2014 - 至今 中科院遺傳發育所,研究員
2013 - 2014 美國加州理工學院,Member of the Professional Staff (校級學術委員會批准)
2010 - 2013 美國加州理工學院,Senior Research Fellow (Voting Faculty) (校級學術委員會批准)
2004 - 2010 美國加州理工學院,博士後
2003 - 2004 中科院蛋白組分析中心,研究助理
2003 博士 中科院生化細胞所
2000 碩士 復旦大學
1997 學士 安徽師範大學
1.Barsi JC*, Tu Q*, Calestani C, Davidson EH. Genome-wide assessment of differential effector gene use in embryogenesis. Development
2.Barsi JC*, Tu Q*, Davidson EH. General approach for in vivo recovery of cell type-specific effector gene sets
3. Tu Q, Cameron RA, Davidson EH. Quantitative developmental transcriptomes of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
4. Tu Q, Cameron RA, Worley KC, Gibbs RA, Davidson EH. Gene structure in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus based on transcriptome analysis
5. Oliveri P*, Tu Q*, Davidson EH. Global regulatory logic for specification of an embryonic cell lineage.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
6.Tu Q, Brown CT, Davidson EH, Oliveri P. Sea urchin Forkhead gene family: Phylogeny and embryonic expression
7. Howard-Ashby M, Materna SC, Brown CT, Tu Q, Oliveri P, Cameron RA, Davidson EH. High regulatory gene use in sea urchin embryogenesis: Implications for bilaterian development and evolution
8.Samanta MP, Tongprasit W, Istrail S, Cameron RA, Tu Q, Davidson EH, Stolc V. The transcriptome of the sea urchin embryo
9.Sea Urchin Genome Sequencing Consortium. The Genome of the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
10.Tu Q, Tang H, Ding D. MedBlast: searching articles related to a biological sequence. Bioinformatics
11.Tu Q, Ding D. Detecting pathogenicity islands and anomalous gene clusters by iterative discriminant analysis
12.Tu Q, Yu L, Zhang P, Zhang M, Zhang H, Jiang J, Chen C, Zhao S. Cloning, characterization and mapping of the human ATP5E gene, identification of pseudogene ATP5EP1, and definition of the ATP5E motif
13.Zheng L, Yu L, Tu Q, Zhang M, He H, Chen W, Gao J, Yu J, Wu Q, Zhao S. Cloning and mapping of human PKIB and PKIG, and comparison of tissue expression patterns of three members of the protein kinase inhibitor family, including PKIA
14.Lang T, Yu L, Tu Q, Jiang J, Chen Z, Xin Y, Liu G, Zhao S. Molecular cloning, genomic organization, and mapping of PRKAG2, a heart abundant gamma2 subunit of 5’-AMP-activated protein kinase, to human chromosome
15.Tu Q. A developing of the plant taxonomy tool software. Journal of Anhui Normal University (Natural Science)