- 中文名:岑慧枝
- 畢業院校:香港浸會大學
- 性別:女
- 職稱:教授
研究興趣集中在上皮細胞在男性生殖健康和疾病有關的功能。研究目標是了解附睪內的各種假復層上皮細胞如何同步工作及其調控機制, 特別是基底細胞和鄰近細胞之間的相互作用, 從而建立一個精子成熟過程所需的最佳環境。
- Shum WW*, Smith TB, Cortez-Retamozo V, Roy JW, Hill E, Pittet MJ, Breton S, Da Silva N. Epithelial basal cells are distinct from dendritic cells and macrophages in the mouse epididymis. Biol. Reprod., Accepted. * Co-corresponding author.
- Shum WW*, Hill E, Brown D, Breton S. Plasticity of basal cells during postnatal development and androgen manipulations in the rat epididymis. Reproduction, 2013; 146: 455-469. * Corresponding author.
- Shum WW, Da Silva D, Belleannée C, Brown D, Breton S. Regulation of V-ATPase recycling via a RhoA- and ROCKII-dependent pathway in epididymal clear cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, 2011; 301: C31-C43.
- Shum WW, Da Silva N, Breton S. Regulations of luminal acidification in the male reproductive tract via cell-cell cross-talk. J. Exp. Biol., 2009; 212:1753-61.
- Shum WW, Da Silva N, MeKee M, Smith PJS, Brown D, Breton S. Transepithelial projections from basal cells are luminal sensors in pseudostratified epithelia. Cell, 2008; 135:1108-1117.