



  • 中文名:山西英語導遊
  • 作者:張傑、郝從容
  • 出版社:旅遊教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年1月1日
  • 頁數:303 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787563727605
  • 外文名:An English Tour Guide to Shanxi Province
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語




Chapter 1 A General Introduction to Shanxi Province
1.1 Geography and Climate
1.2 Major Periods of Shanxi's History
1.3 Economy and Tourism
Chapter 2 Welcome Speech and Farewell Speech
2.1 Welcome Speech and Introduction to Taiyuan
2.2 Farewell Speech at the End of the Tour
Chapter 3 Topics for Tour Commentary en Route (Ⅰ)
3.1 Cradle of Chinese Civilization and the Three Prehistoric Sages-Sage Yao, Sage Shun, and Sage Yu
3.2 Historical Celebrities in Ancient Shanxi
3.3 Famous Historical Interests and Scenic Attractions
3.4 Local Specialties, Folk Custom and Performing Arts
Chapter 4 Topics for Tour Commentary en Route(Ⅱ)
4.1 Shanxi-a Museum of Ancient Chinese Architecture
4.2 The Business Culture of Jin
4.3 An Overview of Shanxi Buddhist Culture
4.4 Varnishing Lacquer Ware from Pingyao
Chapter 5 Major Tour Attractions in Northern Shanxi
5.1 Yungang Buddhist Grottoes
5.2 The Hanging Temple
5.3 Yingxian Wooden Pagoda (Sakyamuni Pagoda in Fogong Temple)
5.4 A Bdefing about Mount Wutai
5.5 Xiantong Temple
5.6 Pusading Temple
5.7 Foguang Temple (Temple of Buddha's Halo)
Chapter 6 Major Tour Attractions in Central Shanxi
6.1 Jinci Temple
6.2 Qiao Family Compound(Qiao Jia Dayuan)
6.3 The Ancient City of Pingyao
6.4 Rishengchang Piaohao
6.5 Shuanglin Buddhist Temple
6.6 Wang Family Compound(Wang Jia Dayuan)
Chapter 7 Major Tour Attractions in Southern Shanxi
7.1 Hukou Waterfall
7.2 Guandi Temple in Xiezhou
7.3 Yongle Taoist Palace
7.4 The Castle-like Residence of Premier Chen Tingjing in Huangcheng Village
7.5 Pujiu Buddhist Temple


張傑,男,1960年出生,副澤審、高級英語導遊。從事翻譯導遊工作20多年,1996年獲首批國家級高級英語導遊員資格,現就職于山西旅遊取業學院。從2004年開始,多次受聘為山西省旅遊局組織的英語導遊資格考試培訓班授課,並擔任山西省旅遊局組織的“全國導遊人員資格考試”考評審成員和山西省導遊大賽評審。 曾編寫過《大同導遊調》(英文版)一書,並為大型圖書《雲岡石窟》進行英文翻譯。


