



  • 中文名:崔俊佳
  • 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:機械與運載工程
  • 任職院校:湖南大學







1. 中國機械工程學會塑性工程分會高速成形技術委員會副主任
2. 廣東省電動汽車工程技術研究中心副主任
3. 中國機械工程學會塑性工程分會塑性理論論壇學術委員會委員
4. 中國機械工程學會塑性工程分會綠色成形製造技術論壇學術委員會委員
1.《Fluid Dynamics &Materials Processing》期刊編委
3. 《精密成形工程》期刊通訊編委
4. 《中南大學學報(自然科學版)》青年編委
6. 《Current Chinese Engineering Science》期刊副編委
7. 《Coatings》特刊客座編輯
8. 《Applied Physics Letters》、《Journal of Materials Processing Technology》、《Materials & Design》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《International Journal of Fatigue》等20餘個行業權威SCI期刊審稿人




[1] 鋁合金-碳纖維薄壁管件電磁翻孔連線機理及失效行為研究;國家自然科學基金-面上項目;
[2] 高強鋼板熱衝壓三維成形極限圖的構建理論與套用研究;國家自然科學基金-青年科學基金項目;
[3] 異種金屬管件磁脈衝焊接機理與接頭性能研究;國家自然科學基金-青年科學基金項目;
[4] 車身鋁合金/碳纖維材料磁脈衝連線結構與工藝研究;省自然科學基金-優秀青年基金;
[5] 高強鋼板熱變形行為研究及失效準則的建立;省自然科學基金-青年基金;
[6] 複雜形狀鋁合金車身件複合成形關鍵技術研究;湖南省重點研發計畫子課題;
[7] 高強鋼板熱衝壓件精確控形與控性;重慶理工大學開放基金;
[8] 鋁合金-鋼管件異種材料磁脈衝焊接性能及界面行為研究;哈爾濱工業大學開放基金;
[9] 3A21鋁合金-20#鋼管件磁脈衝連線機理及界面特性研究;華中科技大學開放基金;
[10] 鋁/鈦板件磁脈衝固相擴散焊接機理與接頭特性研究;西北工業大學開放基金;
[1] 磁脈衝車身連線技術研究;上汽通用五菱汽車股份有限公司;
[2] 膠粘劑在輕量化車身上的測試套用;湖北回天新材料股份有限公司;
[3] 輕量化粘接工藝在車身上的套用研究;上汽通用五菱汽車股份有限公司;
[4] 汽車用鋼高速拉伸性能研究;湖南華菱漣源鋼鐵有限公司;
[5] 汽車用鋼安全碰撞性能檢測分析;湖南華菱漣源鋼鐵有限公司;
[6] 汽車車身膠接樣件性能評價方案研究;湖北回天新材料股份有限公司;
[7] 新型電磁鉚接工藝關鍵技術及鉚接裝備研究;湖北博士隆科技股份有限公司;
[8] 超大直徑艙段鉚接裝配仿真及變形分析;首都航天機械有限公司;
[9] 電磁脈衝材料成型典型樣件製備;哈工大機器人(岳陽)軍民融合研究院;
[10] 膠粘結構件複雜服役性能研究;湖北回天新材料股份有限公司;
[11] 密封電磁鉚接接頭性能分析;首都航天機械有限公司;
[12] 重型XXXX艙段裝配偏差分析及容差分配;首都航天機械有限公司;
[13] 多材料汽車管件結構複合連線性能研究;湖北回天新材料股份有限公司;
[14] 122毫米XX電渦流制退機研究;南京理工大學。



[1] Junjia Cui, Guangyong Sun, Guangyao Li, ZhidanXu, Paul Chu. Specific wave interface and its formation mechanism in magnetic pulse welding. Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105 (22): 221901.
[2] Hao Jiang, Tong Luo, Guangyao Li, Xu Zhang, Junjia Cui*. Fatigue life assessment of electromagnetic riveted carbon fiber reinforce plastic/aluminum alloy lap joints using Weibull distribution. International Journal of Fatigue, 2017, 105: 180-189.
[3] Hao Jiang, Guangyao Li, Xu Zhang, Junjia Cui*. Fatigue and failure mechanism in carbon fiber reinforced plastics/aluminum alloy single lap joint produced by electromagnetic riveting technique. Composites Science and Technology, 2017, 152: 1-10.
[4] Guangyong Sun, Huile Zhang, Guoxing Lu, Jianwen Guo, Junjia Cui*, Qing Li. An Experimental and Numerical Study on Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crashworthiness for Tailor Rolled Blank (TRB) Structures. Materials & Design, 2017, 118: 175-197.
[5] Gong zhihui, Zhan zhaobin, Zhang Xu, Sun guangyong, Zheng Gang, Cui junjia*. Research on the whole tool mesh reconstruction in the process of springback compensation for auto-body panels. International Journal of Material Forming, 2018, 11: 77-85.
[6] Guangyao Li, Hao Jiang, Xu Zhang, Junjia Cui*. Mechanical properties and fatigue behavior of electromagnetic riveted lap joints influenced by shear loading. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2017, 26: 226-239.
[7] Guangyao Li, Huakun Deng, Yunfei Mao, Xu Zhang, Junjia Cui*. Study on AA5182 aluminum sheet formability using combined quasi-static-dynamic tensile processes. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018, 255: 373-386.
[8] Junjia Cui, Lin Qi, Hao Jiang, Guangyao Li, Xu Zhang. Numerical and experimental investigations in electromagnetic riveting with different rivet dies. International Journal of Material Forming. 2017. Doi:10.1007/s12289-017-1394-z.
[9] Junjia Cui, Dongying Dong, Xu Zhang, Xiaodong Huang, Guoxing Lu, Hao Jiang, Guangyao Li. Influence of thickness of composite layers on failure behaviors of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics/Aluminum alloy electromagnetic riveted lap joints under high-speed loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 115: 1-9.
[10] HuihuiGeng, ZehuaXia, XuZhang, GuangyaoLi, JunjiaCui*. Microstructures and mechanical properties of the welded AA5182/HC340LA joint by magnetic pulse welding. Materials Characterization, 2018, 138: 229-237.
[11] Junjia Cui, Hao Jiang, Huihui Geng, Quanxiaoxiao Liu, and Guangyao Li*. Research on magnetic pulse technology for joining dissimilar materials in lightweight automobile bodies in Reimagining new energy vehicles: Research innovations at Tongji University. (Science/AAAS, Washington, DC, 2017), p. 21-22.
[12] Jiang Hao, Cong Yanjun, Zhang Xu, Li Guangyao, Cui Junjia*. Fatigue degradation after salt spray ageing of electromagnetically riveted joints for CFRP/Al hybrid structure, Materials & Design. 2018, 142: 297-307.
[13] Ou Hang, Zhang Xu, Xu junrui, Li guangyao, Cui junjia. Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of High Strength Steel Controlled by Hot Stamping Process. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2018, Accept. DOI: 10.1007/s11665-018-3290-1
[14] Junjia Cui, Guangyong Sun, Junrui Xu, Zhidan Xu, Xiaodong Huang, Guangyao Li. A Study on the Critical Wall Thickness of the Inner Tube for Magnetic Pulse Welding of Tubular Al-Fe Parts. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2016, 227: 138-146.
[15] Junjia Cui, Guangyong Sun, Junrui Xu, Xiaodong Huang, Guangyao Li. A method to evaluate the formability of high-strength steel in hot stamping. Materials & design, 2015, 77: 95-109.
[16] Junjia Cui, Chengxi Lei, Zhongwen Xing, Chunfeng Li. Microstructure Distribution and Mechanical Properties Prediction of Boron Alloy during Hot Forming Using FE Simulation. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012, 535: 241-251.
[17] Junjia Cui, Chengxi Lei, Zhongwen Xing, Chunfeng Li. Predictions of the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Evolution of High Strength Steel in Hot Stamping. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2012, 21: 2244-2254.
[18] Junjia Cui, Chengxi Lei, Zhongwen Xing, Chunfeng Li. Analysis of Phase Transformation Simulation and Prediction of Phase Distribution in High Strength Steel in Hot Stamping. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nano science, 2012, 9(9): 1309-1314.
[19] 許冰,歐航,柳泉瀟瀟,徐志丹,李光耀,崔俊佳*. 鋁合金-高強鋼磁脈衝焊接接頭鹽霧腐蝕性能研究. 中國機械工程, 2018, Accept.
[20] 崔俊佳,袁偉,李光耀. 汽車車身異種金屬板件磁脈衝焊接工藝研究. 汽車工程, 2017,39(1): 113-120.
[21] 崔俊佳,胡明,李光耀. 汽車零部件熱成形極限裕度雲圖的構建與套用研究. 中國機械工程, 2017, 28(03): 358-365.
[22] 李光耀,陳乾,蔣浩,張旭,崔俊佳*. 卡車車架磁脈衝鉚接結構可行性研究. 塑性工程學報, 2017, 24 (3): 1-6.
[23] 單業奇, 崔俊佳*, 王濤, 龐通. 磁脈衝脹形管件材料本構參數識別方法研究. 鍛壓技術, 2016, 41(9):71-79
[24] 崔俊佳, 邢忠文, 李春峰, 徐偉力. 高強度鋼板熱衝壓數值模擬研究. 材料科學與工藝, 2010, 18 (Sup.1): 224-228.
[25] 崔俊佳, 孫立強, 孟令博, 章茂雲. 碳纖維連線結構鈦合金鉚釘電磁鉚接試驗研究. 鍛壓技術, 2013, 38(2): 47-52.
[26] 崔俊佳, 于海平, 李春峰, 雷呈喜, 邢忠文. 高強鋼板熱衝壓工藝中的相變模擬. 塑性工程學報, 2013, 20(1): 50-54.
[27] ZhidanXu, Junjia Cui*, Haiping Yu, Chunfeng Li. Research on the Impact Velocity of Magnetic Impulse Welding of Pipe Fitting. Materials & Design, 2013, 49: 736-745.
[28] Junrui Xu, Junjia Cui*, Qiquan Lin, Chunfeng Li. Effects of driver sheet on magnetic pulse forming of AZ31magnesium alloy sheets. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 72: 791-800.
[29] Junrui Xu, Junjia Cui*, Qiquan Lin, Yanrong Li, Chun Feng Li. Magnetic pulse forming of AZ31 magnesium alloy shell by uniform pressure coil at room temperature. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 77: 289-304.
[30] Zhang Xu, Cui junjia, Xu junrui, Li Guangyao. Microstructure investigations on 2A10 aluminum alloy bars subjected to electromagnetic impact upsetting, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017, 702: 142-152.
[31] 李光耀,陳侶侶,崔俊佳*. 5182鋁合金/HC340LA高強鋼異種金屬件磁脈衝焊接數值模擬與試驗驗證. 塑性工程學報. Accept.
[32] 陳碩琛,李光耀,崔俊佳*. 表面處理對汽車車身用5182鋁合金膠粘接頭性能的影響。汽車工程. Accept.
[33] Zhang Xu, Cui Junjia, Li Guangyao. Microstructural mechanism in adiabatic shear bands of Al-Cu alloy bars using electromagnetic impact upsetting. Materials Letters, 2017, 194, 62-65.
[33] Hongsheng Liu, Junjia Cui, Kaiyong Jiang, and Guangtao Zhou. Cracking Prediction in Hot Stamping of High-Strength Steel by a Temperature-Dependent Forming Limit Surface Approach. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016, 25(11): 4894-4901.
[34] Junrui Xu, Junjia Cui, Qiquan Lin, Yanrong Li , Chun Feng Li. Experimental and numerical research on formability of magnetic pulse plain strain of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2015, 16, 1779-1788.
[35] J Xu, Y Zhou, J Cui, G Sun, G Li. Experimental study for rubber pad forming process of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets at warm temperature. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 89(1-4): 1079-1087.
[36] Junrui Xu, Jiai Su, Yanrong Li, Junjia Cui*, Qiquan Lin, Guangyong sun*, Guangyao Li. Thermal effects in magnetic pulse forming of magnesium alloy sheet. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 81(5-8): 755-770.
[37] Junrui Xu, Qiquan Lin, Junjia Cui*, Chunfeng Li, Formability of magnetic pulse uniaxial tension of AZ31magnesium alloy sheet. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 72: 665-676.
[38] Chengxi Lei, Junjia Cui, Zhongwen Xing, Hongya Fu, Hao Zhao. Investigation of Cooling Effect of Hot-Stamping Dies by Numerical Simulation. Physics Procedia, 2012, 25:118-124.
[39] Chengxi Lei, Junjia Cui, Zhongwen Xing, Hongya Fu. Research on Hot Stamping of Square Cup for Advanced High Strength Steel by Numerical Simulation. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2012, 9(9): 1165-1170.
[40] 雷呈喜, 崔俊佳, 邢忠文, 趙浩. 高強鋼盒形件熱衝壓成形組織預測. 塑性工程學報, 2012, 19(6): 40-44.
[41] Junrui Xu, Haiping Yu, Junjia Cui, Chunfeng Li. Formability of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets in magnetic pulse bulging. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2013, 569: 150-158.
[42] 章茂雲, 于海平, 孫立強, 崔俊佳, 李春峰. 8mm 2A10鋁合金鉚釘電磁鉚接工藝試驗研究.航天製造技術, 2012, 3: 7-10.
[43] 黃宗斌, 韋超忠, 徐志丹, 崔俊佳, 李光耀, 張旭. Φ6 mm-Q235鋼鉚釘電磁鉚接工藝試驗. 精密成形工程, 2017, 9(1): 76-80.
[44] 李光耀, 馮雪瑞, 蔣浩, 崔俊佳, 張旭. 碳纖維-鋁合金電磁鉚接與準靜態對比研究. 鍛壓技術, 2017, 42 (4): 86-90.
[45] Libin Duan, Guangyong Sun, Junjia Cui, Aiguo Cheng, Tao Chen, Guangyao Li. Crashworthiness design of vehicle structure with tailor rolled blank. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2016, 53: 321-338.
[46] Junjia Cui, Chengxi Lei, Zhongwen Xing, Hao Zhao, Shumei Ma. The Use of Advanced High Strength Steel based on Hot Stamping Process in Vehicle Manufacturing Technologies. Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies and Integration, 2012, 548-552.
[47] Xiaohui Zhang, Junjia Cui*, Chengxi Lei, Zhongwen Xing. Structural Finite Element Analysis of The Fixed Stiffness Testing Instrument. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011, 94-96: 2102-2106.
[48] Zhongwen Xing, Junjia Cui, Hongsheng Liu, Chunfeng Li. Numerical and Experimental Investigation into Hot Stamping of High Strength Steel Sheet for Auto B Pillar Reinforced Panel. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, (129-131): 322-327.
[49] Chengxi Lei, Junjia Cui, Zhongwen Xing, Hongsheng Liu. Research of Shot Peening Effect of Hot-Stamping Square-cup Parts of Advanced High Strength Steel for Automobile. Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies and Integration, 2012, 536-510.
[50] Lei Chengxi, Cui junjia, Xing Zhongwen, Zhao hao. Research on Flow Behavior of Advanced High Strength Steel at Elevated Temperature. Material Science Forum, 2013, 749: 498-503.
[51] Xu zhidan, Cui junjia, Yu haiping, Li chunfeng. Constitutive Relationship of 3A21 Aluminium Alloy Tube for Magnetic Pulse Forming. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 239-240: 314-319.
[52] Xiaohui Zhang, Chengxi Lei, Junjia Cui, Zhongwen Xing. Design and Research of Stiffness Instrument for Automotive Panel. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011, 97-98: 694-697.
[53] Libin Duan, Guangyong Sun, Junjia Cui, Tao Chen, Guangyao Li. Lightweight design of vehicle structure with tailor rolled blank under crashworthiness. 11th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation, 2015, Sydney Australia.
[54] Huihui Geng, Junjia Cui, Guangyong Sun, Guangyao Li. A Study on the Critical Thickness of the Inner Tube for Magnetic Pulse Welding Using FEM and BEM. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on High Speed Forming, 2016, Dortmund, Germany.
[55] 鄧將華, 李春峰, 于海平, 崔俊佳. 磁脈衝鉚接鉚模形式對鉚釘變形的影響. 第十屆全國塑性工程學術年會論文集, 2007: 647-651.
[56] 劉紅生, 江開勇, 崔俊佳, 周廣濤, 劉華, 王霏, 鄭清娟. 一種預測板材成形回彈的新的自適應無格線法. 計算機集成製造系統, 2017.


[1] 崔俊佳,李光耀,谷永強,李佳盈. 玄武岩纖維增強泡沫基複合保溫層及其製造方法。2016107166365
[2] 崔俊佳,李光耀,孫光永,夏澤華. 一種無鉚釘鉚接柔性化模具集成裝置。2016107821198
[3] 崔俊佳,李光耀,孫光永,歐航. 試驗方法及基於該方法的熱成形起皺極限面的建立方法。2016105286593
[4] 崔俊佳,孫光永,李光耀,胡明. 一種汽車零部件熱衝壓破裂性能的評價方法。106018129A
[5] 崔俊佳,李光耀,孫光永. 一種手持式電磁鉚槍的減震隔振系統。201510004467.8
[6] 崔俊佳,李光耀,孫光永. 一種提高金屬管件的成形極限的裝置。201510002746.0
[7] 崔俊佳,孫光永,李光耀. 一種基於電磁成形技術的複合波紋管及其成形裝置。201410128175.0
[8] 崔俊佳,孫光永,李光耀. 一種基於電液成形的層合板的成形裝置和方法。201410128254.1
[9] 崔俊佳,孫光永,李光耀. 一種高強鋼板熱成形極限圖的建立方法。201410076641.5
[10] 崔俊佳,孫光永,李光耀,袁偉. 一種電磁脈衝徑向粉末壓實裝置和壓實方法。201510765387.4
[11] 崔俊佳,柳泉瀟瀟,李光耀,孫光永. 一種用於磁脈衝焊接的圓管對心柔性夾具。105710591A
[12] 崔俊佳,鄧樺坤,李光耀,孫光永. 一種金屬板材高速成形極限實驗裝置。201610201325.5
[13] 崔俊佳,齊麟,李光耀,孫光永. 一種無頭鉚釘雙側載入磁脈衝鉚接裝置。201610527190.1
[14] 崔俊佳,李光耀,孫光永,鄧樺坤,胡明. 一種金屬板材高速成形極限圖的建立方法。201610204073.1
[15] 李光耀,崔俊佳,陳乾,蔣浩. 一種卡車車架磁脈衝鉚接裝置。2016108867555
[16] 李光耀,崔俊佳,耿輝輝,孫光永. 一種測量複雜應變路徑下薄板成形極限的試驗裝置及方法。2016105273771


[1] 獲2021年中國產學研合作創新獎(個人);排名1;
[2] 獲Advanced In Engineering材料類關鍵科學國際論文獎;排名1;
[3] 獲Advanced In Engineering製造類關鍵科學國際論文獎;排名1;
[4] 獲首屆新能源汽車技術(輕量化)創新拉力賽二等獎;排名1;


