



  • 中文名:常春藤英語七級·一
  • 作者:聶成軍、陳秀輝
  • ISBN:9787300195568
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年07月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


《常春藤英語 七級·一》是按照《普通高中英語課程標準》七級要求編寫的,適合高二年級學生閱讀。本冊作者精選了廣為流傳的動人故事、耳熟能詳的名人軼事、驚險刺激的探險旅程、不同民族的禮儀傳統、奇妙有趣的動物世界、令人著迷的科學話題,以及引人深思的哲學探蘭妹鴉諒討。希望讀者能從經典的研讀中了解世界的多姿多彩,在了解世界的過程中品味英文的無限魅力。




1.Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
2.My Mother’s Grave
3.A Quick Race
4.That Dog of Mine
5.He Led a Useful Life
6.The Difference a Teacher Can Make
7.Death of a Gull
8.Elsa Kills a Buffalo
9.The Whistle Language of La Gomera
10.Rescue Under the Sea
11.School’s Out
12.A Miracle at Christmas
13.Anecdotes of Birds
14.The First Biologist
15.The Dragon That Did Not Die
16.Marlin Perkins’ World
17.Numbers on the Brain
18.Signals from Space
19.The Warning Shot
20.The Two-year Apple
21.Manners Here, Manners There
22.Lost over the Atlantic
23.Safeguarding Life
24.The Rainbow Pilgrimage
25.Insect Life in Winter
26.Brandywine Ford (1)
27.Brandywine Ford (2)
28.Swiss Watch School (1)
29.Swiss Watch School (2)
30.Making Tracks
32.The Great Migrator
33.School and Sports in Ancient Greece
34.The World of the Wanderer
35.The Scientist and the Sensitive Snake
36.Sounds Versus Symbols
37.Telltale Trees
38.Why Are You Laughing?
39.Conversation with a Chimpanzee
40.A Full-time School Called Life
41.Born to Win
42.Why Study Math?
43.Cleaner Ways of Travel
44.Success Stems from the Positive Habits
45.Co-operate with the Inevitable
46.The Black Man in the Picture
47.Superstitious? Here’s Why!
48.In Search of Silence
49.Sleepwalking—Fact or Fancy?
50.Bittersweet Companions
51.Twins, Genes, and Environment
52.Needed: An International Language
53.The Bright Side of Pessimism
54.The Struggle for Wisdom (1)
55.The Struggle for Wisdom (2)
24.The Rainbow Pilgrimage
25.Insect Life in Winter
26.Brandywine Ford (1)
27.Brandywine Ford (2)
28.Swiss Watch School (1)
29.Swiss Watch School (2)
30.Making Tracks
32.The Great Migrator
33.School and Sports in Ancient Greece
34.The World of the Wanderer
35.The Scientist and the Sensitive Snake
36.Sounds Versus Symbols
37.Telltale Trees
38.Why Are You Laughing?
39.Conversation with a Chimpanzee
40.A Full-time School Called Life
41.Born to Win
42.Why Study Math?
43.Cleaner Ways of Travel
44.Success Stems from the Positive Habits
45.Co-operate with the Inevitable
46.The Black Man in the Picture
47.Superstitious? Here’s Why!
48.In Search of Silence
49.Sleepwalking—Fact or Fancy?
50.Bittersweet Companions
51.Twins, Genes, and Environment
52.Needed: An International Language
53.The Bright Side of Pessimism
54.The Struggle for Wisdom (1)
55.The Struggle for Wisdom (2)


