



  • 書名:平面時刻
  • 作者:深圳市藝力文化發展有限公司 
  • ISBN:9787561157657
  • 頁數:303
  • 定價:260.00元
  • 出版社大連理工大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2010-9
  • 副標題:平面設計作品集


《平面時刻:平面設計作品集》內容簡介:Most graphic designers will recall the moment whenthey discovered graphic design. They can remember thatalmost peculiar instant when they decide, with enthusiasmand determination, to become a designer. For some thatmoment comes swiftly. For others it takes years of trial anderror, flirtations with other disciplines before making thatleap at all.
But when that instant strikes, it is hard to ignore. Theimagination is ignited. The gaze widens. The landscapegrows rich in meaning. To the would-be graphic designer,something invariably clicks inside. I was seventeen whenI had this moment. I adored art growing up and foundcomfort in drawing and painting. But my fascination withcommunication, love of beautiful things, curiosity abouttechnology and obsession with words came together andmanifested as graphic design.My father shortly after introduced me to the only graphicdesigner he knew, Henry Steiner, who created iconic pinkand black shopping bags in the 80's for Lane Crawfordamongst numerous other commissions. I secured aninternship at his namesake studio in Hong Kong, and spentmy time pouring through his archive of Print magazines,and learning about the design process. I was intimidatedbut elated, trying to soak up as much as I could duringthe two-week period. One year later I was accepted into adegree program in New York. I found something I believedin, and I was on my way.I am lucky to be a graphic designer. I have loved every partof my journey- from working at a publishing company,to a photographer's studio, to an interactive agency toestablishing Whitespace. Each experience along the waypresented new challenges in design thinking and doing.Style is no more important than substance. Inspirationcan come from the unlikeliest of sources. Typography isvisceral. Relationships are everything. Some of my bestmoments came from making mistakes or working withdifficult parameters, as often the results are better becauseof them. It takes a lot of energy to create resonant messagesand beautiful design. At the end of day, the satisfactioncomes from having someone turn a namecard in theirhands, over and over, because they adore what you'vedone with it.


On Your Mark Design Laboratory
Tadas Karpavicius
Julien Vallee
Chantal Hendriksen
Beau Monroe
Andy Allen
TomTor Studio
Josh Finklea
Alberto Hernandez
Matthias Dunkel
Kimberley Chan
Juan Camilo Rojas
Mike Abbink
Ellen Tongzhou Zhao
Laura Pregger
Jonas Hegi
Juan Ramon Pastor
Trapped in Suburbia
Zoo Studio


