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  • 中文名:左銳
  • 畢業院校:北京師範大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:地下水科學與工程
  • 職務:博士生導師
  • 任職院校:北京師範大學
  • 職稱:教授級高級工程師
  • 性別:男





2021.12-至今 北京師範大學珠海校區科研辦公室 主任
2019.7-至今 水科學研究院 教授級高工
2018.6-至今 北京師範大學科研院科技處 副處長
2017.4-至今 地下水污染控制與修復教育部工程研究中心 執行主任
2016.11-2018.11水科學研究院 院長助理
2014.9-2019.7水科學研究院 高級工程師、博士生導師
2016.3-2018.4水科學研究院地下水科學與工程系 系主任
2012.11- 2016.11水科學研究院地下水科學與工程系 黨支部書記
2010.9-2014.8水科學研究院 工程師、碩士生導師





5. 地下水位恢復對氨氮組分浸出的水質疊加效應,國家自然科學基金重點項目課題4,41831283,2019.1-2023.12,主持
7.北京平原區地下水最佳化模型建設,北京市地質環境監測站, 2020.5-2020.12,主持
9.飽和孔隙介質中膠體對Sr 形態及遷移的作用機制研究,國家自然科學基金青年項目,41402211,2014.1-2016.12,主持


1. Rui Zuo, Zhenkun Xue, Jinsheng Wang, et al., 2022, Spatiotemporalvariations of redox conditions and microbial responses in a typical river bankfiltration system with high Fe2+ and Mn2+ contents, Journal of Hydrology, 609,127777
2. Rui Zuo, Jian Shi, Kexue Han, et al., 2022, Response relationship ofenvironmental factors caused by toluene concentration during leaching ofcapillary zone, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022-5-20
3. JieYang, Yunlong Wang, Xiaohui Gao, Rui Zuo*, et al., 2022, Vanadium: AReview of Different Extraction Methods to Evaluate Bioavailability andSpeciation, Minerals 2022, 12, 642
4. JianLi, Ying Xu, Yuhao Jiang, NaLi, Zhanjie Li, Dongdong Kong, Xueru Guo, JunboZhang, Rui Zuo*, 2022, Nongenomic effects and mechanistic study of butylbenzyl phthalate-induced thyroid disruption: Based on integrated in vitro, insilico assays and proteome analysis, Science of the Total Environment, 836, 155715
5. Rui Zuo, Kexue Han, Donghui Xu, et al., 2022, Response of environmentalfactors to the natural attenuation process of toluene in reverse migration fromthe aquifer to the vadose zone, Journal of Environmental Management, 302,113968
6. Rui Zuo, Minghao Pan, Jian Li, et al., 2021, Biogeochemicaltransformation processes of iron, manganese, ammonium under coexistingconditions in groundwater based on experimental data, Journal of Hydrology,603,127120
7. Rui Zuo, Xin Liu*, Qianru Zhang*, et al., 2021, Adsorption and migration of sulfonamide antibioticsin the unsaturated zone in a groundwater resource area, Ecological Engineering, 162: 106175
8. Zhukun He, RuiZuo*, Dan Zhang, etal., 2021, A Least squares method for identification ofunknown groundwater pollution source, Hydrology Research, 52(2):450-460
9. Kexue Han, RuiZuo*, Pengcheng Ni, Zhenkun Xue, Donghui Xu, Jinsheng Wang, Dan Zhang, 2020,Application of a genetic algorithm to groundwater pollution sourceidentification, Journal of Hydrology, 589, 125343
10. Donghui Xu, RuiZuo*, Kexue Han, Fei Ding, Shuhe Jin, Xiao Zhao, Rongtao Shi, Jinsheng Wang , 2020, Sorption of Sr in granite undertypical colloidal action, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 233, 103659
11. Li Meng, RuiZuo*, Jin-sheng Wang, QiaoLi, Can Du, Xin Liu, Minhua Chen, 2021, Response of the redox species andindigenous microbial community to seasonal groundwater fluctuation from atypical riverbank filtration site in Northeast China, Ecological Engineering, 159,106099
12. Can Du, RuiZuo*, Minhua Chen, Jinsheng Wang, Xin Liu, Li Liu, Yuanhui Lin, 2020,Influence of colloidal Fe(OH)3 on the adsorption characteristics of strontiumin porous media from a candidate high-level radioactive waste geologicaldisposal site, Environmental Pollution, 260, 113997
13. Li Meng, RuiZuo*, Mark L. Brusseau, Jin-sheng Wang, Xin Liu, Can Du, Yuanzheng Zhai,Yanguo Teng, 2020, Groundwater pollution containing ammonium, iron, andmanganese in a riverbank filtration system: Effects of dynamic geochemicalconditions and microbial responses, HydrologicalProcesses, 34: 4175-4189
14. Li Meng, RuiZuo*, Jin-sheng Wang, Jie Yang, Qiao Li, Minhua Chen, 2020, The spatialvariations of correlation between microbial diversity and groundwater qualityderived from a riverbank filtration site, northeast China, Science of the TotalEnvironment,706, 135855
15. Dong-Xu Liu, RuiZuo*, Andrey P Jivkov, Jin-Sheng Wang, Li-Tang Hu, Liu-Xing Huang. 2019,Effect of colloids on non-Fickian transport of strontium in sedimentselucidated by continuous-time random walk analysis, Environmental Pollution,252, 1491-1499
16. Rui Zuo, Minhua Chen, Yuanhui Lin, Jie Yang, Shuhe Jin,Weifeng Yue, Jinsheng Wang, Yanguo Teng*, 2019, Effect of a humic acid colloidon the sorption behavior of Sr onto porous media in a candidate high-levelradioactive waste geological disposal site, Environmental Science and PollutionResearch, 26(24): 25235-25246
17. Xueru Guo, Rui Zuo*, Jinsheng Wang, Li Meng,Yanguo Teng, Rongtao Shi, Xiang Gao, Fei Ding, 2018. Hydrogeochemical Evolutionof Interaction Between Surface Water and Groundwater Affected by Exploitation,Groundwater, 430-442.
18. Rui Zuo*, Shuhe Jin, Minhua Chen, Xin Guan, Jinsheng Wang,Yuanzheng Zhai, Yanguo Teng, Xueru Guo, 2018. In-situ study of migration andtransformation of nitrogen in groundwater based on continuous observations at acontaminated desert site, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 211, 39-48.
19. Li Meng, Rui Zuo*, Jin-sheng Wang, Jie Yang,Yan-guo Teng, Rong-tao Shi, Yuan-zheng Zhai, 2018. Apportionment and evolutionprocess of pollution sources using PCA-APCS-MLR model in a typical riversidegroundwater resource area, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 218, 70-83.Xueru Guo, RuiZuo*, Li Meng, Jinsheng Wang, Yanguo Teng, Xin Liu, Minhua Chen, 2018,Seasonal and spatial variability of anthropogenic and natural factorsinfluencing groundwater quality based on source apportionment. InternationalJournal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(2), 279-293.


2.左銳,王金生,滕彥國,地下水型飲用水水源地保護與管理 ——以吳忠金積水源地為例,地質出版社, 2015
3.滕彥國,左銳,蘇小四,區域地下水環境風險評價技術,中國環境出版社, 2015


[1]吉林省科學技術獎二等獎,不同尺度地下水環境風險辨識與管理關鍵技術及套用,3/10,吉林省科學 技術獎勵委員會,2018
[6]優秀輔導員,北京師範大學, 2011等


