



  • 書名:床頭燈英語學習讀本·3000詞讀遍天下書·第1輯
  • 作者:(英國)D·H·勞倫斯,(法國)司湯達,(美國)瑪格麗特·米切爾
  • 譯者:岳春芳
  • ISBN:9787801833495
  • 頁數:1570頁
  • 出版社:航空工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2004年5月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:32
  • 版次:第1版
  • 正文語種:英語


作者:(英國)D·H·勞倫斯(D.H.Lawrence) (法國)司湯達(Stendhal) (美國)瑪格麗特·米切爾(Margaret Mitchell) 等 譯者:岳春芳 編者:毛榮貴 等 改編:Richard Barton Rebecca Timmons Smith Barney 等


《床頭燈英語學習讀本·3000詞讀遍天下書·第1輯(純英文版)(套裝共10冊)》包括了:《三個火槍手》、《歌劇魅影》、《了不起的蓋茨比》、《飄》、《紅與黑》、《查泰萊夫人的情人》、《傲慢與偏見》、《呼嘯面山莊》、《簡·愛》、《兒子與情人》。本套讀物由美國作家執筆,音頻由Rachel Timmons、John Carey錄製,以3300個最常用的單詞寫成。語言現代、地道、標準。原汁原味,而且通俗易懂。你躺在床上不用翻字典就可以津津有味地學英語。小說里有人,有人的吃、喝、拉、撤、睡,有人的七情六慾,有人與人之間複雜的關係,以及人與自然。與社會的衝突和調和。從語言習得的角度來看,本套讀物實現了使用3300個基本單詞細緻入微地表述和闡釋生活的細節和人們豐富的內心世界的目的。走進一部英文小說,你實際上就生活在一個“英語世界”里。這是解決中國人學英語沒有英語語言環境的最佳途徑。光讀幾本教科書就想學好英語,這個想法不現實。本套讀物精選了國外50部值得你在一生中去讀的文學作品,讀這些作品不但可以掌握英語,而且可以積澱西方文化,提高個人的品位和修養。




Chapter One Leaving Home
Chapter Two The Missing Letter
Chapter Three Meeting Mister Treville
Chapter Four Three Duels
Chapter Five Meeting the King
Chapter Six Mister Bonacieux
Chapter Seven The Duke of Buckingham
Chapter Eight The Man with the Scar
Chapter Nine Making the Trap
Chapter Ten Making a Plan
Chapter Eleven Rush to the Coast
Chapter Twelve London
Chapter Thirteen The Queen's Party
Chapter Fourteen Capture!
Chapter Fifteen The Rescue Plan
Chapter Sixteen The Race to the Convent
Chapter Seventeen The Man in Red
Chapter Eighteen The Trial
Chapter Nineteen The Execution
Chapter Twenty The Cardinal's Messenger
Chapter One The Voice without a Face
Chapter Two The Letters from the Phantom
Chapter Three Christine and the Angel of Music
Chapter Four The Night of Curses
Chapter Five The Phantom's Underground World
Chapter Six The Man behind the Mask
Chapter Seven The Costume Ball
Chapter Eight The Secret Engagement
Chapter Nine Christine's Fear
Chapter Ten The Story of Erik and Christine
Chapter Eleven Christine Missing
Chapter Twelve Meeting the Persian
Chapter Thirteen Erik's Story
Chapter Fourteen Christine's Choice
Chapter Fifteen Erik's Sacrifice
Chapter One Arriving in West Egg
Chapter Two Tom's Other Woman
Chapter Three My Strange Neighbor
Chapter Four Daisy and Gatsby
Chapter Five A Tea Party
Chapter Six The Big Party
Chapter Seven An Afternoon Together
Chapter Eight The Yellow Car
Chapter Nine The Murder
Chapter Ten The Great Gatsby
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter One A Small Town
Chapter Two A Mayor
Chapter Three Care of the Poor
Chapter Four Father and Son
Chapter Five Striking a Bargain
Chapter Six Boredom
Chapter Seven Choices
Chapter Eight Events
Chapter Nine An Evening in the Country
Chapter Ten A Good Heart and a Small Fortune
Chapter Eleven In the Evening
Chapter Twelve A Journey
Chapter Thirteen New Shoes
Chapter Fourteen A Pair of English Scissors
Chapter Fifteen The Call of the Cock
Chapter Sixteen The Day After
Chapter Seventeen First Assistant
Chapter Eighteen A King in Verrieres


