- 中文學名:小葉櫸木
- 拉丁學名:Zelkova schneideriana Hand.-Mazz.
- 別稱:紅櫸 麵皮樹 櫸木
- 界:植物界
- 門:被子植物門
- 綱:雙子葉植物綱
- 目:蕁麻目
- 科:榆科
- 種:小葉櫸木

喬木(樹高10-25m,胸徑15-40cm) Tree ((height10-25m, Diameter at breast height15-40cm |
樹皮薄(皮厚不足5mm) Bark thickness (thickness <5mm) |
外皮平滑 Outer bark smooth |
內皮石細胞粒狀 Stone cell of bark grains-like |
內皮石細胞環狀 Stone cell of inner bark grains-like |
材表燈紗紋 Fine holes of “linen” in log surface |
長江以南各省區 Each province, region in south of Yangze River |
心邊材區別明顯 Sapwood heartwood distinction obvious |
心材黃色或黃褐色 Heartwood yellow or yellow brown |
邊材黃白或淺黃褐色 Sapwood yellow white or light yellow brown |
木材無特殊氣味 Wood non-characteristic odor |
木材紋理斜 Wood cross grain |
木材結構粗 Wood coarse texture |
木材重量中等(氣乾密度0.56-0.75克/立方厘米) Wood moderate weight (air-dried density 0.56-0.75g/cube centimeter) |
生長輪界明顯 Growth ring obvious boundary |
早材過渡到晚材急變 Earlywood to latewood abrupt transition |
闊葉樹材(有孔材) Broadleaf wood (porous wood ) |
環孔材 Ring porous wood |
早材管孔1列 Earlywood pores 1 seriate |
(晚材)管孔復串斜列、弦列 (latewood ) pores oblique and tangential arrangement |
(晚材)管孔波列 (latewood ) pores wavy arrangement |
單管孔外形為圓形 Extemal single pore round |
纖維壁甚厚 Fiber wall very thick |
軸向薄壁組織豐富 Longitudinal parenchyma abundance |
軸薄組織環管束狀 Longitudinal parenchyma vasicentric |
軸薄組織傍管帶狀 Longitudinal parenchyma paratracheal-banded |
射線多列 Ray numerous seriates |
射線寬4—10細胞 Ray width 4-10cells |
射線高15細胞以上 Ray height more 15 cells |
射線細胞圓形或近圓形 Ray cell round or approached round |
異形射線Ⅲ型 Homogenous ray Ⅲ type |
射線中(肉眼下易見至明顯) Moderate-ray(visible to obvious at naked eye) |
具菱形結晶體 Rhomus crystal |
乾縮率中(體積乾縮係數0.46—0.65%) Ratio of shrinkage moderate (coefficient of volumetric shrinkage 0.46-0.65%) |
強度中(順壓強度+拉彎強度=136—180MPa) Moderate strength (compressive strength parallel to grain+bending strength=136-180Mpa) |
硬度大(端面硬度>65MPa) Large hardness (End hardness>65Mpa) |
乾燥速度中等 Rate of drying moderate |
乾燥易開裂 Drying easy fissure |
乾燥稍變形 Drying slightly deformed |
耐腐性中 Moderately decay-resistant |
抗蟲性中 Moderate insect damage resistance |
加工略難 Slightly difficult conversion |
油漆、膠粘性中 Moderate paint viscosity |
防腐處理略難 Preservative treatment slightly difficult |
房屋建築 Building construction |
室內裝飾 Interior finish |
高級家具 High grade furniture |
木地板 Wood floor |
體育用材 Sports wood |