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  • 中文名:左娟
  • 畢業院校:比利時魯汶大學


2004—2008 貴州大學 學士
2008—2011 西南大學 碩士
2012—2016 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹自由大學 博士
2016—2017 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹自由大學、烏特勒支大學 博士後
2017—2018 比利時魯汶大學 博士後
2019—中國科學院武漢植物園 青年研究員





中法合作徐光啟項目:“XAVI” (Incorporating Xylological and Anatomical of Vegetation Identities for understanding tree strategies in tropical forests), 2019年,參與者;
法國農業科學院科研項目: “Opus VI”(Optimizing the use of Vegetation for a multifunctional transporting Infrastructure), 2018年-2020年,參與者;
比利時聯邦科學政策中心(BELSPO)-國際青年科研人員項目:Tree diversity effects on soil-related ecosystem functions along a climate gradient(No. 161220),2017年-2018年,項目負責人,已結題。


(1) Zuo J., Berg M.P., van Hal J., van Logtestijn R.S.P., Goudzwaard L., Hefting M.M., Poorter L., Sterck F.J., Cornelissen J.H.C. (2020) Fauna community convergence during decomposition of deadwood across tree species and forests. Ecosystems, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-020-00558-9.
(2) Chang C., van Logtestijn R.S.P., Goudzwaard L., van Hal J., Zuo J., Hefting M.M., Sass-Klaassen U., Yang S., Sterck F.J., Poorter L., Cornelissen J.H.C. (2020) Methodology matters for comparing coarse wood and bark decay rates across tree species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11, 828-838.
(3) Tao J.P., Zuo J., He Z., Wang Y.P., Liu J.C., Liu W.D., Cornelissen J.H.C. (2019) Traits including leaf dry matter content and leaf pH dominate over forest soil pH as drivers of litter decomposition among 60 species. Functional Ecology, 33, 1798-1810.
(4) Andringa J.I., Zuo J., Berg M.P., Klein R., van't Veer J., de Geus R., de Beaumont M., Goudzwaard L., van Hal J., Broekman R., van Logtestijn R.S.P., Li Y.K., Fujii S., Lammers M., Hefting M.M., Sass-Klaassend U., Cornelissen J.H.C. (2019) Combining tree species and decay stages to increase invertebrate diversity in dead wood. Forest Ecology and Management, 441, 80-88.
(5) Zuo J., Hefting M.M., Berg M.P., van Logtestijn R.S.P., van Hal J., Liu J.C., Sass-Klaassen U., Cornelissen J.H.C. (2018) Is there a tree economics spectrum of decomposability? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 119, 135-142.
(6) Zuo J., Berg M.P., Klein R., Nusselder J., Neurink G., Decker O., Hefting M.M., Sass-Klaassen U., van Logtestijn R.S.P., Goudzwaard L., van Hal J., Sterck F.J., Poorter L., Cornelissen J.H.C. (2016) Faunal community consequence of interspecific bark trait dissimilarity in early-stage decomposing logs. Functional Ecology, 30, 957-1966.
(7) Zuo J., Cornelissen J.H.C., Hefting M.M., Sass-Klaassen U., van Logtestijn R.S.P., van Hal J., Goudzwaard L., Liu J.C., Berg M.P. (2016)The (w)hole story: facilitation of dead wood fauna by bark beetles? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 95, 70-77.
(8) Zuo J., Fonck M., van Hal J., Cornelissen J.H.C., Berg M.P. (2014) Diversity of macro-detritivores in dead wood is influenced by tree species, decay stage and environment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 78, 288-297.
(9) Cornelissen J.H.C., Sass-Klaassen U., Poorter L., van Geffen K., van Logtestijn R.S.P., van Hal J., Goudzwaard L., Sterck F.J., Klaassen R.K.W.M., Freschet G.T., van der Wal A., Eshuis H., Zuo J., de Boer W., Lamers T., Weemstra M., Cretin V., Martin R., den Ouden J., Berg M.P., Aerts R., Mohren G.M.J., Hefting M.M. (2012) Controls on Coarse Wood Decay in Temperate Tree Species: Birth of the LOGLIFE Experiment. Ambio, 41, 231-245.


