- 中文名:尾指針
- 套用:數據結構
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define ElementType intstruct ListNode{ ElementType Element; struct ListNode *Next;};typedef struct{ struct ListNode *Head; struct ListNode *Tail;} List, *pList;int InsertTail( ElementType X, pList L ) //尾部插入元素{ struct ListNode *newP; if ( (newP = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode))) == NULL ) { perror("OUT OF SPACE!"); return -1; } newP->Element = X; newP->Next = NULL; L->Tail->Next = newP; L->Tail = newP; if ( L->Head->Next == NULL) { L->Head->Next = L->Tail; } return 0;}int InsertHead( ElementType X, pList L ) //頭部插入元素{ struct ListNode *newP; if ( (newP = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode))) == NULL ) { perror("OUT OF SPACE!"); return -1; } newP->Element = X; newP->Next = L->Head->Next; L->Head->Next = newP; return 0;} int main(){ pList L; if ( (L = malloc(sizeof(List))) == NULL ) { perror("OUT OF SPACE!"); return -1; } if ( (L->Head = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode))) == NULL ) { perror("OUT OF SPACE!"); return -1; } L->Head->Next = NULL; //初始化 L->Tail = L->Head; InsertTail( 10, L ); InsertTail( 11, L ); InsertTail( 12, L ); //三次尾部插入 InsertHead( 13, L ); InsertHead( 14, L ); //兩次頭部插入 InsertTail( 15, L ); InsertTail( 16, L ); //兩次尾部插入 while( L->Head->Next != NULL ) //遍歷輸出 { printf("%d ", L->Head->Next->Element); L->Head = L->Head->Next; } puts(""); return 0;}
jimmy@MyPet:~/code/learnc$ makegcc -Wall -g -o test test.c -std=c99jimmy@MyPet:~/code/learnc$ ./test 14 13 10 11 12 15 16