




  • 中文名:尚家興
  • 畢業院校:清華大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:社交網路分析、影響力最大化等
  • 任職院校:重慶大學






擔任IEEE Transactions on SMC: Systems、ACM TWEB、ACM TMIS, Neurocomputing、Physica A、JISE、CPE、JGIM、IEEE Access、PACIS、FSDM、計算機學報等期刊和國際會議審稿人。擔任WASA'17會議Session Chair,ICC'19 MWN Symposium TPC Member。



1. Xu Li,Jiaxing Shang*, Linjiang Zheng, Dajiang Liu, Lin Qi, and Liu Liu. CurveCluster: Automated Recognition of Hard Landing Patterns based on QAR Curve Clustering. The 16th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC), Aug 19-23rd, 2019, Leicester, UK. (CCF-C類會議,accepted)
2. Qianwen Zhu,Jiaxing Shang*, Xinjun Cai, Linli Jiang, Feiyi Liu, Baohua Qiang. CoxRF: Employee Turnover Prediction based on Survival Analysis. The 16th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC), Aug 19-23rd, 2019, Leicester, UK. (CCF-C類會議,accepted)
3.Dajiang Liu*, Shouyi Yin, Guojie Luo,Jiaxing Shang, Leibo Liu, Shaojun Wei, Yong Feng, Shangbo Zhou. Data-Flow Graph Mapping Optimization for CGRA with Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2018. (SCI,CCF-A類)
4.Jiaxing Shang*, Hongchun Wu, Shangbo Zhou, Jiang Zhong, Yong Feng, and Baohua Qiang. IMPC: Influence Maximization based on Multi-Neighbor Potential in Community Networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, 512: 1085-1103. (SCI,三區)
5. Hongchun Wu,Jiaxing Shang*, Shangbo Zhou, Yong Feng, Baohua Qiang, and Wu Xie. LAIM: A Linear Time Iterative Approach for Efficient Influence Maximization in Large-Scale Networks. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 44221-44234. (SCI,二區)
6.Jiaxing Shang*, Xiaofan Yan, Linhui Feng, Haojie Wang, and Shangbo Zhou. ExtTra: Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction based on Extremely Randomized Trees. The 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), pp. 532-544, Dec 13-16th, 2018, Siem Reap, Combodia. (EI,CCF-C類會議)
7. Dongdong Niu, Yong Feng*,Jiaxing Shang, and Baohua Qiang. SCE-MSPFS: A Novel Deep Convolutional Features Selection Method for Image Retrieval. The 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), pp. 269-281, Dec 13-16th, 2018, Siem Reap, Combodia. (EI,CCF-C類會議)
8. Chunping Zhang, Yong Feng*, Baohua Qiang,Jiaxing Shang. Wasserstein Generative Recurrent Adversarial Networksfor Image Generating. The 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 242-247, Aug 8-24th, 2018, Beijing. (EI,CCF-C類會議)
9. Ting Wu, Yong Feng*,Jiaxing Shang, Baohua Qiang, and Yanan Wang. A Novel Recommendation Algorithm Incorporating Temporal Dynamics, Reviews and Item Correlation, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 2018, 101 (8), 2027-2034. (SCI,四區)
10.Jiaxing Shang*, Jinghao Wang, Ge Liu, Hongchun Wu, Shangbo Zhou, and Yong Feng. App Uninstalls Prediction: A Machine Learning and Time Series Mining Approach. The 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), pp. 514-522, Nov 14-17th, 2017, Guangzhou. (EI,CCF-C類會議)
11. Hongchun Wu,Jiaxing Shang*, Shangbo Zhou and Yong Feng. A Linear Time Algorithm for Influence Maximization in Large-scale Social Networks. The 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), pp. 752-761, Nov 14-17th, 2017, Guangzhou. (EI,CCF-C類會議)
12.Jiaxing Shang*, Hongchun Wu, Shangbo Zhou, Lianchen Liu, Hongbin Tang. Effective Influence Maximization based on the Combination of Multiple Selectors. The 12th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), pp. 572-583, Jun 19-21, 2017, Guilin. (EI,CCF-C類會議,錄取率29.8%)
13.Jiaxing Shang*, Shangbo Zhou, Xin Li, Lianchen Liu and Hongchun Wu. CoFIM: A community-based framework for influence maximization on large-scale networks. Knowledge-based Systems, 2017, 117: 80-100. (SCI,CCF-C類,二區)
14. Lu Chen*, Lianchen Liu, andJiaxing Shang. Fault Tolerance for Web Service Based on Component Importance in Service Networks. In ACM 5th International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing (ICNCC), 103-109, 2016. (EI)
15.Jiaxing Shang*, Lianchen Liu, Xin Li, Feng Xie, and Cheng Wu. Targeted Revision: A Learning-based Approach for Incremental Community Detection in Dynamic Networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2016, 443: 70-85. (SCI,三區)
16.Jiaxing Shang*, Lianchen Liu, Xin Li, Feng Xie, and Cheng Wu. Epidemic spreading in complex networks with overlapping and non-overlapping community structure. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2015, 419: 171-182. (SCI,三區)
17. Feng Xie*, Zhen Chen,Jiaxing Shang, Xiaoping Feng, and Jun Li. A link prediction approach for item recommendation with complex number. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2015, 80: 148-158. (SCICCF-C類,二區)
18. Feng Xie*, Zhen Chen,Jiaxing Shang, Wenliang Huang, and Jun Li. Item Similarity Learning Methods for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems. In IEEE 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2015. (EI)
19. Feng Xie*, Zhen Chen,Jiaxing Shang, GC Fox. Grey Forecast Model for Accurate Recommendation in Presence of Data Sparsity and Correlation. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014, 69: 179-190. (SCICCF-C類,二區)
20.Jiaxing Shang*, Lianchen Liu, Feng Xie, and Cheng Wu. How overlapping community structure affects epidemic spreading in complex networks. In Workshop Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Computer Software and Application Conference (COMSACW), 2014. (IEEE Signature Conference,EI)
21. Feng Xie*, Zhen Chen,Jiaxing Shang, XiaopingFeng, Weiliang Huang, Jun Li. A Link Prediction Approach for ItemRecommendation with Complex Number. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferenceon Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 2014 (EI)
22. Lu Chen*, Lianchen Liu,Jiaxing Shang. An Improved Service Oriented Architecture to Enhance the Usability of Web Service in CERS. In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID), 2014. (EI)
23.Jiaxing Shang*, Lianchen Liu, Cheng Wu. WSCN: Web service composition based on complex networks. In IEEE 5th International Conference on Service Science (ICSS), 2013. (EI).
24.Jiaxing Shang*, Lianchen Liu, Feng Xie, et al. A real-time detecting algorithm for tracking community structure of dynamic networks. In ACM 6th SNA-KDD workshop, 2012.
25. Anyan Chen*, Lianchen Liu,Jiaxing Shang. A Hybrid Strategy to Construct Scientific Instrument Ontology from Relational Database Model. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring (CDCIEM), 2012. (EI)
26.Jiaxing Shang*, Lianchen Liu. Design and implementation of a new architecture to share cross-platform resources and services. In Proceedings of the 2th International conference on Service Science and Engineering (ICISE), 2010. (EI).
27. Shou Yan*,Jiaxing Shang, Lianchen Liu. Design and Implementation of Status Monitoring System for e-Learning Web Service. Computing and Intelligent Systems, 158-165, 2011. (EI).


  1. 尚家興;朱倩雯;武紅春;周尚波;馮永;鐘將.一種基於疊代決策樹的電信用戶分類方法,中華人民共和國發明專利,申請號:201810321941.3
  2. 武紅春;尚家興;周尚波;馮永;萬里;許冶金.一種具有線性時間複雜度的影響力最大化算法,中華人民共和國發明專利,申請號:201710327552.7
  3. 尚家興;武紅春;周尚波;林曉然;齊穎;許冶金.一種基於多選擇器組合的影響最大化結構,中華人民共和國發明專利,申請號:201611085292.9
  4. 尚家興;武紅春;周尚波;林曉然;齊穎;許冶金.一種基於多層潛力和社區結構的影響最大化方法,中華人民共和國發明專利,申請號:201610956550.X
  5. 尚家興;武紅春;周尚波;林曉然;齊穎;吳曉雨.一種基於社區結構的影響最大化方法,中華人民共和國發明專利,申請號:CN201610340219.5
  6. 尚家興;劉連臣;謝峰;徐磊;吳澄.一種移動套用的推薦方法、客戶端及伺服器,中華人民共和國發明專利,專利號:ZL201310201540.1(已授權
  7. 尚家興;劉連臣;謝峰;陳安燕;徐磊.動態網路社區結構的更新方法與裝置,中華人民共和國發明專利,專利號:ZL201210185451.8(已授權
  8. 陳震; 謝峰;馮喜偉;尚家興;曹軍威.基於線性回歸的推薦方法及系統,中華人民共和國發明專利,專利號:ZL201410148936.9(已授權
  9. 謝峰; 陳震;尚家興;曹軍威;李軍.基於鏈路預測的推薦方法和系統,中華人民共和國發明專利,申請號:CN201310228464.3,公開號:CN103309972A


  1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金,項目批准號:61702059,大數據驅動的社交網路影響力最大化問題研究,2018.1-2020.12(主持)
  2. 重慶市基礎研究與前沿探索項目,項目批准號:cstc2018jcyjAX0340,深度融合地理位置與社交網路大數據的影響力最大化問題研究,2018.7.1-2021.6.30(主持)
  3. 重慶市博士後科研項目特別資助,項目批准號:Xm2017125,面向異構大數據的社交網路影響力學習與最大化,2017.10-2018.10(主持)
  4. 廣西可信軟體重點實驗室重點資助課題(橫向研究課題),項目契約號:kx201702,基於大數據參數學習的社交網路影響力最大化問題研究,2017.9-2020.8(主持)
  5. 中國博士後科學基金第61批面上資助,項目編號:2017M612913,基於大數據的大規模社交網路影響力最大化問題研究,2017.5-2018.5(主持)
  6. 中央高校基本科研業務專項,項目號:106112016CDJXY180003,基於社區結構的影響最大化方法研究, 2016.4-2017.12,已結題(主持)
  7. 重慶市重點產業共性關鍵技術創新專項重大主題專項,項目號:cstc2017zdcy-zdzxX0010,共享大數據智慧人力綜合服務平台構建與多領域套用,2017.7-2019.6(子課題負責人)
  8. 國家重點研發計畫,項目號:2017YFB1402400,專業內容知識服務眾智平台與套用示範,2017.12-2020.11(參與)


