對半藏: 源氏:你竟變成了這樣...真遺憾。(So this is what has become of you... a pity.) 半藏:我還輪不到你來說教。(I will not be judged by you.) 對溫斯頓: 溫斯頓:源氏!就像以前一樣。(Genji! This is just like old times.) 源氏:我們的使命暫時交匯在了一起。至於未來,我們會知道的...(Our paths cross for now. As to the future, we shall see...)
源氏:我很喜歡與你合作溫斯頓,因為不用把時間用在閒聊上。(I like to work with you, Winston, because you don't have to spend time on gossip)
溫斯頓:我也很喜歡跟你合作,因為你很幽默。(I also like to work with you, because you are very humorous)
對“天使”: “天使”:你看上去還不錯,源氏。(You seem well, Genji.) 源氏:我現在不一樣了,我現在完整了。(I am a different man, now. I am whole.) 對查莉婭: 查莉婭:我要怎么相信一個半人半機器的傢伙?(How do I trust a man who is half machine?) 源氏:我的內心依舊留有人性。(The heart of a man still beats inside me.) 對禪雅塔: 禪雅塔:這就是你長大的地方,你一定要帶我逛一逛!(So this is where you grew up. You must show me around!) 源氏:那是生前的事了。(That was another life.) 對禪雅塔: 源氏:智慧型機械在這裡的痛苦使你感到煩惱嗎,師傅?(Does the suffering of the omnics here trouble you, master?) 禪雅塔:是的,我的兄弟孟達塔曾想努力改善他們的生活,但失敗了。(It does. My brother, Mondatta, gave much to improve their lives, but it was not to be.) 對禪雅塔: 禪雅塔:和最出色的弟子一起戰鬥我感到高興。(It is good to fight alongside one of my brightest pupils.) 源氏:我也是,師傅。(And you, master.)
麥克雷:你也許很快源氏,但你絕對快不過子彈。(You may be fast Genji, but you can't be faster than a bullet)
源氏:你想來試試嗎?(Would you like to try it)
源氏:打得真準麥克雷。(Good aim, Mcree)
在花村: 源氏:我年輕時在這裡虛度了許多時光。(I passed many an hour of my misspent youth here.) 在尼泊爾: 源氏:現在這裡才是我的家。(This is my home now.) 在尼泊爾: 源氏:只有在這裡我才感覺到歸屬。(Only here do I not feel outcast.) 在尼泊爾: 源氏:踏入這裡讓我的靈魂平靜了許多。(Just setting foot here sets my soul at ease.) 在努巴尼: 源氏:即使在這裡,我也覺得是個外鄉人。(Even here, I feel an outcast.) 在直布羅陀: 源氏:這裡很漂亮。我之前從未欣賞過這裡。(It is beautiful here. I could never appreciate it before.) 擊殺“死神”: 源氏:下地獄去找真正的死神吧。(Mock death at your own peril.) 擊殺禪雅塔: 源氏:這次是我占了上風,師傅!(I have the upper hand this time, master!) 擊殺半藏: 源氏:這次是我贏了,哥哥。(I am victorious this time, brother.)