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2 Yaozu Cui, Xingyuan Wang, Justine Eustace. Detecting community structure via the maximal sub-graphs and belonging degrees in complex networks [J]. Physica A, 2014, 416: 198-207. (SCI檢索號:000321038800019)
3 Yaozu Cui, Xingyuan Wang. Unco Uncovering overlapping community structures by the key bi-community and intimate degree in bipartite networks [J]. Physica A, 2014, 407: 7-14. (SCI檢索號:000337779100002)
4 Xingyuan Wang, Yaozu Cui. Uncovering the overlapping community structure of complex networks by maximal cliques [J]. Physica A, 2014, 415: 398-406. (SCI刊源)