- 中文名:岳根華
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:南京農業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職稱:研究員
1989-1994年任教於南京農業大學動物科技學院(原畜牧系),並從事湖羊,鵪鶉的育種和飼料的研發。 得到程瑞禾教授, 陸治年教授,楊茂成教授,王林雲教授,陳杰教授,陳偉華教授,王元興教授,牛樹理教授,馮紫雲教授,鄭亦輝教授,徐銀學教授等的指導和幫助。
1994年獲德國DAAD獎學金在Hohenheim大學攻讀博士學位,師從Hermann Geldermann 教授。
1999年在德國霍恩海姆大學農學院獲農學博士學位 (動物分子育種)。
1998-2003年, 在新加坡頒農業生命科學院(現淡馬錫生命科學院)任研究員(ResearchFellow)。
他擔任50多種國際期刊審稿人 1. Animal Genetics. 2. Aquaculture. 3. Biochemical Genetics. 4. BMC Genomics. 5. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 6. DNA sequence. 7. Evolutionary Bioinformatics. 8. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 9. Gene. 10. Heredity. 11. Molecular Biology Report. 12. Science in China (c). 13. South African Journal of Animal Science. 14. Journal of international Biological Sciences. 15. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. 16. Journal of Heredity. 17. Progress in Natural Science. 18 Marine Biotechnology. 19. Journal of Fish Biology. 20. Zoological Research. 21. Fisheries Sciences. 22. Frontiers of Biological Sciences in China. 23. Genome.24. Aquaculture Research. 25. Biochemical Ecology and Systematics. 26. The Open Journal of Plant Sciences. 27. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 28. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 29. International Research Journal of Agricultural Science. 30. Fisheries Research. 31. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 32. Conservation Genetics. 33. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 34. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 35. BMC Genetics. 36. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 37. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 38. Conservation Genetic Resources. 39. Journal of Fish Diseases. 40. Aquatic Invasions. 41. Plos One. 42. 3G. 43. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 44. Frontiers in livestock Genomics. 45. MGG. 46. BMC Research Notes. 47. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 48. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. 49. Trees. 50. Evolution. 51. Molecular Ecology. 52. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science. 53. Endocrinology. 54. 3BIOTECH. 55. Zoological Studies. 56. Acta Zoologica,57. NAR 58. BMC Bioiformatics
應邀任美國國家科學基金會(NSF)海外評審員(2007和 2008)、科威特國家基金會海外評審員(2011和2013, 2014), 紐西蘭國家重點科學基金項目評審專家(2013),中國國家自然科學基金委(NSFC) 重點研究項目海外評審員(2007, 2012, 2014). 擔任新加坡農糧獸醫局食品基金項目專家組成員 (2012, 2014)。
在新加坡,他開發了幾十種魚的大量微衛星標記,並研發了一種簡單而有效從基因中分離微衛星標記的新方法,並建立了高效正確價㾾的微衛星基因型測定平台。在世界上,首先建議使用一套標準的微衛星標記進行魚類遺傳多樣性的評估;構建了亞洲鱸魚(Lates calcarifer), 草魚, 海水羅非魚和麻瘋樹的首張遺傳連鎖圖譜。套用圖譜進行了數量經濟性狀位點(QTL)的全基因組掃描(whole genome scan),為以後亞洲鱸魚,草魚,羅非魚和麻瘋樹的分子育種奠定了良好的基礎。Laszlo Orban 博士和他於2012年獲得Singapore國家科學研究基金1000萬新幣的資助進行亞洲鱸魚(Lates calcarifer)和海水羅非魚基因組學研究和分子標記輔助育種。
在分離克隆微衛星標記、建立cDNA 和BAC 文庫及物理圖譜和遺傳連鎖圖譜、QTL定位、分子標記輔助育種方面有豐富的知識和經驗,取得優異的學術成績。現已發表110多篇SCI論文,累計影響因子超過320,其中與水產動物遺傳學與基因組學相關的SCI論文98多篇,合計影響因子> 230 。論文被引用數超過1450多次(SCI) 和2280次(Google Scholar)。他發表的論文H指數為24(SCI) ,28 (Google Schoolar)。應邀在世界上10多個國家作科學報告。研究成果多次在新加坡媒體,報紙和電視新聞披道。於2007年列入Marquis Who's Who世界名人錄。在國際水產界,尤其在水產育種方面有一定的影響和知名度。
他擔任國際期刊 (BMC Genomics, Plos One, Aquaculture, Gene, Zoological Research , Frontiers in Livestock Genomics, Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, Journal of Fisheries International) 等剘刊的副主編或編委。
1. Yue GH (1994) Reproductive performances of Chinese Erhualian Pigs. World Review of Animal Production. 29: 74-78.
2. Geldermann H, Muller E, Beeckmann P, Knorr C, Yue G, et al. (1996) Mapping of quantitative-trait loci by means of marker genes in F-2 generations of wild boar, Pietrain and Meishan pigs. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 113: 381-387.
3. Yue GH (1996) Reproductive characteristics of Chinese Hu sheep. Animal Reproduction Science 44: 223-230.
4. Yue GH, Xie CX, Cheng RH (1996) Development of reproductive system and levels of sexual hormones in blood plasma in Chinese Hu sheep ewe lambs. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 31: 725-728.
5. Geldermann H, Moser G, Muller E, Beeckmann P, Yue GH, et al. (1999) Status of genome and QTL mapping in pigs - Data of Hohenheim F-2 families. Archives of Animal Breeding 42: 67-81.
6. Yue GH, Beeckmann P, Bartenschlager H, Moser G, Geldermann H (1999) Rapid and precise genotyping of porcine microsatellites. Electrophoresis 20: 3358-3363.
7. Yue GH, Bartenschlager H, Moser G, Geldermann H (2000) Identification of QTL Affecting Important Ttaits on Porcine Chromsome 12. Hereditas (Now called Journal of Genetics and Genomics) 27: 858-865.
8. Yue GH, Chen F, Orban L (2000) Rapid isolation and characterization of microsatellites from the genome of Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus, Osteoglossidae, Pisces). Molecular Ecology 9: 1007-1009.
9. Yue GH, Li Y, Hill JA, Orban L (2000) Microsatellites from the compact genome of the green spotted pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis). Molecular Ecology 9: 2205-2206.
10. Yue G, Li Y, Orban L (2001) Characterization of microsatellites in the IGF-2 and GH genes of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer). Marine Biotechnology 3: 1-3.
11. Yue GH, Orban L (2001) Rapid isolation of DNA from fresh and preserved fish scales for polymerase chain reaction. Marine Biotechnology 3: 199-204.
12. Li Y, Hill JA, Yue GH, Chen F, Orban L (2002) Extensive search does not identify genomic sex markers inTetraodon nigroviridis. Journal of Fish Biology 61: 1314-1317.
13. Yue GH, Beeckmann P, Geldermann H (2002) Mutation rate at swine microsatellite loci. Genetica 114: 113-119.
14. Yue GH, Li Y, Chao TM, Chou R, Orban L (2002) Novel microsatellites from Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) and their application to broodstock analysis. Marine Biotechnology 4: 503-511.
15. Yue GH, Li Y, Chen F, Cho S, Lim LC, et al. (2002) Comparison of three DNA marker systems for assessing genetic diversity in Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus). Electrophoresis 23: 1025-1032.
16. Yue GH, Orban L (2002) Polymorphic microsatellites from silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) and cross-amplification in common carp (Cyprinus carpioL.). Molecular Ecology Notes 2: 534-536.
17. Yue GH, Orban L (2002) Microsatellites from genes show polymorphism in two related Oreochromis species. Molecular Ecology Notes 2: 99-100.
18. Bartfai R, Egedi S, Yue GH, Kovacs B, Urbanyi B, et al. (2003) Genetic analysis of two common carp broodstocks by RAPD and microsatellite markers. Aquaculture 219: 157-167.
19. Yue G, Russo V, Davoli R, Sternstein I, Brunsch C, et al. (2003) Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 13. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 120: 103-110.
20. Yue G, Schroffel J, Moser G, Bartenschlager H, Reiner G, et al. (2003) Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 12. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 120: 95-102.
21. Yue G, Stratil A, Cepica S, Schroffel J, Schroffelova D, et al. (2003) Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 7. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 120: 56-65.
22. Yue G, Stratil A, Kopecny M, Schroffelova D, Schroffel J, et al. (2003) Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 6. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 120: 45-55.
23. Yue GH, Beeckmann P, Moser G, Muller E, Bartenschlager H, et al. (2003) QTL alleles on chromosome 7 from fatty Meishan pigs reduce fat deposition. Science in China Series C-Life Sciences 46: 10-17.
24. Yue GH, Kovacs B, Orban L (2003) Microsatellites fromClarias batrachusand their polymorphism in seven additional catfish species. Molecular Ecology Notes 3: 465-468.
25. Yue GH, Ong D, Wong CC, Lim LC, Orban L (2003) A strain-specific and a sex-associated STS marker for Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus, Osteoglossidae). Aquaculture Research 34: 951-957.
26. Yue GH, Orban L (2003) Microsatellites: applications in aquaculture. Global Aquaculture Advocate April 31-34.
27. Yue GH, Wang GL (2003) Molecular genetic analysis of the Chinese Erhualian pig breed. South African Journal of Animal Science 33: 159-165.
28. Li Y, Chia JM, Bartfai R, Christoffels A, Yue GH, et al. (2004) Comparative analysis of the testis and ovary transcriptomes in zebrafish by combining experimental and computational tools. Comparative and Functional Genomics 5: 403-418.
29. Yue GH (2004) DNA testing for ornamental fish. Aquarama Magazine October: 21-24.
30. Yue GH, Ho MY, Orban L, Komen J (2004) Microsatellites within genes and ESTs of common carp and their applicability in silver crucian carp. Aquaculture 234: 85-98.
31. Yue GH, Li Y, Lim LC, Orban L (2004) Monitoring the genetic diversity of three Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus) captive stocks using AFLP and microsatellites. Aquaculture 237: 89-102.
32. Yue GH, Orban L (2004) Characterization of microsatellites located within the genes of goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus). Molecular Ecology Notes 4: 404-405.
33. Yue GH, Orban L (2004) Novel microsatellites from the izreen swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii) also display polymorphism in guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Molecular Ecology Notes 4: 474-476.
34. Feng F, Lo LC, Lin G, Zhu ZY, Yue GH (2005) Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in a marine food fish species, golden trevally Gnathanodon specious. Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 760-761.
35. Yue GH, Orban L (2005) A simple and affordable method for high-throughput DNA extraction from animal tissues for polymerase chain reaction. Electrophoresis 26: 3081-3083.
36. Zhu ZY, Lo LC, Lin G, Xu YX, Yue GH (2005) Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellites from red coral grouper (Plectropomus maculatus). Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 579-581.
37. Li J, Feng F, Yue GH (2006) Twelve novel polymorphic microsatellites in a marine fish species, yellow croakerLarimichthys polyactis.Molecular Ecology Notes 6: 188-190.
38. Lin G, Lo L, Zhu ZY, Feng F, Chou R, et al.(2006) The complete mitochondrial genome sequence and characterization of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the control region of the Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer). Marine Biotechnology 8: 71-79.
39. Lo LC, Zhu ZY, Yue GH (2006) Multiplex genotyping of novel tetranucleotide microsatellites from a marine foodfish species crimson red snapper (Lutjanus erythropterus). Molecular Ecology Notes 6: 524-526.
40. Wang CM, Lo LC, Zhu ZY, Yue GH (2006) A genome scan for quantitative trait loci affecting growth-related traits in an F1 family of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer). BmcGenomics 7: 274.
41. Xu YX, Zhu ZY, Lo LC, Wang CM, Lin G, et al. (2006) Characterization of two parvalbumin genes and their association with growth traits in Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer). Animal Genetics 37: 266-268.
42. Yang WT, Li J, Yue GH (2006) Multiplex genotyping of novel microsatellites from silver pomfret (Pampus argenteus) and cross-amplification in other pomfret species. Molecular Ecology Notes 6: 1073-1075.
43. Yue GH, Lam-Chan LT, Hong Y (2006) Development of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and their use in identification ofDendrobiumvarieties. Molecular Ecology Notes 6: 832-834.
44. Yue GH, Liew WC, Orban L (2006) The complete mitochondrial genome of a basal teleost, the Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus, Osteoglossidae). BmcGenomics 7: 274.
45. Yue GH, Lo LC, Zhu ZY, Lin G, Feng F (2006) The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome ofTetraodon nigroviridis. DNA Sequence 17: 115-121.
46. Yue GH, Zhu ZY, Lin G, Lo LC, Feng F (2006) Novel polymorphic microsatellites for studying genetic diversity of red Asian arowanas. Conservation Genetics 7: 627-629.
47. Zhu ZY, Lin G, Lo LC, Xu YX, Feng F, et al. (2006) Genetic analyses of Asian seabass stocks using novel polymorphic microsatellites. Aquaculture 256: 167-173.
48. Zhu ZY, Wang CM, Lo LC, Feng F, Lin G, et al. (2006) Isolation, characterization, and linkage analyses of 74 novel microsatellites in Barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Genome 49: 969-976.
49. Le Li J, Zhu ZY, Wang GL, Bai ZY, Yue GH (2007) Isolation and characterization of 17 polymorphic microsatellites in grass carp. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 1114-1116.
50. Li JL, Wang GL, Bai ZY, Yue GH (2007) Ten polymorphic microsatellites from freshwater pearl mussel,Hyriopsis cumingii. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 1357-1359.
51. Lim A, Yue GH, Lim-Ho CL, Hong Y (2007) Development and characterization of microsatellites in Vanda varieties. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 461-463.
52. Lin G, Feng F, Yue GH (2007) Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellites from Asian green mussel (Perna viridis). Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 1036-1038.
53. Wang CM, Zhu ZY, Lo LC, Feng F, Lin G, et al. (2007) A microsatellite linkage map of Barramundi,Lates calcarifer. Genetics 175: 907-915.
54. Yang WT, Feng F, Yue GH (2007) Isolation and characterization of microsatellites from a marine foodfish species ribbonfishTrichiurus haumela. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 781-783.
55. Yang XJ, Xie JJ, Wu TX, Yue GH, Chen J, et al. (2007) Hepatic and muscle expression of thyroid hormone receptors in association with body and muscle growth in large yellow croaker,Pseudosciaena crocea(Richardson). General and Comparative Endocrinology 151: 163-171.
56. Yue GH, David L, Orban L (2007) Mutation rate and pattern of microsatellites in common carp (Cyprinus carpioL.). Genetica 129: 329-331.
57. Lin G, Chang A, Yap HW, Yue GH (2008) Characterization and cross-species amplification of microsatellites from the endangered Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate). Conservation Genetics 9: 1071-1073.
58. Lo LC, Yue GH (2008) Microsatellites for broodstock management of the Tiger grouper,Epinephelus fuscoguttatus. Animal Genetics 39: 90-91.
59. Wang CM, Lo LC, Feng F, Gong P, Li J, et al. (2008) Construction of a BAC library and mapping BAC clones to the linkage map of Barramundi, Lates calcarifer. BmcGenomics 9: 139.
60. Wang CM, Lo LC, Feng F, Zhu ZY, Yue GH (2008) Identification and verification of QTL associated with growth traits in two genetic backgrounds of Barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Animal Genetics 39: 34-39.
61. Wang CM, Lo LC, Zhu ZY, Lin G, Feng F, et al. (2008) Estimating reproductive success of brooders and heritability of growth traits in Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) using microsatellites. Aquaculture Research 39: 1612-1619.
62. Yue GH, Wang GL, Zhu BQ, Wang CM, Zhu ZY, et al. (2008) Discovery of four natural clones in a crayfish speciesProcambarus clarkii. International Journal of Biological Sciences 4: 279-282.
63. Zhu ZY, Yue GH (2008) Eleven polymorphic microsatellites isolated from red swamp crayfish,Procambarus clarkii. Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 796-798.
64. Zhu ZY, Yue GH (2008) The complete mitochondrial genome of red grouperPlectropomus leopardusand its applications in identification of grouper species. Aquaculture 276: 44-49.
65. Gong P, Li JL, Yue GH (2009) Twelve novel microsatellite loci from an endangered marine fish species golden pompanoTrachinotus blochii. Conservation Genetics 10: 1365-1367.
66. Liu F, Xia JH, Bai ZY, Fu JJ, Li JL, et al. (2009) High genetic diversity and substantial population differentiation in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) revealed by microsatellite analysis. Aquaculture 297: 51-56.
67. Yue GH, Zhu ZY, Lo LC, Wang CM, Lin G, et al. (2009) Genetic variation and population structure of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) in the Asia-Pacific region. Aquaculture 293: 22-28.
68. Yue GH, Zhu ZY, Wang CM, Xia JH (2009) A simple and efficient method for isolating polymorphic microsatellites from cDNA. BmcGenomics 10: 125.
69. Zhu ZY, Wang CM, Feng F, Yue GH (2009) Isolation and characterization of 51 microsatellites from BAC clones in Asian seabass,Lates calcarifer. Animal Genetics 40: 125-126.
70. Li ZQ, Li JL, Feng XY, Xie N, Feng JB, et al. (2010) Sixteen polymorphic microsatellites for breeding of Chinese soft-shelled turtles (Pelodiscus sinensis). Animal Genetics 41: 446-447.
71. Liu F, Li JL, Yue GH, Fu JJ, Zhou ZF (2010) Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 (LEAP-2) gene in grass carp. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 133: 133-143.
72. Xia JH, Feng F, Lin G, Wang CM, Yue GH (2010) A First Generation BAC-Based Physical Map of the Asian Seabass (Lates calcarifer). Plos One 5:e11974.
73. Xia JH, Liu F, Zhu ZY, Fu JJ, Feng JB, et al. (2010) A consensus linkage map of the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) based on microsatellites and SNPs. BmcGenomics 11: 135.
74. Xia JH, Yue GH (2010) Identification and analysis of immune-related transcriptome in Asian seabass Lates calcarifer. BmcGenomics 11: 356 .
75. Yue GH, Chang A (2010) Molecular Evidence for High Frequency of Multiple Paternity in a Freshwater Shrimp SpeciesCaridina ensifera. Plos One 5:e12721.
76. YUE GH, Kovacs B, Orban L (2010) A New Problem with Cross-Species Amplification of Microsatellites: Generation of Non-Homologous Products. Zoological Research 2: 131-140.
77. Yue GH, Li JL, Bai ZY, Wang CM, Feng FL (2010) Genetic diversity and population structure of the invasive alien red swamp crayfish. Biological Invasions 12: 2697-2706.
78. Yue GH, Li JL, Wang CM, Xia JH, Wang GL, et al. (2010) High prevalence of multiple paternity in the invasive crayfish species,Procambarus clarkii. International Journal of Biological Sciences 6: 107-115.
79. Zhu ZY, Wang CM, Lo LC, Lin G, Feng F, et al. (2010) A standard panel of microsatellites for Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer). Animal Genetics 41: 208-212.
80. Bai ZY, Liu F, Li JL, Yue GH (2011) Identification of Triploid Individuals and Clonal Lines inCarassius AuratusComplex Using Microsatellites. International Journal of Biological Sciences 7: 279-285.
81. Bai ZY, Yuan YM, Yue GH, Li JL (2011) Molecular Cloning and Copy Number Variation of a Ferritin Subunit (Fth1) and Its Association with Growth in Freshwater Pearl MusselHyriopsis cumingii. Plos One 6:e22886.
82. Liu P, Wang CM, Li L, Sun F, Yue GH (2011) Mapping QTLs for oil traits and eQTLs for oleosin genes in jatropha. BMC Plant Biology 11: 132.
83. Wang CM, Bai ZY, He XP, Lin G, Xia JH, et al. (2011) A high-resolution linkage map for comparative genome analysis and QTL fine mapping in Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer. BmcGenomics 12: 174.
84. Wang CM, Liu P, Yi CX, Gu KY, Sun F, et al. (2011) A First Generation Microsatellite- and SNP-Based Linkage Map of Jatropha.Plos One 6: e823632.
85. Wang CM, Lo LC, Zhu ZY, Pang HY, Liu HM, et al.(2011) Mapping QTL for an Adaptive Trait: The Length of Caudal Fin inLates calcarifer. Marine Biotechnology 13: 74-82.
86. Xia JH, He XP, Bai ZY, Lin G, Yue GH (2011) Analysis of the Asian Seabass Transcriptome Based on Expressed Sequence Tags. DNA Research 18: 513-522.
87. Xia JH, He XP, Bai ZY, Yue GH (2011) Identification and Characterization of 63 MicroRNAs in the Asian SeabassLates calcarifer. Plos One 6:e17537.
88. Bai ZY, Zhu ZY, Wang CM, Xia JH, He XP, et al. (2012) Cloning and characterization of the calreticulin gene in Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer). Animal 6: 887-893.
89. He XP, Xia JH, Wang CM, Pang HY, Yue GH (2012) Significant associations of polymorphisms in the prolactin gene with growth traits in Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer). Animal Genetics 43: 233-236.
90. Lei L, Feng L, Jian TR, Yue GH (2012) Characterization and multiplex genotyping of novel microsatellites from Asian swamp eel,Monopterus albus. Conservation Genetics Resources 4: 363-365.
91. Lin G, Lo LC, Yue GH (2012) Genetic Variations in Populations from Farms and Natural Habitats of Asian Green Mussel,Perna viridis, in Singapore Inferred from Nine Microsatellite Markers. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 43: 270-277.
92. Wang CM, Liu P, Sun F, Li L, Ye J, et al.(2012) Isolation and Identification of miRNAs inJatropha curcas. International Journal of Biological Sciences 8: 418-429.
93. Yue GH, Xia JH, Liu F, Lin GC (2012) Evidence for Female-Biased Dispersal in the Protandrous Hermaphroditic Asian Seabass,Lates calcarifer. Plos One 7:e37976.
94. Sun F, Liu P, Ye J, Lo LC, Cao S, et al. (2012) An approach for jatropha improvement using pleiotropic QTLs regulating plant growth and seed yield. Biotechnology for Biofuels 5: 42.
95. Ye H, Ren P, Zhao G, Yue G, Wang Z (2012) Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in large yellow croaker,Larimichthys crocea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 31: 149-153.
96. Yue GH, Xia, JH, Liu P, Liu F, Sun F, Lin G. (2012) Tracing Asian seabass individuals to single fish farms using microsatellites. Plos ONE 7(12): e52721.
97. Liu P, Xia JH, Lin G, Sun F, Liu F, Lim HS, Pang HY, Yue GH. (2012) Molecular parentage analysis is essential in breeding Asian seabass. Plos One 7(12): e51142.
98. Sandeep M*, Sun F*, Liu F, Li J. David PB, Yue GH (* equal contribution). (2012) Novel polymorphic microsatellites from Florida red tilapia and cross-species amplification in Mozambique and Nile tilapia. Journal of Genetics 91: e97–e99.
99. Yue GH (2013): Recent advances of genome mapping and marker-assisted selection in aquaculture. Fish and Fisheries (accepted).
100. Xia JH, Liu P, Liu F, Lin G, Tou RJ, Yue GH (2013): Mapping quantitative trait loci for omega-3 fatty acids in Asian seabass. Marine Biotechnology (submitted).