- 中文名:帕托加
- 外文名:Палтога
- 地理位置:俄羅斯沃格格達州維捷格拉區
- 行政級別:村莊
- 時區:UTC+3
- 面積:4км2
- 經緯度位置:東經36°09′00″北緯61°00′37″
The village is formed on 27 June 2001 in the merger of the villages Akulovo, Aristovo, Vasjukova, Kazakova, Korobeinikova Kuznetsova, Paltogsky transported Ruhtinovo, Semenov, Sukharevo, Tronin, Ugolschina, Tchebakova and Yashkov. From the former village Kazakovo Paltoga "inherited" the status of the center of the village council and the code OKATO .
Located on the R37 highway. The distance by road to the district center Vytegra - 17 km. The nearest town - Ezhiny (6 km), Kyurshevo (4 km) and New (6 km).
In the settlement acts Paltogskaya mainstream schools; a library, a cultural center, a post office and two shops. On the territory Paltoga are two Orthodox churches: Church of the Epiphany (1733 built) and the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Sign (1810 built). Wooden Epiphany Church was restored in the beginning of the 1990s., but necessary work has not been finished; this led to the collapse of the church January 27, 2009.