



  • 書名:小針刀治療常見筋傷疾病(中英對照)
  • 作者:陳小剛
  • 出版社:廣西科學技術出版社
  • ISBN:9787555107460




第1部分 概論 Part 1 Introduction
1 小針刀療法 Acupotomy Therapy(Small Needle Scalpel Therapy)
2 針刀醫學四大理論 The Four Great Basic Theories of Acupotomy
3 治療方法 Therapeutic Methods
4 針刀四步操作規程 The Four Steps of Acupotomy Operation Instructions
5 針刀針法 Manipulations of acupotomy
第2部分 各論 Part 2 Monographs
1 頸椎病 Cervical Spondylosis
2 枕大神經卡壓症 Greater Occipital Nerve Entrapment Syndrome
3 肩胛提肌損傷 Injuries in Scapula Levator Muscle
4 胸椎小關節紊亂症 Disorders of the Small Joint of Thoracic Vertebra
5 急性腰椎後關節滑膜嵌頓 Acute Lumbar Facet Joint Synovial
6 腰椎間盤突出症 Lumbar Disc Herniation
7 第三腰椎橫突綜合徵 Syndrome of the Third Lumbar Transverse Process
8 腰椎椎管狹窄症 Stenosis of the Lumbar Spine
9 腰椎滑脫症與峽部裂 Spondylolisthesis and Spondylolysis
10 岡上肌肌腱炎 Tendinitis of Supraspinatus Muscle
11 肩關節周圍炎 Periarthritis of Shoulder
12 肱骨外上髁炎(網球肘) External Humeral Epicondylitis(Tennis Elbow)
13 橈骨莖突腱鞘炎 Tenosynovitis of Styloid Process of Radius
14 腕管綜合徵 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
15 屈指肌腱腱鞘炎 Flexor Tenosynovitis(Trigger Finger)
16 臀上皮神經卡壓綜合徵 Superior Clunial Nerves Entrapment Syndrome
17 梨狀肌損傷綜合徵 Piriformis Injury Syndrome
18 股骨頭缺血性壞死 Ischemic Necrosis of the Femoral Head
19 膝關節側副韌帶損傷 Inury of Collateral Ligament of Knee Joint
20 膝關節骨性關節炎 Knee Osteoarthritis
21 髕骨軟化症 Chondromalacia Patellae
22 踝關節陳舊性損傷 Obsolete Injury of Ankle Joint
23 跟痛症 Heel Pain(Calcaneodynia)

