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  • 中文名:康嵐
  • 畢業院校:北京生命科學研究所 
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 專業方向:幹細胞生物學,發育生物學 






2007年畢業於武漢大學生命科學學院,獲學士學位。2012年畢業於北京協和醫學院北京生命科學研究所,獲博士學位。2012年10月-2018年1月於大連醫科大學擔任教授。2018年2月起任同濟大學生命科學與技術學院教授。2009年首次證明了iPS細胞的完全多能性,在國內外引起廣泛關注,被美國時代雜誌評為2009年世界十大醫學突破之一。獲得多項國家和省級科研基金支持,包括國家自然科學基金委面上項目,優秀青年項目以及遼寧省優秀人才支持計畫項目,此外,以骨幹身份參與了教育部“創新團隊發展計畫”。迄今為止,在本領域知名期刊Cell Stem Cell,Cell Research,Stem Cell Report等期刊上發表多篇論文,累計引用600餘次。 


  1. Wu L, Wu Y, Peng B, Hou Z, Dong Y, Chen K, Guo M, Li H, Chen X, Kou X, Zhao Y, Bi Y, Wang Y, Wang H, Le R, Kang L#, Gao S (2017) Oocyte-Specific Homeobox 1, Obox1, Facilitates Reprogramming by Promoting Mesenchymal-to-Epithelial Transition and Mitigating Cell Hyperproliferation.Stem Cell Reports9(5):1692-1705 (Co-correspondence author)
  2. Li X, Ma C, Zhang L, Li N, Zhang X, He J, He R, Shao M, Wang J, Kang L#, Han C (2017)LncRNAAC132217.4, a KLF8-regulated long non-coding RNA, facilitates oral squamous cell carcinoma metastasis by upregulating IGF2 expression.Cancer Letter407:45-56. (Co-correspondence author)
  3. Qin S, Yang D, Chen K,Li H, Zhang L, Li Y, Le R, Li X, Gao S and Kang L (2017)Pkm2 can enhance pluripotency in ESCs and promote somatic cell reprogramming to iPSCs.Oncotarget8:84276-84284. (Co-correspondence author)
  4. Feng X, Xu X, Xiao X, Zou K, Yu W, Wu J, Tang R, Gao Y, Hao J, Zhao X, Liao Y, Chen Y, Huang W, Guo W, Kang L#, Deng W (2017)NMI inhibits cancer stem cell traits by downregulating hTERT in breast cancer.Cell Death& Disease 8(5):e2783. (Co-correspondence author)
  5. Wang M, Zhang Y, Wang T, Zhang J, Zhou Z, Sun Y, Wang S, Shi Y, Luan X, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Wang Y, Zou Z, Kang L#, Liu H (2015)The USP7 Inhibitor P5091 Induces Cell Death in Ovarian Cancers with Different P53 Status.Cell Physiol Biochem 43(5):1755-1766. (Co-correspondence author)
  6. Hao J, Xu H, Luo M, Yu W, Chen M, Liao Y, Zhang C, Zhao X, Jiang W, Hou S, Feng X, Zou K, Chen Y, Huang W, Guo W, Kang L#, Deng W (2017)The tumor-promoting role of TRIP4 in melanoma progression and its involvement in response to BRAF-targeted therapy.J Invest Dermatol138(1):159-170 (Co-correspondence author)
  7. Kang L#, Wu J, Tao Y, Li H,Liu X,Gao S, Wang Q (2015)Cell Type-Specific Expression Profile and Signaling Requirements in Early Hematopoietic Reprogramming.Stem Cells and Development24(12):1483-92. (Co-correspondence author)
  8. Kang L, Gao S (2012)Pluripotency of induced pluripotent stem cells.J Anim Sci Biotechnol2012 Feb 28;3(1):5
  9. Kang L, Wu T, Tao Y, Yuan Y, He J, Zhang Y, Luo T, Kou Z, Gao S (2011)Viable mice produced from three-factor induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells through tetraploid complementation.Cell Research21(3):546-9.
  10. Kang L, Kou Z, Zhang Y, Gao S (2010)Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)--a new era of reprogramming.Journal of Genetics and Genomics7(7):415-21.
  11. Kou Z*,Kang L*, Yuan Y, Tao Y, Zhang Y, Wu T, He J, Wang J, Liu Z, Gao S (2010)Mice cloned from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).Biology of Reproduction 83(2):238-43. (Co-first author)
  12. Kang L, Wang J, Zhang Y, Kou Z, Gao S (2009)iPS cells can support full term development of tetraploid blastocyst-complemented embryos.Cell Stem Cell5(2):135-138.


