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  • 中文名:崔立峰
  • 畢業院校華盛頓州立大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:儲能材料與器件、源轉化材料與器件、環境催化、新型環保材料、CO2捕獲及資源化利用等
  • 職務:博士生導師
  • 主要成就:國家級科技人才
  • 職稱:教授
  • 任職院校:上海交通大學


2010.06-2011.05:Clean Cell International, Inc.,資深研究員
2001.09-2007.05:華盛頓州立大學材料科學系/ 美國太平洋西北國家實驗室-環境分子科學實驗室,碩博連讀研究生
所做同軸納米矽線鋰電池負極材料的研究被《麻省理工技術回顧》報導, 2009
所做納米矽線鋰電池負極材料的研究被《科學》報導, 2009





1.Weikang Gao, Wang Zhide, Chengxin Peng, Shifei Kang, Lifeng Cui, Accelerating the redox kinetics by catalytic activation of "dead sulfur" in lithium-sulfur batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 9, 13442-13458.
2.Zhide Wang, Weikang Gao, Chenjie Ding, Haoyu Qi, Shifei Kang, Lifeng Cui, Boosting potassium-ion storage in large-diameter carbon nanotubes/MoP hybrid, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 584, 875-884.
3.Yanyan Fang, Xiaodong Chen, Chaochuang, Lifeng Cui, Boosting the capacitive property of cobalt sulfide through interface engineering for high-performance supercapacitors, Ceramics International, 2021, 47, 24973-24981.
4.Nannan Wang, Bonan Hao, Hao Chen, RongkangZheng, Baojie Chen, Shihong Kuang, Xiaodong Chen, Lifeng Cui, Highly dispersed Co4N nanoparticles coated by g-C3N4 nanotube: An active bifunctional electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution reaction, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.127954.
5.Xiaodong Luo, Hui Ma, Hang Ren, Xuhui Zou, Yuan Wang, Xi Li, Shen, Yangang Wang, Lifeng Cui, Controllable synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbon containing Co and Co3Fe7 nanoparticles as effective catalysts for electrochemical oxygen conversion, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 590, 622-631.
6.Baihua Cui, Zheng Hu, Chang Liu, Siliang Liu, Fangshuai Chen, Yanan Chen, Lifeng Cui, Wenbin Hu, Heterogeneous lamellar-edged Fe-Ni(OH)(2)/Ni3S2 nanoarray for efficient and stable seawater oxidation, Nano Research, 2021, 14, 1149-1155
7.Xiaodong Zhang, Liang Song, Fukun Bi, Dongfeng Zhang, Yuxin Wang, Lifeng Cui, Catalytic oxidation of toluene using a facile synthesized Ag nanoparticle supported on UiO-66 derivative, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 571, 38-47.(ESI高被引論文)
8.Nannan Wang, Xiaodong Chen, Jutao Jin, Peng Zhang, Xiaochang Qiao, Lifeng Cui, Tungsten nitride atomic clusters embedded two-dimensional g-C3N4 as efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction, Carbon, 2020, 169, 82-91.
9.Xiaodong Chen, Ya Chen, Ya, Zhangfeng Shen, Chunyu Song, Peiyi Ji, Yangang Wang, Guoxiu Wang, Lifeng Cui, Self-crosslinkable polyaniline with coordinated stabilized CoOOH nanosheets as a high-efficiency electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 529, 147173.
10.Xiang Luo, Xianbo Lu, Xiaodong Chen, Ya Chen, Dawei Su, Guoxiu Wang, Lifeng Cui, A functional hyperbranched binder enabling ultra-stable sulfur cathode for high-performance lithium-sulfur battery, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2020, 50, 63-72.
11.“General synthesis ofmagnetic mesoporous FeNi/graphitic carbon nanocomposites and their applicationfor dye adsorption”, Y. Wang, M. Yao, Y. Chen, Y. Zuo, X. Zhang, and L. Cui*, J. Alloy. Compd., 627, 7-12(2015).
12.“Synthesis of Ti-dopedgraphitic carbon nitride with improved photocatalytic activity under visiblelight”,Y.Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, C. Yin, Y. Zuo, and L. Cui*, Materials Letters, 139, 70-72, (2015).
13.“Preferential carbonmonoxide oxidation on Ag/Al-SBA-15 catalysts: Effect of the Si/Al ratio” X.Zhang, H. Dong, Z. Gu, G. Wang, Y. Zuo, Y. Wang, and L. Cui*, Chemical Engineering Journal, 269, 94-104, (2015).
14.“Simple synthesis ofordered cubic mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride by chemical vapor depositionmethod using melamine”, Y. Wang, F. Wang; Y. Zuo, X. Zhang, and L. Cui*, Materials Letters, 136,271-273, (2014).
15. “Enhanced photocatalytic performance ofordered mesoporous Fe-doped CeO2 catalysts for the reduction of CO2with H2O under simulated solar irradiation”Y.Wang, F. Wang, Y. Chen, D. Zhang, B. Li, S. Kang, X. Li, and L. F. Cui*, Appl.Catal. B: Environ., 147, 602(2014)
16.“Hierarchicallymesostructured TiO2/graphitic carbon composite as a new efficientphotocatalyst for the reduction of CO2 under simulated solarirradiation” Y. Wang, F. Wang, Y. Chen, J. Yao, B. Li, S.Kang, X. Li and L.F. Cui*, Catal. Sci. Technol., 3, 3286 (2013)
“Ordered mesoporous CeO2-TiO2 composites: Highly efficient photocatalysts for the reduction of CO2 with H2O under simulated solar irradiation” Y. Wang, B. Li, C. Zhang, L.F. Cui, S. Kang, X. Li, L. Zhou, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 130, 277-284 (2013)
“InorganicGlue Enabling High Performance of Silicon Particles as Lithium IonBattery Anode”, L.F. Cui, L. Hu, F. L. Mantia, and Yi Cui, J. of the Electrochem. Soc., 158, A592 (2011)
“LiMn1-xFexPO4 Nanorods Grown on Graphene Sheets for Ultrahigh-Rate-Performance Lithium Ion Batteries” H. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Liang, L. F. Cui, H. S. Casalongue, Y. Li, G. Hong, Y. Cui, and H. Dai, Angew. Chem. Int.Ed., 50, 7364-7368 (2011)
“A microfluidic positioning chamber for long-term live-cell imaging”,L. Hanson, L. F. Cui, C. Xie, and B. Cui, Microscopy Research and Technique, 74, 496(2011)
“Si nanoparticle-decorated Si nanowire networks for Li-ion battery anodes”, Chemical Communications, L. Hu, L.F. Cui, H. Wu, and Y. Cui 47, 367 (2011)
“Light-Weight Free-Standing Carbon Nanotube-Silicon Films for Anodes of Lithium Ion Batteries” L. F. Cui, L. Hu, J. W. Choi and Y. Cui,ACS Nano 4, 3671 (2010)
“Mn3O4−Graphene Hybrid as a High-Capacity Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries”, L.F. Cui, H. Wang, S. Casalongue, Y. Cui, and H. Dai, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,132, 13978 (2010)
“Metal current collector-free freestanding silicon-carbon 1D nanocomposites for ultralight anodes in lithium ion batteries”, J. Choi, L. Hu., L.F. Cui, and Y. Cui, J. of Power Sources, 195,8311 (2010)
“Stretchable, Porous, and Conductive Energy Textiles”, L. Hu, M. Pasta, F.L. Mantia, L.F. Cui, S. Jeong, H. Dawn Deshazer, and Y. Cui, Nano Lett. 10, 708 (2010)
“Crystalline-Amorphous Core-Shell Silicon Nanowires for High Capacity and High Current Battery Electrodes”, L. F. Cui, C. K. Chan, R. Ruffo, H. Peng, and Y. Cui Nano Lett., 9, 491-495 (2009)
“Carbon-Silicon Core-Shell Nanowires as High Capacity Electrode for Lithium ion Batteries ”, L. F. Cui, Y. Yang, C. M. Hsu, and Y. Cui, Nano Lett. 9, 3370 (2009) (Reported by ScienceNOW and MIT Technology Review)
“Highly Conductive Paperfor Energy Storage Devices” L. Hu, J. W. Choi, Y. Yang, L. F. Cui, S. Jeong, F. L. Mantia, and Yi Cui, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106, 21490 (2009) (Reportedby New York Times and Scientific America)
“Stable Icosahedral Hollow Cage Clusters: Stannaspherene (Sn122–) and Plumbaspherene (Pb122–)”, L. F. Cui and L. S. Wang, Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 27, 139-166 (2008)
“Probing the Electronic and Structural Properties of Doped Aluminum Clusters: MAl12- (M = Li, Cu, and Au)” R. Pal, L. F. Cui, S. Bulusu, H. J. Zhai, L. S. Wang, and X. C. Zeng J. Chem. Phys. 128, 024305-1-8 (2008)
“Endohedral Stannaspherenes (M@Sn12-): A Rich Class of Stable Molecular Cage Clusters”, L. F. Cui, X. Huang, L. M. Wang, J. Li, and L. S. Wang, Angew. Chem. Int.Ed., 46, 742-745 (2007)
“Photoelectron Spectroscopic and Computational Studies of Sodium Auride Clusters NanAun- (n = 1–3)”, L. F. Cui, X. Li, L. S. Wang, Y. C. Lin, and D. Sundholm, J. Phys. Chem. A, 111, 7555-7561 (2007)
“Evolution of electronic properties of Snn- (n = 4 – 45) clusters by photoelectron spectroscopy”, L. F. Cui, L. M. Wang, and L. S. Wang, J. Chem. Phys., 126, 064505 (2007)
“Sn122-: Stannaspherene”, L. F. Cui, X. Huang, L. M. Wang, D. Y. Zubarev, A. I. Boldyrev, J. Li, and L. S. Wang, J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 128, 8390-8391 (2006)
“Pb122-: Plumbaspherene”, L. F. Cui, X. Huang, L. M. Wang, J. Li, and L. S. Wang, J.Phys. Chem. A,110, 10169-10172 (2006) (Featured on cover)
“Photoelectron Spectroscopy of AlnD2- (n = 3-15): Observation of Chemisorption and Physisorption of Di-Deuterium on Aluminum Cluster Anions”, L. F. Cui, X. Li, and L. S. Wang, J. Chem. Phys., 124, 054308-1-5 (2006)
“On the Structure and Chemical Bonding of Si62- and Si62- in NaSi6- upon Na+ Coordination”, D. Y. Zubarev, A. N. Alexandrova, A. I. Boldyrev, L. F. Cui, X. Li, and L. S. Wang, J. Chem. Phys., 124, 124305-1-13 (2006)
“Experimental and Computational Studies of Alkali-Metal Coinage-Metal Clusters”, Y. C. Lin, D. Sundholm, J, Juselius, L. F. Cui, X. Li, H. J. Zhai and L. S. Wang, J. Phys. Chem. A, 110, 4244-4250 (2006)
“Structural Evolution of Anionic Silicon Clusters Sin (20 ≤ n ≤ 45)”, J. Bai, L. F. Cui, J. Wang, S. Yoo, X. Li, J. Jellinek, C. Koehler, T. Frauenheim, L. S. Wang and X. C. Zeng, J. Phys. Chem. A, 110, 908-912 (2006)
“Magnetic Properties in Transition-Metal-Doped Gold Clusters: M@Au6 (M = Ti , V , Cr)”, X. Li, B. Kiran, L. F. Cui, and L. S. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 253401, 1-4 (2005)
“Chemical Bonding in Si52- and NaSi5- via Photoelectron Spectroscopy and ab Initio Calculations”, D. Yu. Zubarev, A. I. Boldyrev, X. Li, L. F. Cui and L. S. Wang, J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 11385-11394 (2005)
“Electronic and Structural Evolution and Chemical Bonding in Ditungsten Oxide Clusters:W2On- and W2On (n= 1-6)”, H. J. Zhai, X. Huang, L. F. Cui, X. Li, J. Li, and L. S. Wang, J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 6019-6030 (2005)
“Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding in MOn- and MOn Clusters (M = Mo, W; n = 3-5): A Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Ab Initio Study”, H. J. Zhai, B. Kiran, L. F. Cui, X Li, D. A. Dixon, and L. S. Wang, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,126, 16134-16141 (2004)
"SiAu4: Aurosilane", B. Kiran, X. Li, H. J. Zhai, L. F. Cui, and L. S. Wang, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 43, 2125-2129 (2004)


L.F Cui, C.K. Chan, R. Ruffo, H. Peng, and Y. Cui, “Crystalline-Amorphous Nanowires for Battery Electrodes” US 2011/0151290 A1 (2011)
L.F. Cui, L. Hu, and Y. Cui, “Nanotube-Based Nanomaterial Membrane” US 2011/0256451 A1 (2011)
L.F. Cui, “High Capacity Electrode Materials Enhanced by Amorphous Silicon”, WO 2011/068911 A2 (2011)


“Carbon Nanotube-Silicon Composite Films as High Capacity Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries ”, Materials Research Society Spring Meetings, San Francisco, 2010
“Silicon based high capacity anode materials for lithium ion batteries”, Stanford Institute for Materials & Energy Science (SIMES) Annual Meeting, 2010
“Core-shell designed silicon nanowires for high capacity and high current battery electrodes”, Electrochemical Society 215th Meeting, San Francisco, 2009
“Crystalline-amorphous core-shell silicon nanowires for high capacity and high current battery electrodes”, Materials Research Society Spring Meetings, San Francisco, 2009
“Sn122–: Stannaspherene”, American Chemical Society National Meetings, San Francisco, 2006
“Sn122–: Stannaspherene”, Chemical Structure & Dynamics Seminar Series, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2006
“Photoelectron Spectroscopic studies of silicon clusters and aluminum hydride clusters”, Gordon Research Conferences: Clusters, Nanocrystals & Nanostructures, Connecticut College, 2005
“Structural Evolution of Silicon Nanoclusters Sin (20 ≤ n ≤45)”, Chemical Structure & Dynamics Seminar Series, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2005
“Study of Atomic Clusters using Photoelectron Spectroscopy”, Materials Science Program Seminar, Washington State University, 2003


1. 上海市曙光學者 (2014)
2. 國家級科技人才 (2013)


1.上海市教委創新團隊項目, 合金材料先進制備與加工重點創新團隊, 項目負責人。
2.國家自然科學基金面上項目, 摻雜FeSi2作為金屬-空氣電池高性能合金陽極燃料的研究, 項目負責人。
3.科技部科技型中小企業技術創新基金, 納米矽高容量鋰電池負極材料研發與產業化, 項目負責人。


