

尉小旋,女,博士,浙江師範大學 地理與環境科學學院講師。


  • 中文名:尉小旋
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:新型污染物的環境行為和生成/去除機制
  • 任職院校:浙江師範大學地理與環境科學學院


2015年7月~2017年1月University of Puerto Rico博士後






作為課題骨幹參與了國家自然科學基金重點項目《抗生素水環境光化學轉化/光致毒性機理與計算模擬》、國家重點基礎研究計畫(973計畫)課題《圍填海的水環境效應和模擬》和美國國家科學基金會(NSF)項目:Nanotechnology from Basic Science to Emerging Applications: Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN)的研究。目前主持國家自然科學基金青年基金項目和浙江省自然科學基金青年項目各1項,並在Environmental Science & Technology等環境領域權威期刊上發表論文二十餘篇。
1. 2019.01-2021.12,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“水體懸浮顆粒物表面諾氟沙星的界面光化學行為”,主持
2. 2018.01-2020.12,浙江省自然科學基金青年基金項目“微塑膠對氟喹諾酮類抗生素水環境光化學行為影響的計算模擬與實驗驗證,主持
1.Jian Sun*, Jiafeng Yu, Qingxiang Ma, Fanqiong Meng, Xiaoxuan Wei*, Yannan Sun, Noritatsu Tsubaki, Freezing copper as a noble metal-like catalyst for preliminary hydrogenation, Science Advances,
2.Xiaoxuan Wei, Jingwen Chen*, Qing Xie, Siyu Zhang, Linke Ge, Xianliang Qiao. Distinct photolytic mechanisms and products for different dissociation species of ciprofloxacin. Environ. Sci. Technol.,
3.Xiaoxuan Wei, Miao Li, Yifei Wang, Lingmin Jin, Guangcai Ma and Haiying Yu*. Developing predictive models for carrying ability of micro-plastics towards organic pollutants. Molecules,
4.Xiaoxuan Wei, Jingwen Chen*, Qing Xie, Siyu Zhang, Yingjie Li, Yifei Zhang, Hongbin Xie. Photochemical behavior of antibiotics impacted by complexation effects of heavy metals: A case for ciprofloxacin and Cu(II). Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts
5.Xiaoxuan Wei, Ya Wang, Arturo J. Hernández-Maldonado*, Zhongfang Chen*. Guidelines for Rational Design of High-Performance Absorbents: A Case Study of Zeolite Adsorbents for Emerging Pollutants in Water. Green Energy & Environment,
6.Xiaoxuan Wei, Quan Yuan, Bakire Serge, Ting Xu, Guangcai Ma, Haiying Yu*. In silico investigation of gas/particle partitioning equilibrium of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), Chemosphere,
7.Xiang Luo, Xiaoxuan Wei, Jingwen Chen*, Qing Xie, Xianhai Yang, Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg, Rate constants of hydroxyl radicals reaction with different dissociation species of fluoroquinolones and sulfonamides: Combined experimental and QSAR studies. Water Research,
8.Guangcai Ma, Haiying Yu*, Ting Xu, Xiaoxuan Wei, Jianrong Chen, Hongjun Lin, Gerrit Schüürmann. Computational insight into the activation mechanism of carcinogenic N-nitrosonornicotine (NNN) catalyzed by cytochrome P450. Environ. Sci. Technol.,
9.Ya Wang, Jingwen Chen*, Xiaoxuan Wei, Arturo J. Hernandez Maldonado, Zhongfang Chen. Unveiling Adsorption Mechanisms of Organic Pollutants onto Carbon Nanomaterials by DFT Computations and pp-LFER Modeling, Environmental Science & Technology,
10.Heming Zhang, Xiaoxuan Wei, Xuedan Song, Shaheen Shah, Jingwen Chen, Jianhui Liu, Ce Hao*, zhongfang Chen*. Photophysical and photochemical insights into the photodegradation of sulfapyridine in water: A joint experimental and theoretical study, Chemosphere,
11.Lingmin Jin, Haiying Yu, Liming Geng, Guangcai Ma, Xiaoxuan Wei. In silico study for inhibiting thyroid hormone sulfotransferase activity by halogenated phenolic chemicals. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,
12.Serge Bakire, Xinya Yang, Guangcai Ma, Xiaoxuan Wei, Haiying Yu*, Jianrong Chen, Hongjun Lin. Developing predictive models for toxicity of organic chemicals to green algae based on mode of action, Chemosphere,
13.Shaobin Tang*, Weihua Wu, Liang-Xian Liu, Zexing Cao, Xiaoxuan Wei, Zhongfang Chen*. Diels-Alder Reactions of Graphene Oxides: Greatly Enhanced Chemical Reactivity by Oxygen-Containing Groups. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
14.Xiang Luo, Xianhai Yang, Xianliang Qiao, Ya Wang, Jingwen Chen*, Xiaoxuan Wei, Willie J. G. M. Peijnenburg. Development of a QSAR model for predicting aqueous reaction rate constants of organic chemicals with hydroxyl radicals. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts,
15.Siyu Zhang, Jingwen Chen*, Qing Zhao, Qing Xie, Xiaoxuan Wei. Unveiling self-sensitized photodegradation pathways by DFT calculations: A case of sunscreen p -aminobenzoic acid. Chemosphere,
16.Chengzhi Zhou, Jingwen Chen*, Qing Xie, Xiaoxuan Wei, Ya-nan Zhang, Zhiqiang Fu. Photolysis of three antiviral drugs acyclovir, zidovudine and lamivudine in surface freshwater and seawater. Chemosphere,
17.Yingjie Li, Xiaoxuan Wei, Jingwen Chen*, Hongbin Xie, Ya-nan Zhang. Photodegradation mechanism of sulfonamides with excited triplet state dissolved organic matter: A case of sulfadiazine with 4-carboxybenzophenone as a proxy. J. Hazard. Mater.,
18.Hong-bin Xie*, Xiaoxuan Wei, Pan Wang, Ning He, Jingwen Chen. CO2 absorption in an alcoholic solution of heavily hindered alkanolamine: The reaction mechanism of 2-(tert-butylamino)-ethanol with CO2 revisited. J. Phys. Chem. A,
19.Linke Ge, Jingwen Chen*, Xiaoxuan Wei, Siyu Zhang, Xianliang Qiao, Xiyun Cai and Qing Xie. Aquatic photochemistry of fluoroquinolone antibiotics: Kinetics, pathways, and multivariate effects of main water constituents. Environ. Sci. Technol.
20.Siyu Zhang, Jingwen Chen*, Yu Wang, Xiaoxuan Wei. Humic acids decrease the photodegradation of the sunscreen UV filter 2-phenylbenzimidazole-5-sulfonic acid in natural waters. Environ. Chem. Lett.,
21.Jing Lin, Jingwen Chen*, Ying Wang, Xiyun Cai, Xiaoxuan Wei and Xianliang Qiao. More toxic and photoresistant products from photodegradation of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl. J. Agric. Food Chem.,
22.于海瀛, 尉小旋. 序言. 生態毒理學報.(專輯特邀主編)
23.王一飛, 李淼, 于海瀛, 馬廣才, 尉小旋*. 微塑膠對環境中有機污染物吸附解吸的研究進展. 生態毒理學報,
24.耿利鳴, 馬廣才, 尉小旋, 于海瀛*. 鹵代有機污染物抑制甲狀腺激素代謝酶活性的研究進展. 生態毒理學報,
25.倪君秀, 徐婷, 溫家樂, 徐小琴, 于海瀛, 尉小旋, 馬廣才*. 細胞色素P450酶催化菸草特異性亞硝胺N’-亞硝基新菸草鹼和N’-亞硝基假木賊鹼代謝活化的分子機制研究. 生態毒理學報,
26.董倩倩, 張蓬, 尉小旋, 葛林科*, 鞠茂偉, 王德高, 姚子偉. 模擬日光照射下土黴素的複合光化學轉化動力學及環境歸趨. 環境科學學報
27.尉小旋, 陳景文*, 王如冰, 郭芳婕, 曾宇飛, 李雨昕, 吳英格. 氧氟沙星和諾氟沙星的水環境光化學轉化:pH值及溶解性物質的影響. 環境化學,
28.李英傑, 尉小旋, 喬顯亮, 陳景文*. 溶解性有機質及Cu(II)配位對磺胺二甲基嘧啶光轉化的影響. 科學通報.
29.張馨元, 謝宏彬, 尉小旋, 陳景文*. 計算模擬摻氮碳納米管與水中芳香類污染物的吸附作用. 科學通報,
30.張思玉, 楊先海, 陳景文*, 尉小旋, 謝晴, 王雅, 羅天烈. 有機防曬劑在水環境中的光化學行為. 科學通報.
31.趙家興, 陳景文*, 張思玉, 尉小旋. Mg2+配位作用對磺胺嘧啶結構及吸收光譜影響的計算模擬及驗證. 環境化學,
1.尉小旋*, 李淼, 于海瀛, 馬廣才. 理論預測微塑膠對有機污染物的吸附能力. 第十屆全國環境化學大會. 天津, 2019. (分會報告)
2.李淼, 尉小旋*, 于海瀛, 馬廣才. 微塑膠對有機污染物吸附能力的理論預測. 第六屆全國生態毒理學大會. 廣州. 2019. (牆報)
3.尉小旋, 于海灜, 馬廣才. 水中新型有機污染物吸附去除機制的理論模擬. 第五屆生態毒理學學術研討會, 大連, 2018. (分會報告)
4.尉小旋, 陳中方. 理論預測水中新型微污染物與吸附劑的相互作用機制. 第九屆全國環境化學大會, 杭州, 2017. (牆報)
5.Xiaoxuan Wei and Jingwen Chen, Distinct photolytic mechanisms and products for different dissociation and metal complexation species of ciprofloxacin. International Symposium on Environment and Health, Beijing, China, 2014. (Oral presentation, Best Student Presentation Award)
6.Xiaoxuan Wei, Jingwen Chen, Rubing Wang, Fangjie Guo, Yufei Zeng, Yuxin Li. Photodegradation of ofloxacin: Effects of pH and water constituents. The 9th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, Miami, Florida, USA, 2012. (Oral presentation)
7.Xiaoxuan Wei, Jingwen Chen, Siyu Zhang. Effect of pH on the photodegradation of ciprofloxacin. XXI International Conference on Photochemistry, Beijing, China, 2011.
8.尉小旋,于海灜,馬廣才. 水中新型有機污染物吸附去除機制的理論模擬. 第五屆生態毒理學會議, 大連, 2018. (分會報告)
9.尉小旋, 陳景文, 謝晴. 不同解離形態環丙沙星的水環境光化學行為. 2013年全國博士生學術論壇——環境科學與工程前沿, 杭州, 2013. (獲口頭報告一等獎)
10.尉小旋, 陳景文, 張思玉. 金屬離子對環丙沙星光化學行為的影響. 中國化學會第28屆學術年會, 成都, 2012. (獲環境化學分會“優秀牆報獎”)


1. 2019年12月獲浙江師範大學2018-2019學年優秀班主任
2. 2019年12月獲浙江師範大學首屆“課程思政”微課教學比賽一等獎,獲浙江師範大學教學“思政之星”榮譽稱號
3. 2019年11月獲浙江省第十一屆高校青年教師教學競賽理科組二等獎
4. 2019年6月獲浙江師範大學第十二屆青年教師教學競賽“教學十佳”和“課程思政先鋒”獎
5. 2019年5月獲浙江師範大學地理與環境科學學院第六屆青年教師教學大賽一等獎
6. 2014年7月獲國際會議"2014 International Symposium on Environment and Health", Best Student Presentation Award
7. 2013年11月獲“2013全國博士生論壇(環境科學與工程前沿)”口頭報告一等獎
8. 2012年4月獲“中國化學會第28屆學術年會(環境化學分會)”優秀牆報獎
10. 2008年11月獲大連理工大學校級優秀研究生稱號


