
康朝貴 武漢大學遙感信息工程學院地理信息工程系教師(聘期制,2015年4月至今);麻省理工學院感知城市實驗室訪問學者(2012年9月-2013年9月);2014年12月獲北京大學理學博士(地圖學與地理信息系統專業);2009年7月獲南京大學理學學士(地理信息科學專業)

2015年4月 - 至今,武漢大學遙感信息工程學院,聘期制教師
2009年9月 - 2014年12月,北京大學遙感與地理信息系統研究所,博士
2012年9月 - 2013年9月,麻省理工學院感知城市實驗室(MIT SENSEable City Lab),訪問學者
2005年9月 - 2009年7月,南京大學地理與海洋科學學院,本科
軌跡計算 | 城市信息學 | 人類移動性分析與建模 | 時空統計
[1] Kang C, Zhang Y, Ma X, Liu Y. 2013. Inferring properties and revealing geographical impacts of intercity mobile communication network of China using a subnet data set. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 27(3):431-448.
[2] Kang C, Ma X, Tong D, Liu Y. 2012. Intra-urban human mobility patterns: An urban morphology perspective. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 391(4):1702-1717.
[3] Kang C, Liu Y, Ma X, Wu L. 2012. Towards estimating urban population distributions from mobile call data. Journal of Urban Technology. 19(4):3-21.
[4] Kang C, Sobolevsky S, Liu Y, Ratti C. 2013. Exploring human movements in Singapore: A comparative analysis based on mobile phone and taxicab usages. In: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGKDD International Workshop on Urban Computing, pp.1-7.
[5] Liu X, Kang C, Gong L, Liu Y. 2015. Incorporating spatial interaction patterns in classifying and understanding urban land use. International Journal of Geographical Information Sciences. doi:10.1080/13658816.2015.1086923.
[6] Liu Y, Kang C, Gao S, Xiao Y, Tian Y. 2012. Understanding intra-urban trip patterns from taxi trajectory data. Journal of Geographical Systems. 14(4):463-483.
[7] Wang Y, Kang C, Bettencourt L, Liu Y, Andris C. 2015. Linked activity spaces: Embedding social networks in urban space. Geotechnologies and the Environment: Computational Approaches for Urban Environments. 13:313-336.
[8] Liu Y, Sui Z, Kang C, Gao Y. 2014. Uncovering patterns of inter-urban trip and spatial interaction from social media check-in data. PloS ONE. 9(1):e86026.
[9] Liu Y, Wang F, Kang C, Gao Y, Lu Y. 2014. Analyzing relatedness by toponym co-occurrences on web pages. Transactions in GIS. 18(1):89–107.
[10] Amini A, Kung K, Kang C, Sobolevsky S, Ratti C. 2014. The impact of social segregation on human mobility in developing and urbanized regions. EPJ Data Science. 3:6.
[11] Kang C, Liu Y, Wu L. 2015. Delineating intra-urban spatial connectivity patterns by travel-activities: A case study of Beijing, China. In: Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Geoinformatics, pp.1-6.
[12] Kang C, Gao S, Lin X, Xiao Y, Yuan Y, Liu Y, Ma X. 2010. Analyzing and geo-visualizing individual human mobility patterns using mobile call records. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics, pp.1-7.
[13] 劉瑜,康朝貴,王法輝. 2014. 大數據驅動的人類移動模式和模型研究. 武漢大學學報(信息科學版). 39(6):660–666.
[14] Liu C, Qin K, Kang C. 2015. Exploring time-dependent traffic congestion patterns from taxi trajectory data. In: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Spatial Data Mining and Geographical Knowledge Services, pp.1-6.


