



  • 中文名:平安海洋:中國的海洋法律與海洋權益:英文
  • 作者:張穎、密晨曦
  • 類別:中國政治
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787508529455


  張穎、密晨曦編寫的《平安海洋(中國的海洋法 律與海洋權益)(英文版)》從海洋法的發展歷程、海 洋法的內容、海洋權益的範疇、海洋維權熱點問題等 幾個方面,介紹中國海洋法律發展和維權工作進展情 況。反映了中國為堅決維護海洋權益不受侵犯,同時 保持與海上鄰國的穩定關係和共同發展,中國始終奉 行和平解決海上爭端的基本原則,妥善處理與有關國 家的矛盾,為營造和平穩定的地區環境做出積極貢獻 。


The Oldest Creature“Methuselah Worms”——The origin of China’s Marine Legal System
 The“Moniang(Silent Girl)”in 1000 AD
 0verseas Trade Vessel Management 0fficials and A0一Jia
 and Chuan—Jia Systems
 Ban on Maritime Activities during the Yuan,Ming
 and Qing Dynasties:“No Ships Are Allowed at Sea”
 Origin of Modern Law of the Sea:
 the Draft of Commercial Law of the Qing Dynasty,
 the Fisheries Law and the“0rder of Three Sea
 Miles regarding Territorial Waters”
 Marine Legal System after the the Founding of the People’s
 Republic of China in 1 949
The Chinese Boxes——Chjna’s Marine Legal System within the Framework of InternationaI Law of the Sea
 From“Res communes”to“Res nullius”
 and then to“Territorial Sea”
 China in the Thirdvi,0rld.
 and Three United Nations Conferences on the Law of the Sea
 China’s Voice and Stand in UNCLOS
The Five-star Red Flag Flying at the Sea——China’s Maritime Rights and Position
 Internal Waters,Territorial Sea,Contiguous Zone
 and Innocent Passage
 The 200-nautical-mile Exclusive Economic Zone
 and the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical Miles
 Maritime Rights and Interests within the Waters under Jurisdiction
 Sovereignty over the Internal Waters and Territorial Sea,
 and Control over the Contiguous Zone
 Sovereign Rights and Jurisdiction over the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf“Historic”Rights
 Maritime Rights and Interests over Waters beyond
 National Jurisdiction
 Main Disputes on Marine Rights
 and Interests with Surrounding Countries
 Marine Delimitation
 Marine Resources
 Marine Security
Laws of“Blue Economy”——ReVOlutiOn to Disorderly.Excessive and Gratuitous Use of the Sea
 “Ding”,the Model of the Fuding City
 Law of the People’s Republic of China on
 the Administration of Sea Areas
The Will of 1.3 Billion People——PreventiOn&Treatment Of Marine Pollution Nationwide
 “Unified Supervision and Control,
 and Assignment of Responsibility to Different Departments”
 Key Supervision and Control Functions Exercised by the State
 Prevention and Control System for Pollution of Land—sourced Pollutants to the Sea
 Prevention and Control System for Pollution of Coastal
 and Marine Construction Projects to the Sea
 Prevention and Control System for Pollutionof Waste Dumping to the Sea
 Construction of Blue Ecological Barrier along the Coastline
Blus Ribbon around the lslands——Laws Protecting Thousands of Islands
 Blue Ribbon Ocean Conservation Society
 Special Economic and Social Development Zone
 Establishing Ownership of Uninhabited Islands
 Clarifying Articles on Ecological Protection
 and Utilization of Islands
 Strict Limitations on Buildings
 and Facilities Construction on Islands
 Prohibition of All Topography
 and Landform Change Activities in Territorial Sea Protection
 Island Management System
Neighborhood Disputes——Pending Marine Disputes between China and Neighboring Countries
 The Diaoyu Islands:Key Variables to Affect Sino—Japanese
 Relations and Stability of the East China Sea
 The South China Sea:the Complex and Profound Situation
 The South China Sea Arbitration
Embracing the World
 ——China’s Peace.Development and Win—win Principles on Marine Development
 China’s Disapproval with the Theory
 of“Big Powers always Seek Hegemony”
 Dialogue:Solve the Land Border Issues Left
 in History with 1 2 Neighboring Countries
 Peace:Appreciate and Actively Participate in Bilateral
 and Multilateral Negotiations
 Common Prosperity:Value Achieved Success
 and Continue the Efforts
 Foster Amicable Relationships
 and Partnerships with Neighboring Countries
Voyage led by Truth ——China’s Self-improvement in Ocean Development and Protection
 A big Marine Power Complying with the International Law
 Provide More Complete Safety Information for People‘at Sea
 Announce to the World China’s Stand for its Marine Power
 Maritime Surveillance Department to Become
 the Most Powerful Law Enforcement Force
 A Bluer Ocean is a Major Option for the Future of China
 China’s “Great Ocean”Pattern
 Chinese Dragon‘S “DT”Thinking Mode in a Tangled Era


