- 中文名:屈洪春
- 職業:教師
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:計算機
- 任職院校:重慶郵電大學
2010.07~至今 重慶郵電大學自動化學院/計算學院,教授/博士生導師
2015.10~至今 美國緬因大學生物與生態學系,高級研究科學家(合作者:Francis Drummond教授、Seanna Annis教授)
2013.01~至今 以色列本-古里安大學雅各布-布勞斯坦荒漠研究所,合作研究員 (合作者:Seifan Merav博士、Tal Seifan博士)
2010.11~2012.12 德國圖賓根大學系統與進化研究所,博士後
2006.03~2009.12 重慶大學計算機軟體與理論專業,博士
2003.03~2005.12 重慶大學計算機軟體與理論專業,碩士
2001.08~2003.08 上海索微高科技有限公司,系統分析員
學術貢獻包括:建立環境脅迫下生態網路退化級聯效應的預測模型與災變控制理論、發現傳粉服務對植被空間格局形成與演化的影響、發現傳粉生態過程隱含依賴關係對群落演化的影響。近年來主持3項國家自然科學基金、德國政府科學基金會科研項目、重慶市基礎與前沿研究項目和重慶市教委科學技術項目等,在OIKOS,COMPAG,IEEE TFS,ISA TRANS等高水平國際期刊發表SCI/EI檢索論文40餘篇,獲得授權發明專利6項。
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目,“環境擾動下傳粉生態服務可持續性的多粒度預測模型與驗證研究”(No.61871061),63萬,2019.1至2022.12. 主持。
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目,“面向多模式跨尺度湧現的複雜生態系統可預測建模方法研究”(No.61374093),81萬,2014.1至2017.12. 主持。
- 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,“湧現表型可塑性智慧型特徵的虛擬植物建模與仿真研究”(No.61102145),28萬,2012.1至2014.12. 主持。
- 德國國家科學基金,DFG“共享傳粉環境下空間異質性對植被空間分布模式的影響-建模方法研究”(No. SE1840/1-1),26萬歐元,2010.1至2013.12。
- 美國農業部緬因州特殊作物預測項目,“基於計算密集型模型的野生藍莓病蟲害擴散研究 - Development of a model of mummy berry disease transmission in Maine Wild Blueberry”(No. ME0-21505),5萬美元,2016.1至2017.12。
- 國家科技重大專項-基於IPv6 的無線感測器網的網路協定研發及驗證子課題13 “IPv6感測網套用驗證--工業過程監控”(No. 2012ZX03005002), 171.2萬. 2012.1至2013.12. 子課題負責人。
- 重慶市基礎與前沿研究項目,“工業物聯網環境下大規模智慧型體系統協同控制理論與套用研究”(cstc2013jcyjA40014),5萬,2013.7至2016.6. 主持。
- 重慶市基礎與前沿研究項目,“面向工業4.0的CPS運行時異常辨識研究”( cstc2017jcyjAX0453) . 5萬,2017.7至2020.6. 主持。
- 重慶市教委科研項目,“基於多智慧型體結構的虛擬植物及其複雜適應性模型研究”( KJ110520) . 2萬,2011.1至2012.12. 主持。
- 重慶郵電大學文峰高端人才引領項目,“多尺度擾動下傳粉系統的耐受極限與災變控制模型研究”,18萬,2014.1至2017.12. 主持。
- QU H.C., QIU Z.L., TANG X.M., XIANG M., WANG P. 2018. Incorporating unsupervised learning into intrusion detection for wireless sensor networks with structural co-evolvability. Applied Soft Computing. 71: 939-951. (IF=3.907, SCI JCR Q1, 自動化學會CAA-B類期刊)
- QU H.C., DRUMMOND F. 2018: Simulation-based Modeling of Wild Blueberry Pollination. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 144: 94–101. (IF=2.427, SCI JCR Q1, 農業工程學會CSAE-A類權威期刊)
- QU H.C., SEIFAN T., SEIFAN M. 2017: Effects of plant and pollinator traits on the maintenance of a food deceptive species within a plant community. Oikos, 126: 1815–1826. (IF=4.03, SCI JCR Q1, 生態學學會ESC-A類權威期刊)
- QU, H.C., SEIFAN, T., TIELBOGER, K., SEIFAN, M. 2013: A spatially explicit agent-based simulation platform for investigating effects of shared pollination service on ecological communities. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 37: 107. (IF=2.092, SCI JCR Q1, 自動化學會CAA-A類權威期刊)
- QU H.C., WANG, Y., CAI, L., WANG, T., LU, Z. 2012: Orange tree simulation under heterogeneous environment using agent-based model ORASIM. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 23:19. (IF=2.092, SCI JCR Q1, 自動化學會CAA-A類權威期刊)
- QU H.C., ZHU, Q., GUO, M., LU, Z. 2010: Simulation of carbon-based model for virtual plants as complex adaptive system. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 18: 677. (IF=2.092, SCI JCR Q1, 自動化學會CAA-A類權威期刊)
- TANG, X.M, DENG, L., YU J.M., QU H.C. 2017: Output Feedback Predictive Control of Interval Type-2 T-S Fuzzy Systems with Markovian Packet Loss,IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,26(4): 2450 – 2459. (IF=8.415, SCI JCR Q1, 自動化學會CAA-A類權威期刊)
- TANG, X.M, YANG S., DENG L., QU H.C., YU J.M. 2018. Improved predictive control approach to networked control systems based on quantization dependent Lyapunov function. ISA Transactions. DOI:10.1016/j.isatra.2018.07.045. (IF=3.370, SCI JCR Q1, 自動化學會CAA-A類權威期刊)
- TANG, X.M, QU H.C., WANG, P., ZHAO, M. 2015: Constrained off-line synthesis approach of model predictive control for networked control systems with network-induced delays. ISA Transactions 55:135. (IF=3.370, SCI JCR Q1, 自動化學會CAA-A類權威期刊)
- LI, C.Y., ZUG, C., QU H.C., SCHLUESENER H., ZHANG, Z.Y., 2015: Hesperidin ameliorates behavioral impairments and neuropathology of transgenic APP/PS1 mice. Behavioural Brain Research, 281:32~42. (IF=3.173, SCI JCR Q1, 生物信息學B類期刊)
- TANG, X.M, YANG S., YU J.M., QU H.C., 2018. Guaranteed Cost Control of Networked Control Systems with Bounded Packet Loss Based on Quantization Dependent Lyapunov Function. 自動化學報/Acta Automatic Sinica. 44(8): 1381-1390. (自動化學會CAA-A類權威期刊)
- DENG L., TANG, X.M, YU J.M., QU H.C., 2018. Output Feedback Model Predictive Control for Interval Type-2 T-S Fuzzy Networked Control Systems with Bounded Disturbance. 自動化學報/Acta Automatic Sinica. AAS-CN-2017-0554待出版. (自動化學會CAA-A類權威期刊)
- QU H.C., Lei L.B., TANG X.M., WANG P. 2018. A Lightweight Intrusion Detection Method Based on Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. Advances in Fuzzy Systems. DOI:10.1155/2018/4071851, Article ID 4071851. (SCI, IDS:GK0GP, WOS:000435787300001)
- QU H.C., ZOU K.D., ZHONG D.D., YIN L., TANG X.M. 2018. A Simulation Approach to Understanding the Effect of Mimicry on Prey’s Flourishing When Predators Decline Due to Environmental Disturbance. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management. DOI:10.5890/JEAM.2018.9.005 (SCI, IDS: GW5SO, WOS: 000446997900005)
- QU H.C., QIU, Z.L., TANG, X.M., XIANG, M., WANG, P. 2017. An Adaptive Intrusion Detection Method for Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 8(11):27-36 (SCI, IDS:FP9RJ, WOS:000417985900004).
- TANG, X.M, QU H.C., XIE H.F., WANG, P. 2013: Model predictive control of linear systems over networks with state and input quantizations. Mathematical Problems in Engineering Article ID 492804. (SCI, IDS:279PE, WOS:000328971100001)
- CAI, L.Q., YANG, Z., YANG, S.X., QU H.C., 2013. Modelling and Simulating of Risk Behaviours in Virtual Environments Based on Multi-Agent and Fuzzy Logic. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. Article Number: 387. (SCI, IDS:250OV, WOS:000326863200001)
- QU H.C., ZHU, Q., FU, H.G., ZENG, L.Q., GUO, M.W., LU, Z. Automatic L-System Discovery for Virtual Plants by Branching Pattern Analysis of Unfoliaged Trees. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 2010, 7(5):900-910 (SCI, IDS:595MR, WOS:000277615300015)
- QU H.C., CAI, L.Q., LU, Z., WANG Y.L. Automatic extraction of ramification pattern for living plants: A review. Scientific Research and Essays. 2010, 5(23): 3550-3563 (SCI, IDS:709IT, WOS:000286432400001).
- QU H.C., ZHU, Q., GUO, M., LU, Z. 2009: An intelligent learning approach to l-grammar extraction from image sequences of real plants. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 18: 905. (SCI, IDS:541OM, WOS:00027273425700005)
- QU H.C., ZHU, Q., FU, H.G., DENG, Q.Q., GE, L. 2007. Modelling and Constructing of Intelligent Physiological Engine Merging Artificial Life for Virtual Plants. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 4(7):1405-1411 (SCI, IDS:595MR, WOS: 000252406200033).
- Hongchun Qu, A simulation-based approach to assessing effects of indirect interactions on species viability in facing of environmental disturbances. International Conference of Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS) 2019. 2019年1月, 澳大利亞墨爾本。
- Hongchun Qu, Frank Drummond, Seanna Annis. A computer model to simulate the dynamics of mummy berry disease transmission in wild blueberry production. 美國植物病理學會International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) 2018: Plant Health in a Global Economy. 1037-P. 2018年8月, 美國麻薩諸塞州波士頓。
- Hongchun Qu, Frank Drummond, Seanna Annis. Modelling wild blueberry pollination and mummy berry disease transmission. 美國Josselyn Botanical Society's 110周年學術年會,2016年7月,美國緬因大學Fort Kent分校。
- Hongchun Qu, Frank Drummond. Enhancing Dialogue with Blueberry Growers - Grower Based Analytical Analysis for the Wild Blueberry Agro-ecosystem. 美國George J. Mitchell參議員可持續發展中心2016學術年會,2016年1月,美國George J. Mitchell 可持續發展中心。
- Andrew K. Galimberti, Andrei Alyokin, Hongchun Qu. Relative importance of initial inoculum and transmission efficiency by aphid vectors in spread of potato virus Y. 國際昆蟲學會議Entomology 2017,2017年11月。美國科羅拉多丹佛.
- Hongchun Qu, Yongbo Wu, Jisheng Song. The Stability Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Model-Mimic System with A Third Species. 2017數據挖掘與知識發現國際會議DMICT-2017,2017年5月,泰國普吉。
- Hongchun Qu, Qingsheng Zhu. Automata-Based L-Grammar Extraction from Multiple Images for Virtual Plants. 生物啟發計算國際會議BIC-TA2008,2008年9月,澳大利亞阿德萊德。