- 書名:專家系統原理與編程/經典原版書庫
- 出版社:機械工業出版社
- 頁數:842頁
- ISBN:7111167031
- 作者:賈拉坦諾
- 出版日期:2005年7月1日
- 開本:16開
- 品牌:機械工業出版社
Joseph C.Giarratano 美國休斯頓大學明湖分校計算機科學系教授。作為NASA的顧問,他參與了專家系統工具CLIPS(包含在本書中)的開發。另外,他發表了超過30篇研究論文並著有超過10本書。
Joseph C.Giarratano 美國休斯頓大學明湖分校計算機科學系教授。作為NASA的顧問,他參與了專家系統工具CLIPS(包含在本書中)的開發。另外,他發表了超過30篇研究論文並著有超過10本書。
CHAPTER 1 :Introdutction to expert systems
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What is an expert system
1.3 Advantages of expert systems
1.4 General concepts of expert systems
1.5 Charactetistics of an expert systems
1.6 The development of expert systems technology
1.7 Expert systems applications and domains
1.8 Languages,shells,and tools
1.9 Elements of an expert system
1.10 Production systems
1.11 Procedural paradigms
1.12 Nonprocedural paradigms
1.13 Connectionist expert systems and inductive leaning
1.14 Connectionist expert systems and inductive
1.15 The state of the art in artificial intelligence
1.16 summary
CHAPTER 2 :The Representation of Knowledge
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The meaning of knowledge
2.3 Productions
2.4 Semantic nets
2.5 Object-attribute-value triples
2.6 prolog and semantic nets
2.7 Difficulties with semantic nets
2.8 schemata
2.9 Frames
2.10 Difficulties with frames
2.11 Logic and sets
2.12 Propositional logic
2.13 The first order predicate logic
2.14 The universal quantifier
2.15 The exitential quantifier
2.16 Quantifiers and sets
2.17 Limitations of predicate logic
2.18 Summary
CHAPTER 3: Methods of inference
3.1 Induction
3.2 Trees,lattices,and graphs
3.3 State and problem spaces
3.4 AND-OR trees and goals
3.5 Deductive logic and syllogisms
3.6 Rules of inference
3.7 Limitations of propositional logic
3.8 First-order predicate logic
3.9 logic systems
3.10 Resolution
3.11 Resolution systems and deduction
3.12 Shallow and causal reasoning
3.13 Resolution and first-order predicate
3.14 Forward and backward chaining
3.15 Other methods of inference
3.16 Metaknowledge
3.17 Hidden markov models
3.18 summay
CHARPTER 4 :Reasoning under uncertainy
CHARPTER 5 :Inexact reasoning
CHARPTER 6 :Design of expert systems
CHARPTER 7 :Introduction to clips
CHARPTER 8 :Adanced pattern matching
CHARPTER 9 :Modular design,execution control,and rule efficiency
CHARPTER 10 : Procedural programming
CHARPTER 11 : classes,instances,and message-handlers
CHARPTER 12 : Expert system design examples
CHAPTER 1 :Introdutction to expert systems
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What is an expert system
1.3 Advantages of expert systems
1.4 General concepts of expert systems
1.5 Charactetistics of an expert systems
1.6 The development of expert systems technology
1.7 Expert systems applications and domains
1.8 Languages,shells,and tools
1.9 Elements of an expert system
1.10 Production systems
1.11 Procedural paradigms
1.12 Nonprocedural paradigms
1.13 Connectionist expert systems and inductive leaning
1.14 Connectionist expert systems and inductive
1.15 The state of the art in artificial intelligence
1.16 summary
CHAPTER 2 :The Representation of Knowledge
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The meaning of knowledge
2.3 Productions
2.4 Semantic nets
2.5 Object-attribute-value triples
2.6 prolog and semantic nets
2.7 Difficulties with semantic nets
2.8 schemata
2.9 Frames
2.10 Difficulties with frames
2.11 Logic and sets
2.12 Propositional logic
2.13 The first order predicate logic
2.14 The universal quantifier
2.15 The exitential quantifier
2.16 Quantifiers and sets
2.17 Limitations of predicate logic
2.18 Summary
CHAPTER 3: Methods of inference
3.1 Induction
3.2 Trees,lattices,and graphs
3.3 State and problem spaces
3.4 AND-OR trees and goals
3.5 Deductive logic and syllogisms
3.6 Rules of inference
3.7 Limitations of propositional logic
3.8 First-order predicate logic
3.9 logic systems
3.10 Resolution
3.11 Resolution systems and deduction
3.12 Shallow and causal reasoning
3.13 Resolution and first-order predicate
3.14 Forward and backward chaining
3.15 Other methods of inference
3.16 Metaknowledge
3.17 Hidden markov models
3.18 summay
CHARPTER 4 :Reasoning under uncertainy
CHARPTER 5 :Inexact reasoning
CHARPTER 6 :Design of expert systems
CHARPTER 7 :Introduction to clips
CHARPTER 8 :Adanced pattern matching
CHARPTER 9 :Modular design,execution control,and rule efficiency
CHARPTER 10 : Procedural programming
CHARPTER 11 : classes,instances,and message-handlers
CHARPTER 12 : Expert system design examples