



  • 軟體名稱:寵物的地方
  • 軟體平台:iOS5.0及以上
  • 最近更新時間:2013年04月07日
  • 軟體語言:英文
  • 開發商:App Publishing
  • 軟體版本:1.0
  • 軟體大小:721.69KB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
寵物的地方是關節炎,口腔科,皮膚科,內科,雷射治療,手術治療,包括新的幹細胞程式,梳洗,登機,接種疫苗,腫瘤學和疼痛管理提供全方位服務的專業動物醫院。提供傳統和整體醫學博士,考登一直照顧寵物超過25年在清水。我們的醫院是方便居民和遊客在坦帕灣地區,位於清水高以西由麥當勞在海灣灣或60號公路在410 S飛馬大道。佛羅里達州克利爾沃特。我們的使命仍然是我們自己的家庭成員來照顧你的寵物,以確保我們的病人住長,精彩,健康,有尊嚴的生活:通過提供最優質的醫療照顧你的寵物值得的,按照美國動物的標準醫院協會(AAHA),在一個乾淨的設施,最新的醫療設備和程式,在一個公平的價格。博士考登完全由美國農業部認可,以保護公眾和他們的寵物,和美國獸醫醫學協會,佛羅里達州獸醫醫學協會,和當地的皮內拉斯縣獸醫協會的成員。 A Pet's Place is a full service animal hospital specializing in arthritis, dentistry, dermatology, internal medicine, laser therapy, surgery including new stem cell procedures, grooming, boarding, vaccinations, oncology and pain management. Offering both traditional and holistic medicine, Dr. Cowden has been caring for pets for over 25 years here in Clearwater. Our hospital is convenient to residents and visitors of the Tampa Bay area, located just west of Clearwater High by McDonalds on Gulf to Bay or Hwy 60 at 410 S Pegasus Ave. Clearwater, FL. Our mission continues to be to care for your pet as our own family member; to ensure that our patients live long, wonderful, healthy, dignified lives: by providing the highest quality health care which your pet deserves, following the standards of the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), in a clean facility, with the latest medical equipment and procedures, at a fair price. Dr. Cowden is fully accredited by the USDA to protect the public and their pets, and a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Florida Veterinary Medical Association, and the local Pinellas County Veterinary Medical Association.


