布莉姬·簡·芳達(英語:Bridget Jane Fonda),1964年1月27日出生於加州洛杉磯,美國女演員。代表作品有《逍遙騎士)》、《醜聞女神》等。
- 中文名:布莉姬·芳達
- 外文名:Bridget Jane Fonda
- 國籍:美國
- 出生地:加州洛杉磯
- 出生日期:1964年1月27日
- 職業:演員
- 畢業院校:紐約大學
- 代表作品:《kiss of the dragon》



- 1990 - 金球獎最佳女配角提名-Scandal
- 1997 - Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie-In the Gloaming
- 2002 - Best Performance by an Actress in a Mini-Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television for After Amy
- Easy Rider(逍遙騎士)(1969)
- Partners(1982)
- Aria(華麗的詠嘆)(1987)
- You Can't Hurry Love(1988)
- Light Years(1988) (voice in English version)
- Scandal (1989film)(醜聞女神) (1989)
- Shag(來電的感覺)(1989)
- Strapless(無肩帶)(1989)
- Roger Corman's Frankenstein Unbound(再闖魔域)(1990)
- The Godfather Part III(教父3)(1990)
- Drop Dead Fred(搗蛋鬼弗瑞德)(1991)
- Out of the Rain(1991)
- Doc Hollywood(好萊塢醫生)(1991)
- Iron Maze(鐵迷宮)(1991)
- Leather Jackets(影子玫瑰)(1992)
- Single White Female(雙面女郎)(1992)
- Singles (1992 film)(單身貴族)(1992)
- Army of Darkness(魔誡英豪)(1992)
- Bodies, Rest & Motion(烈火青春) (1993)
- Point of No Return(雙面女蠍星) (1993) AKA. (outside the US.) The Assassin
- Little Buddha(小活佛) (1993)
- It Could Happen to You(愛在紐約) (1994)
- The Road to Wellville(窈窕男女) (1994)
- Camilla(情伴我心)(1994)
- Rough Magic(怪誕奇緣)(1995)
- Balto(雪地靈犬)(1995) (voice of Jenna)
- City Hall(檔案風暴)(1996)
- Grace of My Heart(芳心之歌)(1996)
- Touch(初戀無限)(1997)
- Mr. Jealousy(嫉妒先生) (1997)
- Jackie Brown(危險關係)(1997)
- The Break Up(謊言與枷鎖)(1998)
- A Simple Plan(絕地計畫)(1998)
- Finding Graceland(再現英雄傳奇)(1998)
- Lake Placid(史前巨鱷)(1999)
- South of Heaven, West of Hell(2000)
- Delivering Milo(風雲人生)(2001)
- Monkeybone(碰碰猴)(2001)
- Kiss of the Dragon(龍之吻)(2001)
- The Whole Shebang(2001)
- No Ordinary Baby(複製人寶寶)(2001)
- Snow Queen (film)(白雪皇后)(2002)