01. 污水處理與回用技術。
02. 污泥處理與資源化利用。
03. 新型污染物去除與控制技術。
01. 典型藥物類污染物在人工濕地系統中遷移轉化行為與協同去除機制、北京市自然科學基金項目、2018/01-2020/12。
02. 水中微量藥物在氯化消毒與UV/氯化聯合消毒過程中的轉化機制及其水質生物毒性變化規律研究、2016/01-2019/12。
03. 海河北系永定河-洋河段水污染控制與水質改善技術集成與綜合示範、國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項、2015-01-01到2017-12-31。
04. 北京市共建項目,磁性污泥基活性炭製備及其除污染效能研究與套用,2015-2016。
05. 國家863自由探索項目子課題,污泥外循環-複合MBR同步脫氮回收磷工藝方法與設備,2010-2012。
06. 教育部新教師基金項目,微量藥物類污染物在MBR工藝中的去除與轉化規律,2010-2012。
07. 橫向課題,內蒙古托縣人工濕地水質淨化項目可研報告編制,2011。
08. 國家水專項子課題,高濃度發酵廢液有用組分的定向分離與廢水有效處理的集成技術,2013-2015。
09. 國家水專項子課題,下游沿江濕地生態功能與生物多樣性恢復技術集成與綜合示範,2012-2015。
10. 環保公益性行業科研專項,典型危險化學品環境污染應急處理處置技術篩選與評估,2012-2014。
11. 環保公益性行業科研專項,城市污泥堆肥林地利用環境
12. 國家水專項子課題,冰封期低溫混合廢水強化處理技術集成與工程示範,2008-2010。
13. 華北油田注水井洗井水處理研究(1999年);
14. 葦河林業局給水廠改造工程設計(2000年);
15. 內蒙古林西縣給水、污水處理可行性研究(2000年);
16. 哈高科大豆廢水處理可行性研究(2000年);
18. 大連理工大學體育館給排水及消防系統設計(2000年);
19. 北京天通苑西北組團給排水及消防外網設計(2000年);
20. 白城師專文體館給排水及消防系統設計(2001年);
21. 齊齊哈爾匯博·千百千商場給排水及消防系統設計(2001年);
22. 雙鴨山市電信分公司綜合辦公樓給排水及消防系統設計(2002年);
23. 哈爾濱
24. 鶴崗龍華商住樓給排水及消防系統設計(2003年);
25. 葫蘆島市龍灣海濱四星級賓館給排水及消防系統設計(2004年);
26. 佳木斯大學教學樓給排水及消防系統設計(2004年);
27. 哈爾濱市
28. 海拉爾天驕賓館給排水及消防系統設計(2004年);
30. 北京精博康復輔具苑工程給排水及消防系統設計(2007年);
31. 長春生物製品研究所有限公司疫苗生產車間建設項目動力站(2007年);
32. 內蒙古包頭金茂豪庭給排水及消防系統設計(2007年);
33. 德國法蘭克福酒店建築給排水及消防系統設計(2008年);
34. 北京亞寶生物藥業有限公司1號綜合廠房給排水及消防系統精裝修設計(2008年);
35. 濟寧興唐國際城住宅樓項目給排水及消防系統設計(2008年);
36. 長沙萬國城項目給排水及消防系統設計(2008年);
37. 榆林永昌給排水外線設計(2008年);
38. 北控宏創昌平園產業基地3-4區給排水及消防系統設計(2009年);
40. 2013年
41. 榆林現代農業科技示範區企業倒班宿舍區室外管線系統設計(2013年);
42. 北京通州中西醫結合醫院醫療主樓地下消防系統設計(2014年);
43. 北京夏各莊01-07地塊商住樓開發項目部分單體給排水及消防系統設計(2015年)。
01. Wu Yongxin; Yang Yi; Liu Yongze*; Zhang, Liqiu; Feng Li*. Modelling study on the effects of chloride on the degradation of bezafibrate and carbamazepine in sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation processes: Conversion of reactive radicals. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019, 358: 1332-1341.
02. Chen Siao; Cai Meiquan; Liu Yongze; Zhang Liqiu; Feng Li*. Effects of water matrices on the degradation of naproxen by reactive radicals in the UV/peracetic acid process. Water research. 2019, 150: 153-161.
03. Zhou Yuan; Liu Yongze; Jiang Wenbo; Shao Linlin; Zhang Liqiu; Feng Li*. Effects of pyrolysis temperature and addition proportions of corncob on the distribution of products and potential energy recovery during the preparation of sludge activated carbon. Chemosphere. 2019, 221:175-183.
04. Cai Mei-Quan; Feng Li*; Zhang Li-Qiu. Transformation of aminopyrine in the presence of free available chlorine: Kinetics, products, and reaction pathways. Chemosphere. 2017, 171: 625-634.
05. Liu Yongze; Tang Yuqing; Wu Yongxin; Feng Li*; Zhang Liqiu. Degradation of naproxen in chlorination and UV/chlorine processes: kinetics and degradation products. Environmental science and pollution research international .2019,
06. Wu Yan; Kang Yun; Zhang Liqiu; Qu Dan; Cheng Xiang; Feng Li*. Performance and fouling mechanism of direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) treating fermentation wastewater with high organic concentrations. Journal of environmental sciences. 2018, 65: 253-261.
07. Liu Yongze, Sun Haowan, Zhang Liqiu, Feng Li*. Photodegradation behaviors of 17-estradiol indifferent water matrixes. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2017, 112: 335-341.
08. Tian Yajun; Wei Lianxue; Yin Ze; Feng Li; Zhang Lirong; Liu Yongze*; Zhang Liqiu*. Photosensitization mechanism of algogenic extracellular organic matters (EOMs) in the photo-transformation of chlortetracycline: Role of chemical constituents and structure. Water research. 2019, 164:
09. Ze Yin; Ya junTian; Peng Gao; Li Feng; Yongze Liu; Ziwen Du; Liqiu Zhang*. Photodegradation mechanism and genetic toxicity of bezafibrate by Pd/g-C3N4 catalysts under simulated solar light irradiation: The role of active species. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 379:
10. Jia Xing-Hua; Feng Li; Liu Yongze; Zhang Liqiu*. Degradation behaviors and genetic toxicity variations of pyrazolone pharmaceuticals during chlorine dioxide disinfection process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 345: 156-164.
11. Tian Yajun; Zou Jinru; Feng Li; Zhang Liqiu*; Liu Yongze*. Chlorella vulgaris enhance the photodegradation of chlortetracycline in aqueous solution via extracellular organic matters (EOMs): Role of triplet state EOMs. Water research. 2019, 149: 35-41.
12. Yan Yilong; Zhang Liqiu; Feng Li; Sun Dezhi*; Dang Yan. Comparison of varying operating parameters on heavy metals ecological risk during anaerobic co-digestion of chicken manure and corn stover. Bioresource technology. 2018, 247:660-668.
13. Ge Sijie*; Feng Li; Zhang Liqiu*; Xu Qiang*; Yang Yifei; Wang Ziyuan; Kim, Ki-Hyun. Rejection rate and mechanisms of drugs in drinking water by nanofiltration technology. Environmental engineering research. 2017, 22(3): 329-338.
14. Tang Yuqing; Shi Xueting; LiuYongze; Feng Li*; Zhang Liqiu. Degradation of clofibric acid in UV/chlorine disinfection process: kinetics, reactive species contribution and pathways. Royal society open science. 2018, 2:5.
15. Lu Siying; Liu Yongze; Feng Li; Sun Zhongen; Zhang Liqiu. Characterization of ferromagnetic sludge-based activated carbon and its application in catalytic ozonation of p-chlorobenzoic acid. Environmental science and pollution research. 2018, 25(6): 5086-5094.
16. Zhongen Sun, Li Feng, Yongze Liu*, Siying Lu, and Liqiu Zhang. Magnetic Sludge-Based Activated Carbon: Preparation, Characterization, and Application for Catalytic Ozonation of Ibuprofen. Science of Advanced Materials. 2017, 9: 2066-2072.
17. Xing-Hua Jia, Li Feng, Yongze Liu, Li-Qiu Zhang*. Oxidation of antipyrine by chlorine dioxide: Reaction kinetics and degradation pathway. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 309: 646-654.
18. Siying Lu, Yongze Liu, Li Feng, Zhongen Sun, Liqiu Zhang*. Characterization of ferromagnetic sludge-based activated carbon and its application in catalytic ozonation of p-chlorobenzoic acid. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017, 09: 1-9.
19. Xue-Ting Shi, Yongze Liu, Yu-Qing Tang, Li Feng, Li-Qiu Zhang*. Kinetics and pathways of Bezafibrate degradation in UV/chlorine process. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017, 25(1):672-682.
20. Jin Aijie, Feng Li; Zhang Liqiu*; Liu Yongze. Changes of the toxic potential of drinking water containing aminopyrine before and after chlorine disinfection as determined by the algal toxicity assay and the SOS/umu assay. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2016, 113: 269-275.
21. Fang Wu, Li Feng, Liqiu Zhang*. Rejection prediction of isopropylantipyrine and antipyrine by nanofiltration membranes based on the Spiegler—Kedem—Katchalsky model. Desalination, 2015, 362: 11-17.
22. Meiquan Cai, Rong Wang, Li Feng, Liqiu Zhang*. Determination of selected pharmaceuticals in tap water and drinking water treatment plant by high-performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometer in Beijing, China, Environmental Science Pollution Research, 2015, 22(3): 1854-1867.
23. 王雪,張立秋*,封莉,改性SCAC催化臭氧氧化去除布洛芬效能與反應活性位點研究, 環境工程學報, 2015, 9(2): 621-626
24. Weiwei Yang, Yunsong Wu, Liqiu Zhang, Jie Jiang, Li Feng*. Removal of five selected pharmaceuticals by coagulation in the presence of dissolved humic acids and kaolin. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 54(4-5):1134-1140.
25. 高靖偉,赫婷婷,程翔,封莉,張立秋*.EGSB-MBR組合工藝處理糖蜜發酵廢水效能研究,中國環境科學 2015, 35(5):1416~1422.
26. Yan Wu, Hongtao Zhu*, Li Feng, Liqiu Zhang*, Shanshan Xing. Effects of 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) on polyamide-polysulfone TFC membrane pore morphology and ICP and membrane performance in forward Osmosis,Desalination and Water Treatment,2015.
27. 高靖偉,程翔,封莉,張立秋*. EGSB反應器處理髮酵廢水效能影響研究,環境科學與技術,2015,38(9)141-146
28. 時聖剛,曹敬燦,封莉,梁文艷,張立秋*.苯胺污染事故應急處置技術評估體系及其套用,環境工程學報,2015,9(10)4871-4876
29. 王蓉,蔡美全,封莉,張立秋*.水中共存物質對氯化消毒過程中安替比林去除效能的影響研究,水處理技術(優先出版),2015,41(11)64-68
30. 楊維薇,封莉*,張立秋. 柱狀污泥基活性炭製備方法及其除污染效能研究, 環境科學學報, 2014, 34(2): 385-391
31. 邵琳琳,張立秋,封莉*.活化溫度對竹柳基活性炭性能及其製備過程中副產物組成的影響。環境科學學報, 2014,34(10):2477-2483
32. 曹敬燦,張立秋*,梁文艷*,時聖剛,封莉,孫德智.基於事件樹的危險化學品污染事故應急技術庫構建,中國環境管理,2014,6(1):15-19
33. 張鑫,黨岩,馮麗娟,張立秋,封莉*.施用城市污泥堆肥對土壤微生物群落結構變化的影響,環境工程學報,2014,8(2):716-722
34. 王穎,馮麗娟,封莉,馬博強,張立秋*.施用污泥堆肥的梅花林地土壤中PAHs的分布特徵研究,環境保護前沿,2014,4(1B):34-40
35. 翟羽佳,封莉,馬博強,張立秋*.施用城市污泥堆肥後林業土壤中重金屬的潛在生態風險評價,環境保護前沿,2014,4(1B):41-46
36. Hongjuan Wang, Liqiu Zhang, Fei Qi, Xue Wang, Lu Li, and Li Feng*. Removal Performance and Mechanism of Ibuprofen from Water by Catalytic Ozonation Using Sludge-Corncob Activated Carbon as Catalyst, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2014, 14, 7266-7271.
37. Meiquan Cai, Liqiu Zhang, Li Feng*. Influencing factors and degradation behavior of propyphenazone and aminopyrine by free chlorine oxidation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 244:188—194.
38. Linlin Shao, Wenbo Jiang, Li Feng* and Liqiu Zhang, Co-production of activated carbon, fuel-gas, and oil from the pyrolysis of corncob mixtures with wet and dried sewage sludge. Waste Management & Research 2014, Vol. 32(6) 519-526.
39. Shenggang Shi, Jingcan Cao, Li Feng, Wenyan Liang, Liqiu Zhang*. Construction of a technique plan repository and evaluation system based on AHP group decision-making for emergency treatment and disposal in chemical pollution accidents. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 276: 200-206.
40. Huiju Fan, Jing Li, Liqiu Zhang, Li Feng*. Contribution of sludge adsorption and biodegradation to the removal of five pharmaceuticals in a submerged membrane bioreactor,Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 88:101-107.
41. Lijuan Feng, Li Feng*, Liuqiu Zhang. A model of submerged membrane bioreactor removing organic substrate and its application, Energy and Environmental Focus, 2014.
42. 樊慧菊,封莉,黨岩,張立秋*.PAC強化MBR工藝去除污水中微量藥物效能與為生物群落變化研究,水處理技術,2014,40(9):39-43
43. 李璐,封莉,張立秋*.污泥基活性炭表面官能團對其催化臭氧氧化活性的影響,環境化學,2014,33(6):937-942
44. 賈真,封莉,張立秋*.四種環境雌激素對斑馬魚內臟團抗氧化防禦系統的影響研究,環境科學與管理,2014,39(4):30-35
45. 李璐,封莉,張立秋*.污泥基活性炭催化氧化對氯苯甲酸效能,環境工程學報,2014,8(9):3613-3619
46. Lijuan Feng, Liqiu Zhang, Li Feng*. Dissipation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil amended with sewage sludge compost. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation,2014, 95 : 200-207.
47. 包漢峰,楊維薇,張立秋,封莉*. 污泥基活性炭去除水中重金屬離子效能與動力學研究. 中國環境科學, 2013, 33(1):69-74, (EI收錄)
48. 蔣文博,邵琳琳,封莉*,張立秋. 活化溫度對SCAC製備過程中副產物生成規律的影響. 環境科學與技術, 2013,36(1):20-24.
49. Meiquan Cai, Liqiu Zhang, Fei Qi, Li Feng*. Influencing factors and degradation products of antipyrine chlorination in water with free chlorine. Journal of Environmental Science, 2013,25(1)77-84.
50. Qian Zhao, Li Feng, Xiang Cheng, Chao Chen and Liqiu Zhang*. Photodegradation of amoxicillin in aqueous solutionunder simulated irradiation: influencing factors and mechanisms. Water Science and Technology, 2013, 67(7):1605-1611.
01. 《全國勘察設計註冊公用設備師給排水專業考點精析及強化訓練》
02. 《城市污泥堆肥林地利用及其環境生態風險評價》,中國環境出版社,主編之一,2014
03. 《我國典型城市生活垃圾為生填埋場生態修復優勢植物圖冊》,
06. 《淨水理論與套用》,黑龍江省科學技術出版社,參編,2002
01. 張立秋,封莉,李道靜.剩餘污泥與玉米芯混合製備高酸性基團含量活性炭的方法
02. 封莉, 王紅娟, 齊飛, 張立秋, 李道靜. 一種污泥基活性炭催化臭氧氧化去除水中微量藥物的方法
03. 張立秋,封莉,蔣文博,吳運松, 王麗平,潘曉瑞. 臭氧預氧化-
04. 張立秋,封莉,王麗平,蔣文博,吳運松,王鵬. 超聲預處理-膜生物反應器協同剩餘污泥減量方法
05. 張立秋,封莉,盧偉. 一種基於化學混凝-兩級
06. 張立秋,袁建磊,封莉.污泥外循環複合式
07. 顧仁政,張立秋,封莉,袁建磊.半淹沒式污水
08. 顧仁政,張立秋,封莉,袁建磊.無曝氣浮沉生物填料水處理設備
10. 張立秋,封莉,包漢峰,楊維薇.一種柱狀污泥基活性碳的製備方法
11. 張立秋,李菲,吳言,封莉.具有三元互穿網路結構的新型溫度回響型吸水劑的製備方法,2015年
12. 張立秋,康昀,封莉,曲丹.一種膜蒸餾-納濾/反滲透組合工藝作為高濃度發酵廢液有用組分回收與廢水淨化的方法
13. 張立秋,孫中恩,封莉.一種磁性污泥基活性炭的製作方法