


  • 書名:寧靜的真諦/新英語系列叢書
  • 作者:邢憲增 袁浩
  • 出版日期:2014年1月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:7311041813
  • 外文名:The Real Meaning of Peace
  • 出版社:蘭州大學出版社
  • 頁數:206頁
  • 開本:16




Unit 1 Truth and Ideal真理與理想
Passage 1 The Road Leading to the Truth通往真理之路
Passage 2 Only the Weak will Make a Detour只有弱者才會繞道
Passage 3 Be Your Own God做你自己的上帝
Passage 4 Spring Is Coming,but I Can’t See It春天即將到來.我卻無法看到
Passage 5 The Inspiration of Iced Tea冰茶的啟迪
Unit 2 Will and Faith意志與信念
Passage 1 Wisdom Is the First Life智慧是第一生命
Passage 2 Live Confidently自信生活
Passage 3 Happiness Is in Your Heart幸福就在你的心中
Passage 4 The Four Sentences Decide Your Life四句話決定你的一生
Passage 5 If You Can See,YOU Can Be It如果你能看到,就能做到
Unit 3 Attitude and Fate心態與命運
Passage 1 You’re the Greatest Wealth你就是最大的財富
Passage 2 Enlarge Your Advantage放大你的優點
Passage 3 Rise after Falling倒下後站起來
Passage 4 Always Do Their Own Things by Themselves自己的事情自己做
Passage 5 What My Friend Said Shocked My Soul震撼心靈的一句話
Unit 4 Wealth and Life財富與生活
Passage l All That at Present Is Happiness幸福就是現在
Passage 2 The Grassy Field Is Time草地就是時間
Passage 3 The Worth of Life人生的價值
Passage 4 The Cleverest Son最聰明的兒子
Passage 5 How to Have One Million Dollars怎樣掙到一百萬美元
Unit 5 Wisdom and Life智慧與人乍
Passage 1 The Moon and the Well月亮和井
Passage 2 How to Be Clever怎樣變聰明
Passage 3 The King and the Magician同王和魔術師
Passage 4 The King’S Three Questions國王的三個問題
Passage 5 A Lesson for Living人生的教訓
Unit 6 Success and Dream成功與夢想
Passage 1 Grow Great by Dreams夢想造就偉人
Passage 2 Keep Your Dream堅持你的夢想
Passage 3 The Ticket for Success成功的入場券
Passage 4 Success Is So Simple成功就這么簡單
Passage 5 The Sand and the Leaves沙子和樹葉
Unit 7 Friendship and Family Love友情與親情
Passage 1 A Forever Friend永遠的朋友
Passage 2 Love Has No Weight愛沒有重量
Passage 3 When They Are in Trouble當朋友有困難時
Passage 4 I’m with You我和你在一起
Passage 5 Is It Worth It?這樣做值得嗎?
Unit 8 Attitude態度
Passage 1 The Olive Tree and the Fig Tree橄欖樹和無花果樹
Passage 2 The Breath of Courage勇敢的氣
Passage 3 Golden Advice金玉良言
Passage 4 Change Your Attitude towards Pain改變你對痛苦的態度
Passage 5 Judge Yourself before Judging Others
Unit 9 Right Choice正確的抉擇
Passage 1 Sometimes Giving Up Is Rebirth放棄有時就是重生
Passage 2 Lend Your Rubber to Me把橡皮借給我
Passage 3 Control the Space for Manoeuvre把握迴旋的餘地
Passage 4 Learn to Pay學會付出
Passage 5 Put Down the Glass放下玻璃杯
Unit 10 Books and Tea書香與茶香
Passage 1 Read Good Books讀好書
Passage 2 To Choose a Good Book選擇一本好書
Passage 3 Make Friends with Books與書為友
Passage 4 Tea Culture around the World世界各地的茶文化
Passage 5 Afternoon Tea下午茶
Unit 11 Happiness and Life幸福與人乍
Passage l Living Optimistically樂觀地生活
Passage 2 The Real Meaning of Peace寧靜的真諦
Passage 3 Just for Today就為了今天
Passage 4 The Door to Kindness善良之門
Passage 5 Bring Happiness Home帶快樂回家
Unit 12 Advice on Life生活的忠告
Passage l Make Full Use of the Opportunity善待機會
Passage 2 A Pet’S Commandments寵物戒律
Passage 3 Life Is a Journey人生是一次旅行
Passage 4 You Have Only One Life生命只有一次
Passage 5 Moving Back Is Also a Success退一步也是一種成功
Unit 13 Fascinating Sights迷人風景
Passage 1 Vienna~the Land of Music音樂之都維也納
Passage 2 Venetian Vacation浪漫水都威尼斯
Passage 3 Athens雅典
Passage 4 Sydney Opera House悉尼歌劇院
Passage 5 Spotlight on Copenhagen美不勝收的哥本哈根
Unit 14 Interests and Hobbies興趣與愛好
Passage 1 My Favourite Colour我最喜歡的顏色
Passage 2 Enjoy Sports More請多做運動
Passage 3 On Sightseeing談談觀光旅遊
Passage 4 A Trip around the World環遊世界
Passage 5 Cuhivating a Hobby培養一種業餘愛好
Unit 15 Western Culture西域採風
Passage 1 How the Americans View Friendship美國人的友誼觀
Passage 2 How Names Are Called in America稱謂在美國
Passage 3 The American Way:Mamage美國人的婚姻方式
Passage 4 Folklore in Sweden瑞典的風俗
Passage 5 Tips小費的學問
Unit 16 Celebrity名人堂
Passage l Mareo Polo,Famous Italian Traveler
Passage 2 Follow Your Gut,and You will Be a Huge Success!
Passage 3 Later Life of Charlie Chaplin查理·卓別林的晚年生活
Passage 4 Hewitt:I Came.I Saw.I Conquered
Passage 5 The Best Nourishment of Life生命中最好的養料
Unit 17 Hot Topics熱點話題
Passage 1 Keeping Your Head above Water使自己躲過劫難
Passage 2 Ancient Buildings Need New Respect古老的建築需要新的尊重
Passage 3 Google Glasses谷歌眼鏡
Passage 4 The Road to Glory榮耀之路
Passage 5 Parents and Pressure父母與壓力
Unit 18 Culture and Art文化與藝術
Passage l Easter Day復活節
Passage 2 Taj Mahal,a Wonder of the World世界奇蹟泰姬陵
Passage 3 Half and Half and Half Coffee八分之一咖啡
Passage 4 Eton College伊頓公學
Passage 5 The HalJ of Mirrors鏡廊
Unit 19 Sports World體壇風雲
Passage l Goodbye,Andy!再見,安迪!
Passage 2 Golfi There’S Nothing like It!
Passage 3 The World Cup足球世界盃
Passage 4 Air Jordan飛人喬丹
Passage 5 A Rising Star—Jeremy Lin一顆冉冉升起的明星——林書豪
Unit 20 Science科普天地
Passage 1 What Is a Tablet PC?什麼是平板電腦?
Passage 2 Auto—correct Generation Can’t Spell Common Words
Passage 3 3D Printers Are Put Into Use in Para Norman!
Passage 4 Use Your Brain to Learn English Words使用大腦學英語
Passage 5 Can Animals Predict Earthquakes?動物會預測地震嗎?


