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研究領域,微重力流體物理(液滴熱毛細遷移,太空艙的通風問題) ;並行計算在計算流體力學中的套用,計算流體力學;湍流直接數值模擬


  • 中文名:尹兆華
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:副研究員
  • 畢業院校:北京大學力學與工程科學




1991-1999 北京大學力學與工程科學系(學士,碩士)
1999-2003 荷蘭Technical University of Eindhoven套用物理系(博士)
2003.9-2005.7 中科院數學院計算數學所(博士後)
2005.7-2005.12 中科院力學所(項目聘任助理研究員)
2005.12-2008.4 中科院力學所(助理研究員)
2008.4- 中科院力學所(副研究員)
2000,2001 美國Dartmouth College物理與天文學系 (訪問學者)
2006.4 香港大學工程力學系 (訪問學者)


微重力流體物理(液滴熱毛細遷移,太空艙的通風問題) ;並行計算在計算流體力學中的套用,計算流體力學;湍流直接數值模擬


1. 尹兆華,常磊, 胡文瑞, 李巧紅 & 王虹宇, Numerical simulations on thermocapillary migrations of nondeformable droplets with large Marangoni numbers,
2. 尹兆華, 高鵬,胡文瑞 & 常磊, Thermocapillary migration of nondeformable drops, Phys. Fluids
3. D. Molenaar, H. Clercx, G. van Heijst & 尹兆華, Attractor crisis and intermittency in a liquid flow with two no-slip directions, Physics Review E
4. 尹兆華, 袁禮 & 湯濤, A New Parallel Strategy for Two-dimensional Incompressible Flow Simulations Using Pseudo-spectral Methods, Journal of Computational Physics
5. 尹兆華, On the final states of 2D decaying turbulence, Phys. Fluids
6. 尹兆華, Clercx & Montgomery, An easily implemented task-based parallel scheme for the Fourier pseudo-spectral solver applied to 2D Navier-Stokes turbulence.
7. 尹兆華, D.Montgomery & H.Clercx, Alternative statistical-mechanical description of decaying 2d turbulence in terms of “patches” and “points”
8. 婁開元 & 尹兆華, A CUDA Pseudo-spectral Solver for Two-dimensional Navier-Stokes Equation, the 7th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Applications for business, engineering and sciences
9. 尹兆華, 常磊, 胡文瑞 & 高鵬, Thermocapillary migration and interactions of two nondeformable droplets, Appl. Math. Mech. -Engl. Ed
10. 常磊, 尹兆華 & 胡文瑞, Transient behavior of the thermocapillary migration of drops under the influence of deformation, Scientia Sinica: Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica
11. 常磊, 尹兆華, 王虹宇 & 胡文瑞, A fast solver Solver for three-dimensional Thermocapillary migration with front tracking methods, In: The national conference on large passenger aircraft with high-precision calculating method,
12. 袁禮, 郭紅 & 尹兆華, On optimal message vector length for block single parallel partition algorithm in a three-dimensional ADI solver, Applied Mathematics and Computation
13. 郭紅,尹兆華 & 袁禮,A block SPP algorithm for multidimensional tridiagonal equations with optimal message vector length, Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology
14. 尹兆華, 武作兵 & 胡文瑞, Thermocapillary migrations of drops and bubbles, Advances in Microgravity Science, ed. by Wenrui Hu, Transworld research network
15. 王濤, 尹兆華 & 胡文瑞, On a combined measurement technique of PIV and shadowgraph in environmental fluid dynamics,ICEM 2008: International Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2008, edited by Xiaoyuan He, Huimin Xie, Yilan Kang, Proc. of SPIE
16. 高鵬, 尹兆華 & 胡文瑞, Thermocapillary motion of droplets at large Marangoni numbers, Advance in Space Research.
17. 高鵬,尹兆華 & 胡文瑞,液滴熱毛細遷移問題的研究進展, 力學進展
18. 王濤,尹兆華 & 胡文瑞,半封閉和全封閉系統的通風問題,力學進展
19. 高鵬, 尹兆華 & 胡文瑞, Numerical investigation of thermocapillary migration of the drop for large Marangoni number, Science in China E (Brief Communication),
20. 王濤,尹兆華 & 胡文瑞,載人太空飛行器的艙內通風問題,載人航天
21. 郭紅, 尹兆華 & 袁禮, An Efficient Parallel Three-dimensional ADI Solver with Single Parallel Partition and Message Vectorization, The Sixth International Conference on Distributed Computing and Applications for business, engineering and sciences,Yichang
22. 尹兆華 & 湯濤, Numerical investigations on the finite time singularity in two-dimensional Boussinesq equations ,
23. 尹兆華 & 湯濤, Resolving Small-scale Structures in Two-dimensional Boussinesq Convection by Spectral Methods with High Resolutions
24.尹兆華 & D. Montgomery, Advances in turbulence IX, ed. by I.P. Castro, P.E. Hancock and T.G. Thomas, (Barcelona, Int. Center for Num. Methods in Engineering
25.尹兆華, Clercx, H.J.H. & Montgomery, D., Parallelization in two-dimensional direct numerical simulation. In: Applications of high-performance computing in engineering VII, WIT Press, Southampton & Boston
26.王健平, 尹兆華, 賈為 & Takemoto, Y., Numerical Calculation of Flows passing Circular Cylinder by Finite Spectral QUICK Method, Yokkaichi university journal of environmental and information sciences
27. 尹兆華 & 王健平, Numerical Simulation of incompressible flow using finite spectral methods. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Symposium on Mechanics of Chinese Mechanics Federation (youth committee), Dalian, China
28. 尹兆華 & 王健平, Multigrid Methods and its Usage in Grid Generation, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on Mechanics of Chinese Mechanics Federation, Beijing, China, (1997).


2005-2007 三維氣體化學反應流的計算方法(參與者:自然科學基金聯合資助項目)
2006-2008 二維湍流及並行計算技術的研究 (負責人:留學回國基金 )
2006-2008 二維湍流及並行計算技術的研究 (負責人:自然科學基金青年面上項目)
2005-2007 創新工程試點育種衛星子課題六 (參與者)
2005-2008 自然科學基金重點項目微重力流體力學研究(參與者)
2007-2009 力學研究所知識創新項目熱毛細作用的液滴(氣泡)變形遷移與相互作用(主要參與者)
2007-2010 921載人航天二步一階段分系統研究類項目多相多液滴的熱毛細遷移及相互作用(主要參與者)


