



  • 書名:導遊情境英語
  • 譯者:9787561539279
  • 頁數:228頁
  • 出版社:廈門大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011年8月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


第1版 :2011年8月1日
叢書名: 福建省高職高專旅遊大類規劃教材正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
ISBN: , 7561539274
條形碼: 9787561539279
尺寸: 25.8 x 18.4 x 1 cm




Unit 1 Meeting Guests迎接客人
Model 1 Meeting Guests at the Airport迎接機場客人
Model 2 On the way to the Hotel去賓館的路上
Model 3 Chinese Folk Customs中國民俗
Model 4 Qualifications for Being a Good Tour Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Familiarity with the Working Procedures of a Tour Guide(1)
Model 5 Travel Guide優秀導遊詞範例
Model 6 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 2 Hotel Check-in入住飯店
Modell Hotel Room Reservation客房預訂
Model 2 Check-in人住登幾拔元陵記
Model 3 Itinerary Planning程安排
Model 4 Cultural Communication and Integration文化交流
Model 5 Qualifications for Being a Good Tour Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Familiarity with the Working Procedures of a Tour Guide(2)
Model 6 Travel Guide優秀導遊詞範例
Model 7 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 3 Housekeeping Service客房服務
Model 1 Escorting the Guest into the Room把遊客帶進房間
Model 2 Tidying the Room整理房間
Model 3 Room Service房內就餐服務
Model 4 Welcome to West Lake Hotel歡迎到西湖飯店
Model 5 Qualifications for Being a Good乃our Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Familiarity with the Working Procedures of a Tour Guide(3)
Model 6 Travel Guide優秀導遊詞範例
Model 7 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 4 Food and Beverage Service餐飲服務
Modell Reserving a Table餐桌預訂
Model 2 Seating the Guests引座
Model 3 Recommending and Ordering Dishes點菜
Model 4 Chinese Food中餐
Model 5 Qualifications for Being a Good 7bour Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Familiarity with the Working Procedures of a Tour Guide(4)
Model 6 Travel Guide優秀導遊詞範例
Model 7 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 5 Transportation交通
Model 1 Booking Tickets訂票
Model 2 Taking a Train乘火車
Model 3 Taking a Plane乘飛機
Model 4 Bus Service and Urban Development公共運輸和城市發展
Model 5 Qualifications for Being a Good Tour Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Professional Qualifications and Personal Qualities(1)
Model 6 Travel Guide優秀導遊訶範例
Model 7 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 6 City Tour城市旅遊
Model 1 Asking for Tourism Information諮詢旅遊信息
Model 2 City Sightseeing城市觀光
Model 3 7bour of Hutong and Courtyard Houses四合院
Model 4 City Life or Country Life城市生活還是鄉村生活
Model 5 Qualifications for Being a Good T010 Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Professional Qualifications and Personal Qualities(2)
Model 6 Travel Guide優秀導遊詞範例
Model 7 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 7 Travelling Services旅遊服務
Model 1 Foreign Currency Exchange外幣兌換
Model 2 Remitting Money匯款
Model 3 Health Care健康服務
Model 4 TourGuide Service導遊服務
Model 5 Qualifications for Being a GoodTour Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Professional Qualifications and Personal Qualities(3)
Model 6 Travel Guide優秀導遊詞範例
Model 7 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 8 Amusements娛樂活動
Model 1 at the Dance Pool跳舞
Model 2 Going to Acrobatic Performance看雜技表演
Model 3 In the Night C1ub在夜總會
Model 4 Night Life in Beijing北京的夜生活
Model 5 Qualifications for Being a Good Tour Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Professional Qualifications and Personal Qualities(4)
Model 6 Travel Guide優秀導遊詞範例
Model 7 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 9 Shopping購物
Unit 10 Tour of Culture with Chinese Characteristics中國文化之旅
Unit 11 Tour of Museums博物館之旅
Unit 12 Tour of Cultural Relics and Religious Sites文化古蹟與宗教
Unit 13 Handling Problems&Emergencies處理問題和緊急情況
Unit 14 Handling Tourist’s Complaints處理遊客投訴
Unit 15 Departure旅遊結束
Model 3 Room Service房內就餐服務
Model 4 Welcome to West Lake Hotel歡迎到西湖飯店
Model 5 Qualifications for Being a Good乃our Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Familiarity with the Working Procedures of a Tour Guide(3)
Model 6 Travel Guide優秀導遊詞範例
Model 7 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 4 Food and Beverage Service餐飲服務
Modell Reserving a Table餐桌預訂
Model 2 Seating the Guests引座
Model 3 Recommending and Ordering Dishes點菜
Model 4 Chinese Food中餐
Model 5 Qualifications for Being a Good 7bour Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Familiarity with the Working Procedures of a Tour Guide(4)
Model 6 Travel Guide優秀導遊詞範例
Model 7 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 5 Transportation交通
Model 1 Booking Tickets訂票
Model 2 Taking a Train乘火車
Model 3 Taking a Plane乘飛機
Model 4 Bus Service and Urban Development公共運輸和城市發展
Model 5 Qualifications for Being a Good Tour Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Professional Qualifications and Personal Qualities(1)
Model 6 Travel Guide優秀導遊訶範例
Model 7 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 6 City Tour城市旅遊
Model 1 Asking for Tourism Information諮詢旅遊信息
Model 2 City Sightseeing城市觀光
Model 3 7bour of Hutong and Courtyard Houses四合院
Model 4 City Life or Country Life城市生活還是鄉村生活
Model 5 Qualifications for Being a Good T010 Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Professional Qualifications and Personal Qualities(2)
Model 6 Travel Guide優秀導遊詞範例
Model 7 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 7 Travelling Services旅遊服務
Model 1 Foreign Currency Exchange外幣兌換
Model 2 Remitting Money匯款
Model 3 Health Care健康服務
Model 4 TourGuide Service導遊服務
Model 5 Qualifications for Being a GoodTour Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Professional Qualifications and Personal Qualities(3)
Model 6 Travel Guide優秀導遊詞範例
Model 7 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 8 Amusements娛樂活動
Model 1 at the Dance Pool跳舞
Model 2 Going to Acrobatic Performance看雜技表演
Model 3 In the Night C1ub在夜總會
Model 4 Night Life in Beijing北京的夜生活
Model 5 Qualifications for Being a Good Tour Guide導遊員應具備的素質
Professional Qualifications and Personal Qualities(4)
Model 6 Travel Guide優秀導遊詞範例
Model 7 Simulated Writing寫作
Unit 9 Shopping購物
Unit 10 Tour of Culture with Chinese Characteristics中國文化之旅
Unit 11 Tour of Museums博物館之旅
Unit 12 Tour of Cultural Relics and Religious Sites文化古蹟與宗教
Unit 13 Handling Problems&Emergencies處理問題和緊急情況
Unit 14 Handling Tourist’s Complaints處理遊客投訴
Unit 15 Departure旅遊結束


