethylsiloxane) surfaces”. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 3 (8), 1565-1572 (2015) (IF = 4.726)
28. Srinivasu V. Puttaswamy, Peng Xue, Yuejun Kang, Ye Ai. “Simple and low cost integration of highly conductive three-dimensional electrodes in microfluidic devices”. Biomedical Microdevices. 17 (1), 4 (2015) (IF = 2.877)
29. Jinhong Guo, Liang Chen, Xiwei Huang, Chang Ming Li, Ye Ai, Yuejun Kang*. “Dual characterization of biological cells by optofluidic microscope and resistive pulse sensor”. Electrophoresis. 36, 420-423 (2015) (IF = 3.028)
30. Peng Xue, Yafeng Wu, Nishanth V. Menon, Yuejun Kang*. "Microfluidic synthesis of monodispersed PEGDA microbeads for sustained release of 5-Fluorouracil". Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. 18 (2), 333-342 (2015) (IF = 2.528)
31. Yafeng Wu, Jianyu Han, Peng Xue, Rong Xu, Yuejun Kang*. “Nano Metal-Organic Framework (NMOF)-Based Strategies for Multiplexed MicroRNA Detection in Solution and Living Cancer Cells”. Nanoscale. 7 (5), 1753-1759 (2015) (IF = 7.394)
32. Yon Jin Chuah, Shreyas Kuddannaya, Min Hui Adeline Lee, Yilei Zhang, Yuejun Kang*. “The Effect of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Surfaces Silanization on Mesenchymal Stem Cell Fate”. Biomaterials Science. 3 (2), 383-390 (2015) (IF = 3.831)
33. Yon Jin Chuah, Wu Chean Lee, Hee Kit Wong, Yuejun Kang*, Hwan Tak Hee. “Three-dimensional development of tensile pre-strained annulus fibrosus cells for tissue regeneration: an in-vitro study”. Experimental Cell Research. 331 (1), 176-182 (2015) (IF = 3.246)
34. Peng Xue, Karis K. Y. Cheong, Yafeng Wu, Yuejun Kang*. “An In-Vitro Study of Enzyme-Responsive Prussian Blue Nanoparticles for Combined Tumor Chemotherapy and Photothermal Therapy”. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 125, 277-283 (2015) (IF = 4.152)
35. Shuo Huang, Shiying Liu, Kai Wang, Yimin Luo, Yingdan Zhang, Bin Cao, Yuejun Kang*, Mingfeng Wang. “Highly fluorescent and bioresorbable polymeric nanoparticles with enhanced photostability for cell imaging”. Nanoscale. 7 (3), 889-895 (2015) (IF = 7.394)
36. Jinhong Guo, Xing Ma, Nishanth V. Menon, Chang Ming Li, Yanli Zhao, Yuejun Kang*. "Dual fluorescence-activated study of tumor cell apoptosis by an optofluidic system". IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 21 (4), 7100107 (2015) (IF = 2.828)
1. Nishanth V. Menon, Yon Jin Chuah, Bin Cao, Mayasari Lim, Yuejun Kang*. "A microfluidic co-culture system to monitor tumor-stromal interactions on a chip". Biomicrofluidics. 8 (6), 064118 (2014) (IF = 3.357)
2. Jinhong Guo, Xiwei Huang, Dongyuan Shi, Hao Yu, Ye Ai, Chang Ming Li and Yuejun Kang*, “Portable Resistive Pulse-Activated Lens-Free Cell Imaging System”, RSC Advances, 4 (99), 56342-56345 (2014) (IF = 3.84)
3. Xiwei Huang, Jinhong Guo, Xiaolong Wang, Mei Yan, Yuejun Kang*, Hao Yu. “A contact-imaging based microfluidic cytometer with machine-learning for single-frame super-resolution processing”. PLoS ONE. 9 (8), e104539 (2014) (IF = 3.234)
4. Jinhong Guo, Joshua Le-Wei Li, Yu Chen, Leslie Y. Yeo, James R. Friend, Yuejun Kang*. “RF-Activated Standing Surface Acoustic Wave for On-Chip Particle Manipulation”. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 62 (9), 1898-1904 (2014) (IF = 2.243)
5. Jinhong Guo, Chang Ming Li, Yuejun Kang*. “PDMS-Film Coated on PCB for AC Impedance Sensing of Biological Cells”. Biomedical Microdevices, 16, 681-686 (2014) (IF = 2.877)
6. Peng Xue, David Chen Loong Yeo, Yon Jin Chuah, Hong Liang Tey, Yuejun Kang*, Chenjie Xu. "Drug-eluting microneedles for self-administered treatment of keloids". Technology, 2, 144-152 (2014) (IF pending)
7. Bo Wu, Lichan Chen, Youju Huang, Yi Ming Zhang, Yuejun Kang, Donghwan Kim. “Multiplexed Biomolecular Detection based on single nanoparticles immobilized on pneumatically controlled Microfluidic Chip”. Plasmonics. 9, 801-807 (2014) (IF = 2.238)
8. Yanmei Jiao, Chun Yang, Yuejun Kang. "Energy conversion from salinity gradients by forward osmosis-electrokinetics". Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 10574-10583 (2014) (IF = 4.772)
9. Jinhong Guo, Honggang Li, Yu Chen, Yuejun Kang*. "A microfluidic impedance cytometer on printed circuit board for low cost diagnosis". IEEE Sensors Journal. 14, 2112-2117 (2014) (IF = 1.762)
10. Yafeng Wu, Peng Xue, Kam M. Hui, Yuejun Kang*. “Electrochemical- and fluorescent- mediated signal amplifications for rapid detection of low-abundance circulating tumor cells on a paper-based microfluidic immunodevice”. ChemElectroChem. 1, 722-727 (2014). (IF pending)
11. Jinhong Guo, Wen Lei, Xing Ma, Peng Xue, Yu Chen, Yuejun Kang*. “Design of A Fluidic Circuit-based Microcytometer for Circulating Tumor Cell Detection and Enumeration”. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems. 8 (1), 35-41 (2014) (IF = 2.482)
12. Peng Xue, Jingnan Bao, Yon Jin Chuah, Nishanth V. Menon, Yilei Zhang, Yuejun Kang*. “Protein covalently conjugated SU-8 surface for the enhancement of mesenchymal stem cell adhesion and proliferation”. Langmuir, 30, 3110-3117 (2014) (IF = 4.457)
13. Peng Xue, Kai Ye, Jie Gao, Yafeng Wu, Jinhong Guo, Kam M. Hui, Yuejun Kang*. “Isolation and Elution of Hep3B Circulating Tumor Cells Using a Dual-functional Herringbone Chip”. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 16, 605-612 (2014) (IF = 2.528)
14. Yafeng Wu, Peng Xue, Kam M. Hui, Yuejun Kang*. "A paper-based microfluidic electrochemical immunodevice integrated with amplification-by-polymerization for the ultrasensitive multiplexed detection of cancer biomarkers". Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 52, 180-187 (2014) (IF = 6.409)
1. Shreyas Kuddannaya, Yon Jin Chuah, Min Hui Adeline Lee, Nishanth V. Menon, Yuejun Kang*, Yilei Zhang. "Surface chemical modification of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) for the enhanced adhesion and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 5, 9777-9784 (2013) (IF = 6.723)
2. Yafeng Wu, Peng Xue, Yuejun Kang*, Kam M. Hui. “Paper-based Microfluidic Electrochemical Immunodevice Integrated with Nanobioprobes onto Graphene Film for Ultrasensitive Multiplexed Detection of Cancer Biomarkers”. Analytical Chemistry, 85, 8661-8668 (2013) (IF = 5.636)
3. Yongling Ban, C.L. Liu, J.L.W. Li, Jinhong Guo, Yuejun Kang. "Small-size coupled-fed antenna with two printed distributed inductors for seven-band WWAN/LTE mobile handset". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 61 (11), 5780-5784 (2013) (IF = 2.181)
4. Jinhong Guo, Tze Sian Pui, Yong-Ling Ban, Abdur Rub Abdur Rahman, Yuejun Kang*. “Electrokinetic Analysis of Cell Translocation in Low-Cost Microfluidic Cytometry for Tumor Cell Detection and Enumeration”. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 60 (12), 3269-3275 (2013) (IF = 2.347)
5. Yafeng Wu, Peng Xue, Yuejun Kang*, Kam M. Hui. “Highly Specific and Ultrasensitive Graphene-enhanced Electrochemical Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells Using Silica Nanoparticles Coated with Dual Antibody-conjugated Quantum Dots”. Analytical Chemistry, 85, 3166-3173 (2013) (IF = 5.636)
6. Jiashu Sun, Yuejun Kang*, Erik M. Boczko, Xingyu Jiang. “A Microfluidic Cell Size/Density Sensor by Resistive Pulse Detection”. Electroanalysis, 25, 1023-1028 (2013) (IF = 2.138)
7. Jinhong Guo, Tze Sian Pui, Abdur Rub Abdur Rahman, Yuejun Kang*. “3D Numerical Simulation of a Coulter Counter Array with Analysis of Electrokinetic Forces”. Electrophoresis, 34, 417-424 (2013) (IF = 3.028)
Ø 專利
2015年:Kim Tiow Ooi, Chun Yang, Teck Neng Wong, Xiaoyang Huang, Marcos, and Yuejun Kang. “Method of Actuating and An Actuator”. US patent 8,562,805 B2 and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) patent WO2005049480.
1. Yanmei Jiao, Yuejun Kang, Chun Yang. "Osmosis and its applications",Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics (2 ed.), Springer (2013).
2. Jinhong Guo, Yuejun Kang. "Amperometric Detection ", Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics(2ed.), Springer (2014)
3. Jinhong Guo, Yuejun Kang ," Capacitance-based microfluidic sensors ", Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics(2ed.), Springer (2014)
4. Jinhong Guo, Nishanth V. Menon, Yuejun Kang. "Optofluidic manipulation of biological molecules "Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics(2ed.), Springer (2014)
5. Nishanth V. Menon, Jinhong Guo, Yuejun Kang. "Optofluidic imaging techniques", Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics (2 ed.), Springer (2013).
6. Nishanth V. Menon, Peng Xue, Yuejun Kang. "Microfluidic Platforms for Human Diseases", Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics (2 ed.), Springer (2013).
7. Peng Xue, Yuejun Kang. “Paper-based sensors and microfluidic chips”, Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics (2 ed.), Springer (2013).
8. Y.J. Chuah, N.V. Menon, Y. Kang. "Cell migration in scaffolds based microfluidic platform", Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics (2 ed.), Springer (2013).
9. Y.J. Chuah, Y. Wu, Z. Yang, E.H. Lee,Y. Kang. "Geometrical, topographical and mechanical cues on stem cell fate in a micro/nano environment", Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics (2 ed.), Springer (2013).
10. Y. Wu, Y. Kang. “Chemical Cytometry”, Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics (2 ed.), Springer. (2013).
11. Y.J. Chuah, H.T. Hee,Y. Kang. “Cellular Mechnotransduction in Microfluidic Systems”, Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics (2 ed.), Springer (2013).
12. Y. Kang and D. Li. "Electrokinetic Motion of Cells and Non-Polarizable Particles" Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer, pp. 517-518 (2008).
13. Y. Kang and D. Li. "Capacitance Method", Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer, pp. 175-176 (2008).
14. C. Yang, Y. Kang, and X. Huang. "Electrokinetic Flow in Porous Media", Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer, pp. 506-516 (2008).


