主要研究領域為神經細胞生存和損傷後再生機理、營養因子及訊號傳導。已在PNAS,J Neuroscience等國際著名科學期刊上發表研究論文45篇,平均影響因子4.063。承擔和完成了多項澳洲國家及地方政府資助項目,並指導完成了多項中國自然科學基金資助的面上項目。擔任神經科學領域眾多雜誌的評審專家,多次在國際會議上進行專題報告並主持會議。 目前研究興趣包括中樞神經系統損傷後修復、眼科疾病、神經退行性病變、中風等。
1. Cui Q and Harvey AR (1995). At least two mechanisms are involved in the death of retinal ganglion cells following target ablation in neonatal rats. Journal of Neuroscience 15:8143-8155.
2. Yin Y, Cui Q (equal first author), Li Y, Wang L, Irwin N, Harvey A and Benowitz LI (2003). Macrophage-derived factors stimulate optic nerve regeneration. Journal of Neuroscience 23:2284-2293.
3. Park K, Luo JM, Hisheh S, HarveyAR and Cui Q* (2004). Cellular mechanisms associated with spontaneous and ciliary neurotrophic factor/cAMP-induced survival and axonal regeneration of adult retinal ganglion cells. Journal of Neuroscience 24:10806-10815.
4. Yin Y, Cui Q, Gilbert HY, Yang Y, Yang Z, Berlinicke C, Li Z, Zaverucha-do-Valle C, He H, Petkova V, Zack DJ, Benowitz LI (2009). Oncomodulin links inflammation to optic nerve regeneration. Proc Natl Acad SciUSA 106:19587-19592.
5. Luo JM, Geng YQ, Zhi Y, Zhang MZ, van Rooijen N and Cui Q* (2010). Increased intrinsic neuronal vulnerability and decreased beneficial reaction of macrophages on axonal regeneration in aged rats. Neurobiology of Aging 31:1003-1009
1. Cui Q and Harvey AR (1995). At least two mechanisms are involved in the death of retinal ganglion cells following target ablation in neonatal rats. Journal of Neuroscience 15:8143-8155.
2. Yin Y, Cui Q (equal first author), Li Y, Wang L, Irwin N, Harvey A and Benowitz LI (2003). Macrophage-derived factors stimulate optic nerve regeneration. Journal of Neuroscience 23:2284-2293.
3. Park K, Luo JM, Hisheh S, HarveyAR and Cui Q* (2004). Cellular mechanisms associated with spontaneous and ciliary neurotrophic factor/cAMP-induced survival and axonal regeneration of adult retinal ganglion cells. Journal of Neuroscience 24:10806-10815.
4. Yin Y, Cui Q, Gilbert HY, Yang Y, Yang Z, Berlinicke C, Li Z, Zaverucha-do-Valle C, He H, Petkova V, Zack DJ, Benowitz LI (2009). Oncomodulin links inflammation to optic nerve regeneration. Proc Natl Acad SciUSA 106:19587-19592.
5. Luo JM, Geng YQ, Zhi Y, Zhang MZ, van Rooijen N and Cui Q* (2010). Increased intrinsic neuronal vulnerability and decreased beneficial reaction of macrophages on axonal regeneration in aged rats. Neurobiology of Aging 31:1003-1009