

《希望之星培訓教程(高中大學版)》為《“希望之星”英語風采大賽培訓教程》分冊。《“希望之星”英語風采大賽培訓教程》是中央電視台和外語教學與研究出版社合作開發的第一套專門針對“希望之星”英語風采大賽的培訓教程,由外研社獨家出版! 本系列叢書分為兩本:國小國中版和高中大學版,其特色為: 大賽環節,逐個擊破 題型多變,豐富教學; 視頻薈萃,精彩紛呈; 現場點評,指點迷津; 實戰模擬,保駕護航; 思維拓展,靈活套用。


  • 書名:希望之星培訓教程
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 頁數:153頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:99.00
  • 作者:滕繼萌
  • 出版日期:2008年12月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787560080734, 7560080731
  • 品牌:外語教學與研究出版社







第一章 賽前準備
第一節 如何培養並獲得語感
第二節 如何記憶單詞

第二章 語言類試題
第一節 公共演講藝術

第二節 辯論與討論
第三節 文字遊戲、繞口令及“故事接龍”

第三章 感官類試題
第一節 圖片題
第二節 聽力題
第三節 錄像題
第四節 實物題

第四章 表演類試題
第一節 電影配音、唱歌、健美操等
第二節 情景表演

第五章 體驗類試題
第六章 文化學識與筆試準備
第一節 英語國家文化常識
第二節 筆試準備

第七章 參賽禮儀及技巧
第一節 賽場禮儀
第二節 演講禮儀
第三節 表演技巧
第四節 演出及化妝
第五節 大賽評審的觀察與思考


An introduction
Much of what you read in this chapter, and others to follow, will be contrary to whatyou have been taught about public speaking. Good——because, the title of this chapternotwithstanding, there is very little "science" in the art of persuasion. But there is a whole lotof "art", which indicates creativity, and creativity has no bounds, only some guidelines of whathas worked well before and might work well again if creativity——originality, if you will——iswhat you seek. And that should be exactly what you seek if you want to win speech contests.
Almost all forms of speech are persuasion. When you speak, almost always you wantsomeone to do something, think something, believe something, like or dislike something.You are expressing a wish, a desire, a warning, a belief, a fear, or simply the need to explainsomething you have seen, felt, heard or thought to someone else; and you want people tobelieve you. It might be you wanting your parents to buy you a video game; it might be youwanting your friends to believe that you really did see a blue cat with six legs; it might beyou wanting a whole nation to believe your course of action is the right one.
More directly to the point, it might be you wanting a panel of judges to believe yourspeech is persuasive enough to give you a mark of 9.3 rather than an 8.3. And that is noteasily done——unless you believe in what you are saying. And even then it is not easily done;but, it is the starting point and ending point, if persuasion is your goal. And it must be. In thespeech-making business, as in all highly competitive endeavors, there is but one dictum, and I coined it a long time ago, it is: Be good or be gone.


