



  • 中文名:就這900句玩轉英語口語
  • 作者:方振宇
  • ISBN:9787122242341
  • 頁數:350頁
  • 定價:49.8元
  • 出版社:化學工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年8月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




Chapter 1 見面問候 Basic Communication
Section 1 見面問候 Greeting
Section 2 介紹與回應 Introduction and Reply
Section 3 感謝與回謝 Gratitude and Reply
Section 4 道歉與回應 Apology and Reply
Section 5 邀請與回應 Invitation and Reply
Section 6 接打電話 Answering the Phone
Section 7 天氣 Weather
Section 8 時間與日期 Time and Date
Section 9 告別 Farewell
Chapter 2 公共服務 Public Service
Section 1 郵局 Post Office
Section 2 銀行 Bank
Section 3 博物館 Museum
Section 4 電話亭 Telephone Booth / Collect Calling
Section 5 社區居委會 Neighborhood Community
Section 6 警察局 Police Station
Section 7 理髮店 Hair Salon
Section 8 洗衣房 Laundromat
Chapter 3 生病看病 Sickness
Section 1 感冒發燒 Suffering from a Fever
Section 2 預約醫生 Doctor Appointment
Section 3 去醫院 Going to the Hospital
Section 4 手術及護理 Operation and Care
Section 5 住院出院 Living in Hospital
Section 6 醫療保險 Medical Insurance
Chapter 4 紐約來客 New Yorker
Section 1 預訂機票 Flight Ticket Reservation
Section 2 檢票登機 Check In and Board
Section 3 在飛機上 On the Plane
Section 4 行李提取 Retrieve the Luggage
Section 5 通關檢查 Security Check
Section 6 問路指路 Directions Inquiry
Section 7 坐公交 Take a Bus
Section 8 坐捷運 Take a Subway
Section 9 坐計程車 Take a Taxi
Section 10 自駕車 Drive a Car
Section 11 騎腳踏車 Ride a Bicycle
Chapter 5 旅行出遊 Travel
Section 1 旅遊計畫 Travel Planning
Section 2 選擇旅行社 Choose the Travel Agency
Section 3 參觀遊覽 Sightseeing Tour
Section 4 拍照留念 Photo-taking
Section 5 購買紀念品 Buying Souvenirs
Section 6 入住賓館 Hotel
Section 7 旅行歸來 Back from the Trip
Chapter 6 好吃好喝 Eating Out
Section 1 商定餐館 Where to Eat
Section 2 點餐 Ordering Food
Section 3 上菜用餐 Eating
Section 4 討論飯菜 Discussing Your Food
Section 5 買單 Paying
Section 6 喝咖啡 Getting Coffee
Section 7 去酒吧 Going to the Bar
Chapter 7 購物逛街 Shopping
Section 1 百貨商店 Department Stores
Section 2 商品式樣品牌 Different Styles and Brands
Section 3 討價還價 Bargaining at the Market
Section 4 尋找減價商品 Searching for Sales
Section 5 售後服務 Customer Service
Section 6 網上購物 Online Shopping
Chapter 8 溫暖的家 Family
Section 1 家人團聚 Reunion
Section 2 家的模樣 Home
Section 3 睡覺起床 Sleeping and Waking Up
Section 4 一日三餐 Meals
Section 5 看望親朋 Visiting Friends
Chapter 9 愛上哈佛 Study
Section 1 熟悉校園和同學 Getting Familiar
Section 2 學校課程 Curriculum
Section 3 聽講座 Lecture
Section 4 在圖書館 At the Library
Section 5 考試測驗 Tests
Section 6 獎學金 Scholarship
Section 7 社團協會 School Association
Section 8 宿舍花絮 Dorm
Section 9 校園兼職 Part-time Job
Section 10 畢業舞會 Graduation and Prom
Section 11 出國留學 Studying Abroad
Section 12 簽證與護照 Visa and Passport
Chapter 10 婚姻愛情 Love
Section 1 約會 Dating
Section 2 愛戀 Falling in Love
Section 3 求婚 Marriage Proposal
Section 4 閃婚 Flash Marriage
Section 5 婚禮 Wedding
Section 6 爭吵分手 Break-up
Section 7 享受單身 Enjoying Single
Chapter 11 態度觀點 Attitude and Mind
Section 1 喜歡與討厭 Like and Dislike
Section 2 同意與分歧 Agreement and Disagreement
Section 3 信任與懷疑 Trust and Doubt
Section 4 接受與拒絕 Accept and Refuse
Section 5 猶豫與後悔 Hesitate and Regret
Section 6 建議與忠告 Suggestion and Persuasion
Section 7 關心與冷漠 Care and Indifference
Section 8 支持與鼓勵 Support and Encourage
Chapter 12 情緒表達 Under a Good Mood
Section 1 高興與難過 Happy and Sad
Section 2 驚訝與欣喜 Surprise and Pleasant
Section 3 激動與憤怒 Excited and Angry
Section 4 樂觀與悲觀 Optimistic and Pessimistic
Section 5 抑鬱與沮喪 Depressed and Desperate
Section 6 擔心與憂慮 Worried and Stressed
Section 7 期望與失望 Promise and Disappointment
Chapter 13 白領職場 The Job Market
Section 1 求職應聘 Job Hunting
Section 2 面試進行時 Interview
Section 3 職場培訓 Training
Section 4 請假 Taking a Leave
Section 5 調班加班 Shifts and Overwork
Section 6 升職加薪 Promotion and Getting a Raise
Section 7 解聘與辭職 Quitting/Resignation


