- 作者:巴金
- ISBN:9787119033273
- 頁數:330
- 定價:68.00元
- 出版社:外文出版社
- 出版時間:2005-9
- 裝幀:簡裝本
《巴金文集:第4卷(英文版)》內容簡介:"The baby was originally given to your sister-in-law. Thinkingshe might not treat him properly, I am giving him to you."This was what Mother had been told by the goddess of childbearing in her dream. She often recounted to we brothers and sisters (and sometimes my nanny too) that strange dream of hers while doing her sewing in her south-facing room after midday on a fine day.
作者: 巴金著
出版社: 外文出版社
ISBN: 9787119033273
出版時間: 2005-09-01
版次: 1
頁數: 330
裝幀: 精裝
開本: 28開
印刷時間: 2009-05-01
紙張: 膠版紙
印次: 1
正文語種: 英文
所屬分類 圖書>文學>作品集