



  • 書名:工商管理碩士英語視聽說教程
  • 作者:常青、楊春艷、劉曉丹 
  • ISBN:9787560338729
  • 頁數:180
  • 定價:28.00元
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2013-1




Unit 1 Training and Seminar
Part Ⅰ Watching and Listening
Activity 1 : Studying Abroad
Activity 2: Conference and Training Inquires
Activity 3 : Decision Making
Part Ⅱ Communication and Discussion
Task 1 : Overseas Study
Task 2: Preparation for a Seminar
Task 3: Training Methods
Part Ⅲ Situational Conversations
Situation 1 : Workshop
Situation 2: Giving a Presentation
Part Ⅳ Presentation Skills
Part Ⅴ Culture Notes
Western Festivals
Unit 2 Business and Traveling
Part Ⅰ Watching and Listening
Activity 1 : Travel Arrangements
Activity 2: China's High Speed Rail
Activity 3 : Having a Reservation
Part Ⅱ Communication and Discussion
Task 1 : Preparing for a Business Trip
Task 2: Unforgettable Business Trips
Task 3 : Cutting down Stress of Business Trips
Part Ⅲ Situational Conversations
Situation 1: Farewell Dinner
Situation 2: Business Trip Abroad
Part Ⅳ Presentation Skills
Part Ⅴ Culture Notes
A Safe Trip Abroad
Unit 3 Advertising and Marketing
Part Ⅰ Watching and Listening
Activity 1 : Ad of Canon
Activity 2 : Value of Advertising
Activity 3: Marketing Strategy
Part Ⅱ Communication and Discussion
Task 1 : The Influence of Advertisement
Task 2 : Advantages and Disadvantages of Ads
Task 3 : Marketing Campaign
Part Ⅲ Situational Conversations
Situation 1 : False Advertising
Situation 2 : Achievement Reviews
Part Ⅳ Presentation Skills
Structure of Oral Presentation
Part Ⅴ Culture Notes
Western Traditions and Taboos
Unit 4 Males and Females
Part Ⅰ Watching and Listening
Activity 1 : Changing Roles of Males and Females
Activity 2: A Call to Men
Activity 3 : Women's Ability to See More Colors
Part Ⅱ Communication and Discussion
Task 1 : Men's Fantasy
Task 2 : Attractiveness of Women to Men
Task 3: Gender Differences
Part Ⅲ Situational Conversations
Situation 1 : Talking about Husbands
Situation 2: Creating Ideas
Part Ⅳ Presentation Skills
Questions & Response to Questions
Part Ⅴ Culture Notes
The Western Astrology and Chinese Zodiac
Unit 5 Social Media and Technology
Part Ⅰ Watching and Listening
Activity 1 : The Future of Customer Experience
Activity 2: Reading in the Internet Age
Activity 3 : iPad
Part Ⅱ Communication and Discussion
Task 1 : Media Formats
Task 2: Paper Books and E-books
Task 3: Media Literacy
Part Ⅲ Situational Conversations
Situation 1 : E—products
Situation 2 : Infomania
Part Ⅳ Presentation Skills
Part Ⅴ Culture Notes
American and British Newspapers
Unit 6 People and Career
Part Ⅰ Watching and Listening
Activity 1 : Leading to Success
Activity 2: How to Perform Effectively in a Job Interview
Activity 3: Money Types
Part Ⅱ Communication and Discussion
Task 1 : Discussion on Success
Task 2 : Recruitment of Staff
Task 3 : Employee Benefit
Part Ⅲ Situational Conversations
Situation 1: Job Hopping
Situation 2 : Promotion
Part Ⅳ Presentation Skills
Describing People
Part Ⅴ Culture Notes
Chinese Festivals
Unit 7 Food and Safety
Part Ⅰ Watching and Listening
Activity 1: Taboo Food
Activity 2: Nutrition or Poison
Activity 3 : Seed of Suicide
Part Ⅱ Communication and Discussion
Task 1: Extreme Food
Task 2: You Are What You Eat
Task 3: Vegetarian Food
Part Ⅲ Situational Conversations
Situation 1 : Cooking
Situation 2: Making Coffee
Part Ⅳ Presentation Skills
Part Ⅴ Culture Notes
Traditional Chinese Culture (1)
Unit 8 Conferences and Negotiations
Part Ⅰ Watching and Listening
Activity 1 : Hosting a Meeting
Activity 2: Business Negotiation
Activity 3 : Business Conference
Part Ⅱ Communication and Discussion
Task 1 : Hosting a conference
Task 2: Interview and Evaluation
Task 3: Business Conference
Part Ⅲ Situational Conversations
Situation 1 : Giving Suggestions
Situation 2 : Bonus
Part Ⅳ Presentation Skills
Interpreting (1)
Part Ⅴ Culture Notes
Unit 9 Health and Therapy
Part Ⅰ Watching and Listening
Activity 1 : American Health Care System
Activity 2: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Activity 3 : Ho'oponopono
Part Ⅱ Communication and Discussion
Task 1 : Health Care Systems in Different Countries
Task 2: TCM and Other Therapies
Task 3: How to Stay Healthy
Part Ⅲ Situational Conversations
Situation 1 : Talking about TCM
Situation 2 : Check-up
Part Ⅳ Presentation Skills
Giving Instructions
Part Ⅴ Culture Notes
Traditional Chinese Culture (2) : Buddhism
Unit 10 Anniversary and Celebrations
Part Ⅰ Watching and Listening
Activity 1: Graduation ceremony
Activity 2 : Theme Party
Activity 3 : The Queen's Speech
Part Ⅱ Communication and Discussion
Task 1 : Celebrations
Task 2: Party Planning
Task 3 : Gift Giving
Part Ⅲ Situational Conversations
Situation 1 : Graduation Season
Situation 2 : Congratulations
Part Ⅳ Presentation Skills
Interpreting (2)
Part Ⅴ Culture Notes
Dinner Table Etiquette


