



  • 中文名:巴志超
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:山東濱州
  • 畢業院校:武漢大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:信息資源管理、數據科學
  • 學術代表作:城市尺度下知識網路的空間結構及演變 
  • 任職院校:南京大學






[1] Zhichao Ba, Yuxiang (Chris) Zhao*, Shijie Song, Qinghua Zhu. Does the involvement of charities matter? Exploring the impact of charities’ reputation and social capital on medical crowdfunding performance. Information Processing &Management, 2022, 59(3), 102942.
[2] Zhichao Ba, Yaxue Ma*, Jinyao Cai, Gang Li. A citation-based research framework for exploring policy diffusion: Evidence fromChina’s new energy policies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change,2023, 188, 122273.
[3] Zhichao Ba, Yuxiang (Chris) Zhao*, Liqin Zhou*, Shijie Song. Exploring the donation allocation of online charitable crowdfunding based on topical and spatial analysis: Evidence from the Tencent GongYi. Information Processing &Management, 2020, 57(6), 102322.
[4] Zhichao Ba, Yuxiang (Chris) Zhao*, Shijie Song, Qinghua Zhu. Understanding the determinants of online medical crowdfunding project success in China.Information Processing & Management, 2021, 58(2), 102465.
[5] Zhichao Ba, Yujie Cao*, Jin Mao, Gang Li. A hierarchical approach to analyzing knowledge integration between two fields--a case study on medical informatics and computer science. Scientometrics, 2019, 119(3), 1455-1486.
[6] Zhichao Ba, Zhentao Liang*. A novel approach to measuring science-technology linkage: From the perspective of knowledge network coupling.Journal of Informetrics, 2021,15(3), 101167.
[7] Zhichao Ba, Jin Mao, Yaxue Ma*, Zhentao Liang. Exploring the impact of city-level collaboration and knowledge networks on innovation: Evidence from energy conservation field.Journal of Informetrics, 2021, 15(3), 101198.
[8] Zhichao Ba, Yao Tang*, Xuetai Liu, Yikun Xia. Tracing policy diffusion: Identifying main paths in policy citation networks. Journal of Information Science, 2023, doi:10.1177/01655515231189660.
[9] Zhichao Ba,Yuxiang Zhao, Xuetai Liu*, Gang Li. Spatio-temporal dynamics and determinants of new energy policy diffusion in China: A policy citation approach. Journal of CleanerProduction, 2022, 376, 134270.
[10] Zhentao Liang, Zhichao Ba*, Jin Mao, Gang Li. Research complexity increases with scientists’ academic age: Evidence from library and information science. Journal ofInformetrics, 2023, 17(1), 101375.
[11] Kai Meng, Zhichao Ba*, Yaxue Ma, Gang Li. A network coupling approach to detecting hierarchical linkages between science and technology. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2023, 1-21.
[12] Yaxue Ma, Zhichao Ba*, Haiping Zhao, Jianjun Sun. How to configure intellectual capital of research teams for triggering scientific breakthroughs: An fsQCA approach. Journal ofInformetrics, 2023, 17(4), 101459.
[13] ZhichaoBa, Kai Meng*, Yaxue Ma, Yikun Xia. Discovering technological opportunities by identifying dynamic structure-coupling patterns and lead-lag distance between science and technology, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2024, 200, 123147.
[14] Liqin Zhou, Zhichao Ba*, Hao Fan, Bin Zhang. Research on the SemanticMeasurement in Co-word Analysis. In: Chowdhury G., McLeod J., Gillet V., Willett P. (Eds). Transforming Digital Worlds. iConference 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 10766.Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
[15] YaxueMa, Zhichao Ba*, Gang Li.Understanding the dynamic process and determinants of scientific papers’ diffusion on social media. Diversity, Divergence, Dialogue. iConference 2021.
[16] KaiMeng, Zhichao Ba*, Leilei Liu. Ascience-technology linkage detection method based on network portrait projection. iConference 2023.
[17]李綱, 巴志超*. 共詞分析過程中的若干問題研究[J]. 中國圖書館學報, 2017, 43(4): 93-113.
[18] 李綱, 巴志超*. 科研團隊中知識粘滯的影響因素研究[J]. 中國圖書館學報, 2017, 43(1): 89-106.
[19] 巴志超, 李綱, 朱世偉. 科研合作網路的知識擴散機理研究[J]. 中國圖書館學報, 2016, 42(5): 68-84.
[20] 巴志超, 劉學太, 馬亞雪, 李綱. 國家安全大數據綜合信息集成戰略思考與路徑選擇[J]. 情報學報, 2021, 40(11): 1139-1149.
[21] 巴志超, 李綱, 朱世偉. 共現分析中的關鍵字選擇與語義度量方法研究[J].情報學報, 2016, 35(2): 197-207.
[22] 巴志超, 李綱, 朱世偉. 基於知識超網路的科研合作行為實證研究和建模[J]. 情報學報, 2016, 35(6): 630-639.
[23] 巴志超, 李綱, 毛進, 徐健. 微信群內部信息交流的網路結構、行為及其演化分析—基於會話分析視角[J]. 情報學報, 2018, 37(10): 1009-1021.
[24] 巴志超, 李綱, 周利琴, 毛進. 數據科學及其對情報學變革的影響[J]. 情報學報, 2018, 37(7): 653-667.
[25] 李綱, 巴志超*. 科研合作超網路下的知識擴散演化模型研究[J]. 情報學報, 2017, 36(3): 274-284.
[26] 孫建軍,巴志超*, 夏義堃.數據要素市場體系建構與價值實現路徑探索[J]. 情報學報, 2023.
[27] 馬亞雪,巴志超*,曹禎庭,孫建軍.科學-技術關聯對高技術產業創新績效的影響研究—對外技術依存度的調節作用[J]. 情報學報, 2023.
[28] 巴志超, 李綱, 安璐, 毛進. 國家安全大數據綜合信息集成:套用架構與實現路徑[J]. 中國軟科學, 2018, (7):9-20.


[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目“科學–技術耦合視角下新興產業領域科技共生演化與協同創新機制研究”,主持,在研
[2] 國家社會科學基金重大項目“基於數智融合的信息分析方法創新與套用研究”,子課題負責人,在研
[3] 國家社會科學基金重大項目“情報學視角下的科技安全領域國家競爭研究”,子課題負責人,在研
[4] 國家自然科學基金青年項目“知識網路耦合視角下科學–技術關聯探測及其套用研究”,主持,在研
[5] 江蘇省社會科學基金青年項目“科學–技術耦合視角下前沿科技互動模式與協同創新路徑研究”,主持,在研
[6] 江蘇省高層次創新創業人才引進計畫項目“城市尺度下創新合作網路與知識網路互動機制與協同創新績效”,主持,已結項
[7] 國家自然科學基金重大項目“國家安全大數據綜合信息集成與分析方法”,項目主要參與人,已結項
[8] 國家重點研發計畫項目“長江中游城市群綜合科技服務平台研發與套用示範”,項目主要參與人,已結項


