
尖銳化,讀音為 jiān ruì huà,漢語詞語,社會學術語。


  • 中文名:尖銳化
  • 拼音:jiān ruì huà
1.Race relations are often edgy, but seldom flare into violence.種族關係時常尖銳化,但不致引發暴力衝突。來源:詞友 最後更新:2007-12-03 收藏 編輯 歷史 舉報2.These contradictions and their intensification must inevitably result in the incessant growth of revolutionary movements.這些矛盾的鬥爭及其尖銳化,就不能不造成日益發展的革命運動。來源:詞友 最後更新:2007-04-24 收藏 編輯 歷史 舉報3.The peaceful rise is an initiative choice from the internal and external situation, but the internationalization, intensification and urgent of Taiwan problem have brought the stern challenge to it.摘要和平崛起是中國基於國內需要和國際局勢的主動選擇,但台灣問題的國際化、尖銳化和緊迫化給和平崛起帶來了嚴峻挑戰。來源:詞友 最後更新:2007-03-13 收藏 編輯 歷史 舉報4.Once the conflict between the socialist Soviet Union and the imperialist powers grows sharper, China will have to take her stand on one side or the other.This is an inevitable trend.社會主義的蘇聯和帝國主義之間的鬥爭一經進一步尖銳化,中國不站在這方面,就要站在那方面,這是必然的趨勢。來源:詞友 最後更新:2007-04-24 收藏 編輯 歷史 舉報5.How to interpret the tense relationship between US and the Islamic world which has manifested in Sep.llth and deteriorated after the Afghan War and the Iraq War? “9·11”事件以極端的方式將美國和伊斯蘭世界的衝突展現在人們面前,而其後的阿富汗戰爭和伊拉克戰爭更使雙方的衝突進一步尖銳化,那么,怎樣去解釋美國和伊斯蘭世界的緊張關係呢?來源:詞友 最後更新:2007-10-22 收藏 編輯 歷史 舉報6.However, different groups within this big bourgeoisie are backed by different imperialist powers, so that when contradictions among these powers become sharper and when the edge of the revolution is mainly directed against a particular power, the big bourgeois groups dependent upon the other powers may join the struggle against that particular imperialist power to a certain extent and for a certain time.但是,由於中國的帶買辦性的大資產階級的各個集團是以不同的帝國主義為背景的,在各個帝國主義間的矛盾尖銳化的時候,在革命的鋒芒主要地是反對某一個帝國主義的時候,屬於別的帝國主義系統的大資產階級集團也可能在一定程度上和一定時期內參加反對某一個帝國主義的鬥爭。


