



  • 中文名:英語口語900句速記活用版
  • 作者:易人外語教研組,[中國台灣]李文昊,楊琪
  • 類別:外語類圖書
  • 出版社:江蘇鳳凰科學技術出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • ISBN:9787553763163






日常生活 Daily Life
飲食 Food
Chapter 1│烹飪 Cooking …………9
Chapter 2│預訂座位 Reservations
Chapter 3│點菜 Ordering Food …14
Chapter 4│酒吧 Going to the Bar
Chapter 5│自助餐 Buffet …………19
Chapter 6│咖啡館 Cafe …………21
Chapter 7│打包外帶 Packing ……24
Chapter 8│結賬 Payment ………26
Chapter 9│小費 Tips ……………28
Chapter 10│野餐 Picnic …………30
Chapter 11│節食 On a Diet ………34
起居 Living
Chapter 1│睡覺 Sleeping …………37
Chapter 2│起床 Waking up ………39
Chapter 3│租房買房 Renting and
Buying Houses………………………42
Chapter 4│家具家電 Furniture and
Household Appliances ………………45
Chapter 5│家事家務 Housework and
Chores ………………………………49
Chapter 6│周邊環境 Surroundings
衣著 Clothes
Chapter 1│服裝服飾 Clothing ……55
Chapter 2│試穿衣服 Trying onClothes
Chapter 3│款式質地 Fashion andMaterial
Chapter 4│退貨換貨 Getting aRefund
and Exchange ………………………63
Chapter 5│清洗打理 Cleaning and
Caring ………………………………66
Chapter 6│網購 Online Shopping …69
人際交往 Social Communication
交際 Communication
Chapter 1│寒暄問候 Greetings …74
Chapter 2│團聚時刻 Reunion ……76
Chapter 3│彼此介紹 Introduction…79
Chapter 4│邀請應答 Invitation and
Answer ………………………………81
Chapter 5│約定時間 Making a Date
Chapter 6│接打電話 Telephone Calls
Chapter 7│登門拜訪 Paying a Visit
Chapter 8│保持聯絡 Keeping inTouch
Chapter 9│請求幫助 Asking for Help
Chapter 10│告別再見 Farewell
個人情感 Personal Emotions
Chapter 1│喜 Happiness ………101
Chapter 2│怒 Anger ……………103
Chapter 3│哀 Sorrow …………106
Chapter 4│樂 Delight …………108
職場商務 Career and Business Trade
工作 Work
Chapter 1│職業選擇 Career Options
Chapter 2│面試 Interview ………114
Chapter 3│入職培訓 Orientation…118
Chapter 4│日常工作 Daily Work…120
Chapter 5│上班下班 Commuter Time
Chapter 6│請假 Taking a Leave…125
Chapter 7│加班工作 Overtime …128
Chapter 8│升職加薪 Promotion and
Getting a Raise ……………………130
Chapter 9│同事關係 Colleague
Relationships ………………………133
Chapter 10│開會 Meetings ……136
Chapter 11│工作壓力 WorkingPressure
Chapter 12│辭職解聘 Quitting and
Resignation ………………………141
商務 Business Trade
Chapter 1│產品介紹 Introductionsof
Products ……………………………145
Chapter 2│參觀公司 Visiting a
Company …………………………148
Chapter 3│接見客戶 Reception of
Clients ………………………………151
Chapter 4│談判簽約 Contract and
Agreement …………………………154
Chapter 5│市場調研 Market Research
Chapter 6│行銷計畫 Marketing Plans
市場 Market
Chapter 1│商場超市 Supermarket and
Mall …………………………………165
Chapter 2│諮詢選購 Inquiring and
Buying ………………………………167
Chapter 3│優惠打折 Discounts …170
Chapter 4│包裝送貨 Package and
Delivery ……………………………173
Chapter 5│投訴建議 Proposing and
Advising ……………………………175
娛樂休閒 Entertainment
興趣愛好 Hobby
Chapter 1│唱歌 Singing …………179
Chapter 2│樂器 MusicalInstruments
Chapter 3│舞蹈 Dancing ………184
Chapter 4│繪畫 Painting ………187
Chapter 5│閱讀 Reading ………189
Chapter 6│球賽 Games …………192
Chapter 7│寵物 Pets ……………195
Chapter 8│電腦遊戲 Computer Games
放鬆心情 Relaxing
Chapter 1│派對 Party ……………200
Chapter 2│展覽 Exhibition ………202
Chapter 3│美容 Cosmetology …205
Chapter 4│理髮 Haircut …………207
Chapter 5│遊樂園 Amusement Park
運動健身 Sports
Chapter 1│瑜伽 Yoga ……………213
Chapter 2│散步跑步 Walking and
Jogging ……………………………215
Chapter 3│足球 Football…………218
Chapter 4│籃球 Basketball………220
Chapter 5│網球 Tennis …………223
Chapter 6│高爾夫球 Golf ………225
Chapter 7│游泳 Swimming………227
Chapter 8│騎腳踏車 Bike ………229
電影明星 Movies and Movie Stars
Chapter 1│歌星影星 Stars ………232
Chapter 2│電影 Movies …………235
Chapter 3│電影節 Film Festivals …237
外出旅遊 Traveling
旅遊攻略 How to Travel
Chapter 1│假期 Vacation ………241
Chapter 2│出遊規劃 Plans forTraveling
Chapter 3│氣候天氣 Weather …245
Chapter 4│遠足 Hiking …………247
Chapter 5│爬山 ClimbingMountains
Chapter 6│入住酒店 Checking inHotels
Chapter 7│旅行社 Travel Agency
Chapter 8│簽證 Visas……………256
交通 Transportation
Chapter 1│問路 Asking forDirections
Chapter 2│公車 Buses ………262
Chapter 3│計程車 Taxi …………265
Chapter 4│火車 Train ……………268
Chapter 5│捷運 Subway…………271
Chapter 6│飛機 Plane……………274
Chapter 7│自駕 Self-Driving ……277
Chapter 8│輪船 Ship ……………279
Chapter 9│通關檢查 Inspection…282
Chapter 10│交通意外 Transportation
Accidents …………………………284
景點 Scenery Spots
Chapter 1│景色景致 Scenery……288
Chapter 2│拍照留念 Taking Photos
公共體系 Public System
學校 School
Chapter 1│課程科目 Curriculum
Chapter 2│課堂 Class……………300
Chapter 3│考試測試 Tests………304
Chapter 4│實驗室 Lab …………309
Chapter 5│圖書館 Library ………314
Chapter 6│獎學金 Scholarship …318
Chapter 7│課外活動 Extracurricular
Activities ……………………………323
Chapter 8│論文 Dissertation ……326
Chapter 9│畢業 Graduation ……330
Chapter 10│留學 Studying Abroad
醫院 Hospital
Chapter 1│掛號 Registration ……338
Chapter 2│醫藥 Medicine ………341
Chapter 3│住院治療 Treatment…344
Chapter 4│做手術 Operations …348
Chapter 5│諮詢醫生 Consulting aDoctor
Chapter 6│注意事項 Medical Advice
Chapter 7│康復出院 LeavingHospital
銀行 Bank
Chapter 1│開戶 Opening anAccount
Chapter 2│存錢 Saving Money …365
Chapter 3│取錢 Drawing Money…367
Chapter 4│貸款 Loan ……………370
Chapter 5│信用卡 Credit Card …374
Chapter 6│支票 Cheque…………377
Chapter 7│外幣 Foreign Currency
警察局 Police Office
Chapter 1│求助電話 Emergency Calls
Chapter 2│犯罪 Crime …………385
其他 Else
自然環境 Nature
Chapter 1│自然災害 NaturalDisasters
Chapter 2│環境污染 Environmental
Pollution ……………………………392
Chapter 3│治理措施 InterventionMeasure
政治 Politics
Chapter 1│政治紛爭 PoliticalStrife
Chapter 2│政府制度 Policies of the
Government ………………………401
經濟 Economy
Chapter 1│經濟狀況 FinancialStatus
Chapter 2│經濟危機 FinancialCrisis
Chapter 3│投資理財 Investment …412


