編號 | NFG-92-22 |
拉丁菌名 | Alysidiopsis yunnanensis Guo et Liu sp. nov. |
中文菌名 | 尖峰嶺白孔菌 |
定名人 | 鄭國楊 |
Nomencla | Guo Yinglan and Liu Xijin |
發表文章 | 廣東及海南省的白孔菌屬 |
Article | Alysidiopsis yunnanensis, A New Species of the Genus Alysidiopsis |
作者 | 鄭國楊 章衛民 李泰輝 賴建平 |
Author | Guo Yinglan and Liu Xijin |
作者單位 | 廣東省微生物研究所, 廣州 510070 |
摘要 | 本文報導了作者近幾年來在廣東 省和海南省所採集的白孔菌屬 Albatrellus S.F.Gray emend, Pouz.的5個種, 其中尖峰嶺白孔菌 Albatrellus jianfengensis G.Y.Zheng 為新種. |
Abstract | |
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期刊 | 真菌學報 11(2):107-110, 1992 |
Publication | Acta Mycologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 11(3):pp.213-215, 1992 |
分享省市 | 海南省樂東黎族自治縣 |
Place | Mojiang Hani Nationality Autonomous Coun |
採集地 | 尖峰嶺天池保護區針闊葉混交林中地上的陸均松腐木上 |
Environment | |
海撥高度 | |
生態環境 | 熱帶季風氣候針葉林帶 |
寄主 | 陸均松松樹的腐木 |
Habitat | subtropical monsoon climate plant flora |
Host | the leaf of Eupatorium odoratum L. and E.coelestinum L. of family Compositae |
採集人 | 鄭國楊 |
Isolation Person | Guo Yinglan |
採集時間 | |
保存單位 | 廣東省微生物研究所真菌標本室, 廣州 510070 |
Preservation Unit | Herbarium of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China |
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Note | The species is a fungi's ill pathogen of Eupatorium odoratum L. and E.coelestinum L. of family Compositae. The stem and leaves of Eupatorium coelestinum contain volatile fragrant oilwhich may used as the essence to make soap, as well as the plant is a chinese medicine to tratment general aching during menstruation and traumatic injury etc. |
備註 | 該菌屬於木 腐菌, 引起樹木白色腐朽. |