2015-2019 南京師範大學地理科學學院副教授
2015-2018 美國麻薩諸塞大學地球科學系兼職助理教授
2012-2015 美國麻薩諸塞大學地球科學系,氣候系統研究中心
合作導師: Dr. Raymond S. Bradley
2012 美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學氣象系氣象學博士
導師: Dr. Michael E. Mann
答辯委員會: Dr. Robert Crane, Dr. Raymond G. Najjar Jr., and Dr.
Thorsten Wegener
2004 南京大學大氣科學系大氣科學學士
·2017-至今,Scientific Reports; The Open Atmospheric Science Journal期刊編委
·Convener and Session Chair,2020 AOGS Annual Meeting, BG12 Land-sea-air interactions
and paleoclimate dynamics over the Asia-Pacific region on various time-scales since the
Last Glacial Maximum, Hongcheon, South Korea, Jun 28-Jul 4, 2020 (scheduled)
·Primary convener and Session Chair,2019 AGU Fall Meeting, GC14A & GC11G Extreme
climate events and climate variability during the Holocene: Observation and modeling, San
Francisco, CA, Dec 09-13, 2019
·Local Organizing Committee Member, and Session Chair,1st Regional Conference on
Environmental Modeling and Software Asian Region (iEMSs 2019), Nanjing, China, May
18-20, 2019
·American Geophysical Union; American Meteorological Society會員
·Advances in Atmospheric Sciences; Atmosphere; Atmospheric Research; Agricultural and
Forest Meteorology; Climate Dynamics; Climate of the Past; Climate Research;
Environmental Research; EOS; Fresenius Environmental Bulletin; Geophysical Research
Letters; Global and Planetary Change; Hydrological Processes; International Journal of
Climatology; Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology; Journal of Asian Earth
Sciences; Journal of Climate; Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere; Journal of the
American Water Resources Association; Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences; Journal of
the American Water Resources Association; PLOS ONE; Progress in Physical Geography;
Scientific Reports; Science China-Earth Sciences; Sustainability; Theoretical and Applied
Climatology; Transactions of the ASABE; Water; Weather, Climate and Society等期刊審
·2013 & 2014American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting優秀學生論文評審人
·“How to predict climate changes?”, CS 173 “Prediction”, Oct 21st, 2014, Hampshire College(嘉賓報告)
·Ning, L., J. Liu, R. S. Bradley, M. Yan, K. Chen, W. Sun, and C. Jin, 2019:
Elevation-dependent cooling caused by volcanic eruptions during last millennium.Int. J.
Climatology,DOI: 10.1002/joc.6387 (online).
·Sun, W., B. Wang, Q. Zhang, F. S. R. Pausata, D. Chen, G. Lv, M. Yan,L. Ning, and L. Liu,
2019: Northern Hemisphere land monsoon precipitation increased by the green Sahara
during middle Holocene.Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 9870-9879, doi: 10.1029/2019GL082116
·Jin, C., L. Liu, B. Wang,L. Ning, and M. Yan, 2019: Decadal variability of northern Asian
winter monsoon shaped by the 11-year solar Cycle.Clim. Dyn.,53, 6559-6568, DOI
·Jin, C., L. Liu, B. Wang, M. Yan, andL. Ning, 2019: Decadal Variations of the East Asian
Summer Monsoon Forced by the 11-Year Insolation Cycle.J. Climate,
·Sun, W., B. Wang, J. Liu, D. Chen, C. Gao,L. Ning, and L. Chen, 2019: How northern
high-latitude volcanic eruptions in different seasons affect ENSO?J. Climate,32,
·Sun, W., J. Liu, B. Wang, D. Chen, F. Liu, Z. Wang,L. Ning, and M Chen, 2019: A “La
Niña-like” state occurring in the second year after large tropical volcanic eruptions during
the past 1500 years.Clim. Dyn.,52(12), 7494-9509, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4163-x
·Ning, L., J. Liu, B. Wang, K. Chen, M. Yan, C. Jin, and Q. Wang, 2019: Variability and
mechanisms of megadroughts over eastern China during the last millennium: A model study.
Atmosphere,10, 7, doi:10.3390/atmos10010007.
·Ning, L., J. Liu, R. S. Bradley, and M. Yan, 2019: Comparing the spatial patterns of climate
change in the 9th and 5th millennia B.P. from TRACE-21 model simulations.Climate of the
Past, 15, 41-52, doi:10.5194/cp-15-41-2019
·Liu, L., T. Zhou,L. Ning*, J. Liu, M. Yan, C. Jin, and W. Sun, 2019: Linkage between the
Arctic Oscillation and summer climate extreme events over the middle reaches of Yangtze
River Valley.Climate Research, 78, 237-247, doi: 10.3554/cr01542
·Liu, L.,L. Ning*, J. Liu, M. Yan, and W. Sun 2019: Prediction of Summer Extreme
Precipitation over the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Basin,Int. J.
Climatology, 39, 375-383, doi: 10.1002/joc.5813
·Yan, M., B. Wang, J. Liu, A. Zhu, L. Ning, and J. Cao, 2018: Understanding the Australian
Monsoon change during the Last Glacial Maximum with a multi-model ensemble.Climate
of the Past, 14, 2037-2052, doi:10.5194/cp-14-2047-2018
·Sinha, P., M. E. Mann, J. D. Fuentes, A. Mejia,L. Ning, W. Sun, T. He, and J. Obeysekera,
2018: Downscaled rainfall projections in south Florida using self-organizing maps.Science
of the Total Environment,635, 1110-1123.
·Ning, L., J. Liu, Z. Wang, and R. S. Bradley, 2018: Different influences on the tropical
Pacific SST gradient from natural forcing and anthropogenic forcing.Int. J. Climatology,38,
2015-2028, doi:10.1002/joc.5313.
·Ning, L., J. Liu, and B. Wang, 2017: How does South Asian High influence extreme
precipitation over eastern China?J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,122, 4281-4298,
·Ning, L., J. Liu, and W. Sun, 2017: Influences of volcano eruptions on Asian Summer
Monsoon over the last 110 years.Scientific Reports,7, 42626, doi:10.1038/srep42626
·Ning, L., and R. S. Bradley, 2016: NAO and PNA influences on winter temperature and
precipitation over the eastern United States in CMIP5 GCMs.Clim. Dyn.,46(3),
1257-1276, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-015-2643-9
·Ning, L., and R. S. Bradley, 2015: Snow occurrence changes over the central and eastern
United States under future warming scenarios.Scientific Reports,5, 17073, doi:
·Ning, L., and R. S. Bradley, 2015: Influence of Eastern Pacific and Central Pacific El Niño
events on winter climate extremes over the eastern and central United States.Int. J.
Climatology,35, 4756-4770, DOI: 10.1002/joc.4321
·Pepin, N., R. S. Bradley, H. F. Diaz, M. Baraer, E. B. Caceres, N. Forsythe, H. Fowler, G.
Greenwood, M. Z. Hashmi, X. D. Liu, J. Miller,L. Ning, A. Ohmura, E. Palazzi, I.
Rangwala, W. Schoener, I. Severskiy, M. Shahgedanova, M. B. Wang, S. N. Williamson, and
D. Q. Yang, 2015: Elevation-dependent warming in mountain regions of the world.Nature
- Climate Change,5, 424-430, DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE2563
·Ning, L., E. Riddle, and R. S. Bradley, 2015: Projected changes in climate extremes over the
northeastern United States.J. Climate,28(8), 3289-3310
·Ning, L., and R. S. Bradley, 2015: Winter climate extremes over the northeastern United
States and southeastern Canada and teleconnections with large-scale modes of climate
variability.J. Climate,28(6), 2475-2493
·Diaz, H. F., R. S. Bradley, andL. Ning, 2014: Climatic changes in mountain regions of the
American Cordillera and the tropics: historical changes and future outlook.Arctic
Antarctic & Alpine Research,46(4), 735-743
·Ning, L., and R. S. Bradley, 2014: Winter precipitation variability and corresponding
teleconnections over northeastern United States.J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,119 (13),
7931-7945, doi: 10.1002/2014JD021591
·Paaijmans, K. P., J.I. Blanford, R. G. Crane, M. E. Mann,L. Ning, K. V. Schreiber, and M. B.
Thomas, 2014: Downscaling reveals diverse effects of anthropogenic climate warming on
the potential for local environments to support malaria transmission.Climatic Change,
125(3), 479-488, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-014-1172-6
·Singh, R., T. Wagener, R. Crane, M. Mann, andL. Ning, 2014: A vulnerability driven
approach to identify adverse climate and land use change combinations for critical
hydrologic indicator thresholds – Application to a watershed in Pennsylvania, USA.Water
Resour. Res.,50(4), 3409-3427, DOI: 10.1002/2013WR014988
·Ning, L., M. Mann, R. Crane, T. Wagener, R. Najjar, and R. Singh, 2012: Probabilistic
Projections of anthropogenic climate change impacts on precipitation for the Mid-Atlantic
region of United States.J. Climate,25(15), 5273-5291
·Ning, L., M. Mann, R. Crane, and T. Wagener, 2012: Probabilistic projections of climate
change for the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States: Validation of downscaling
procedure over the historical era.J. Climate,25(2), 509-526
·Ning, L., and Y.-F. Qian, 2009: Interdecadal change in extreme precipitation over South
China and its mechanism.Adv. Atmos. Sci.,26, 109-118
·Ning, L., J. Liu, Z. Liu, M. Yan, K. Chen, W. Sun, C. Jin, and Z. Shi, 2019: How do the
volcanic eruptions influence the decadal megadrought over the eastern China?J. Climate(in revision).
·Qin, Y.,L. Ning*, K. Chen, J. Liu, and M. Yan, 2019: Assessment of PMIP3 model
Simulations of Megadroughts over Eastern China during the Last Millennium.Int. J.
Climatology(in revision).
·Chen, K.,L. Ning*, Z. Liu*, J. Liu, M. Yan, W. Sun, L. Yuan, G. Lv, L. Li, Z. Shi, and C.
Jin, 2019a: One drought and one volcanic eruption influenced the history of China: The
Ming Dynasty Megadrought.Nature - Climate Change(submitted).
·Chen, K.,L. Ning*, Z. Liu*, J. Liu, M. Yan, W. Sun, and C. Jin, 2019b: How do tropical
volcanic eruptions in different drought phases affect the evolution of drought in eastern
China (to be submitted).
·Chen, K.,L. Ning*, Z. Liu, J. Liu, M. Yan, W. Sun, and C. Jin, 2019c: Influences on PDO
and AMO from volcanic eruptions (to be submitted).
·Bradley, R. S., andL. Ning, 2014: Climate change projections for Massachusetts, University
of Massachusetts – Amherst.
·Bradley, R. S., M. Rawlins, H. F. Diaz,L. Ning, and F. Fan, 2013: Climate change
assessments and projections. 2012 Annual report to DOI, University of Massachusetts –
·Wagener, T., M. Mann, R. Crane,L. Ning, R. Singh, C. Kelleher, K. Freeman, 2012: A
framework for probabilistic projections of energy-relevant streamflow indicators under
climate change scenarios for the U.S. 2011 Annual report to DOE, The Pennsylvania State
·Wagener, T., M. Mann, R. Crane,L. Ning, C. Kelleher, K. Freeman, K. Sawicz, 2011: A
framework for probabilistic projections of energy-relevant streamflow indicators under
climate change scenarios for the U.S. 2010 Annual report to DOE, The Pennsylvania State
·2012-2015Northeast Climate Science Center Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of
Interior [Principle Investigator:L. Ning(University of Massachusetts)]
$ 50,000 per year
·2012-2017A proposal to establish the Northeast Climate Science Center, Department of
Interior [Principal Investigator: R. Palmer, R. S. Bradley (University of Massachusetts)] $7,500,000 (Participated)
·2009-2013Quantifying the influence of environmental temperature on transmission of vector-borne diseases,NSF-EF [Principal Investigator: M. Thomas; Co-Investigators: R.G. Crane, M.E. Mann, A. Read, T. Scott (Penn State Univ.)] $1,884,991 (participated)
·2008-2011A Framework for Probabilistic Projections of Energy-Relevant Streamflow Indices,DOE [Principal Investigator: T. Wagener; Co-Investigators: M. Mann, R. Crane, K. Freeman (Penn State Univ.)] $330,000 (participated)
·寧亮,陳可凡,劉健,劉征宇,嚴蜜,覃燕敏,孫煒毅: The influences of volcanic eruptions
on decadal climate changes.第六屆青年地學論壇,中國西寧,2019.10.12-14 (特邀報告).
·Ning, L.,J. Liu, M. Yan, W. Sun, C. Jin, L. Liu, and K. Chen, Mechanisms of Multi-Decadal
Droughts over the Eastern China During the Last Millennium.AOGS 15th Annual Meeting,
Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, Jun. 03-08, 2018 (特邀報告).
·Ning, L., R. S. Bradley, M. E. Mann, R. Crane, T. Wagener, R. G. Najjar, and E. E. Riddle, Two
statistical downscaling methods and their applications on regional climate changes.
Seminar at Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China, Jun. 2014 (特邀報告).
·Ning, L., K. Chen, J. Liu, Z. Liu, M. Yan, R. S. Bradley, Y. Qin, W. Sun, and Y. Jin, 2019:
Characteristics and mechanisms of decadal to centennial megadrought events over the
eastern Asia during the Holocene.2019 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San
Francisco, Dec.09-13 2019.
·寧亮,陳可凡,劉健,劉征宇,嚴蜜,覃燕敏,孫煒毅: The influences of volcanic eruptions
on decadal climate changes.氣候變化歷史與機理:重建-模擬-數據挖掘研討會,中國蘭
·Ning, L.,J. Liu, Z. Liu, K. Chen, M. Yan, W. Sun, and C. Jin. The influences of volcanic
eruptions on the decadal megadrought over the eastern China.The 20thINQUA Congress,
Dublin, Ireland, Jul. 25-31 2019.
·Ning, L.,J. Liu, Z. Liu, K. Chen, M. Yan, W. Sun, and C. Jin. How do the volcanic eruptions
influence the decadal megadrought over the eastern China?International Conference on
Silk-road Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development, Beijing, China, May 11-12
·寧亮,劉健,劉征宇,嚴蜜,陳可凡,孫煒毅,靳春寒: How do the volcanic eruptions influence
the decadal megadrought over the eastern China?青島海洋科學與技術試點國家實驗室
·寧亮,劉健,劉征宇,嚴蜜,陳可凡,孫煒毅,靳春寒,劉璐: How do the volcanic eruptions
influence the decadal megadrought over the eastern China?第十二屆全國第四紀學術大會,
·寧亮,劉健,劉征宇,嚴蜜,陳可凡,孫煒毅,靳春寒,劉璐: How do the volcanic eruptions
influence the decadal megadrought over the eastern China?第五屆地學青年論壇,中國南
·寧亮,劉健,嚴蜜,孫煒毅,靳春寒,劉璐,陳可凡: Modeling of variability and mechanisms
of megadroughts over the eastern China during the last millennium.第五屆
·Ning, L., J. Liu, M. Yan, W. Sun, C. Jin, L. Liu, and K. Chen. Modeling of variability and
mechanisms of megadroughts over the eastern China during the last millennium.The 8th
GEWEX Open Science Conference: Extremes and Water on the Edge, Canmore, Alberta,
Canada, May 6-11 2018.
·Ning, L., J. Liu, R.S. Bradley, and M. Yan. Comparing the spatial patterns of 4.2ka BP and
8.2ka BP climate events.The 4.2 ka BP Event: An International Workshop, Pisa, Italy, Jan.
10-12 2018.
·寧亮,劉健,R.S. Bradley,嚴蜜,孫煒毅,靳春寒: Elevation-dependent cooling caused by
volcanic eruptions during last millennium. 2017年中國地球物理學會年會,中國北京,
·Ning, L., J. Liu, M. Yan, Z. Wang, W. Sun, and C. Jin. Modeling the different influences on
regional climate from natural forcing and anthropogenic forcing.International Workshop
on Open Geographical Modeling and Simulation, Nanjing, China, Aug. 17-19 2017.
·Ning, L., J. Liu, and B. Wang. How does the South Asian High influence extreme
precipitation over eastern China?Third International Symposium on Climate and Earth
System Modeling, Nanjing, China, Jun. 11-12 2017.
·Ning, L., and J. Liu. Influences of volcano eruptions on Asian Summer Monsoon
multi-decadal variability.The AOGS 13thAnnual Meeting, Beijing, China, Aug.01-05 2016.
·寧亮,劉健,王志遠,R.S. Bradley:The changes of tropical Pacific SST gradient and
corresponding mechanisms during different warming periods over last two millennia.第五
·Ning, L., J. Liu, and Z. Wang. El Niño-like or La Niña-like? What are the different
influences on tropical Pacific SST gradient from natural forcing and anthropogenic forcing?
American Meteorological Society 96thAnnual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Jan. 09-14 2016.
·Ning, L., and R. S. Bradley, Climate overview of the Northeast.1stAnnual NECSC Early
Career Scientist Retreat – Theme: “Communicating and translating climate science to
resource managers”, Plum Island, MA, Oct 2013.
·Ning, L., and R. S. Bradley, Winter climate extremes over the northeast United States and
teleconnections with large-scale climate variability.8thAnnual NOAA-CREST Symposium –
Climate and Extreme Weather Impacts on Urban Coastal Communities, New York, NY, Jun
·Ning, L., M. E. Mann, R. Crane, R. Najjar, and T. Wagener, Probabilistic estimation and
validation of regional precipitation changes using statistical downscaling methods.NCAR
IMAGe Seminar, Boulder, CO, Apr. 2012.
·Ning, L., M. E. Mann, R. Crane, and T. Wagener, Probabilistic projections of climate change
for the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States,“Frank Talks” series, Department of
Meteorology, Penn State University, University Park, PA, Feb. 2011.
·Ning, L., M. E. Mann, R. Crane, and T. Wagener, Precipitation downscaling over
Pennsylvania,ESSC Brownbag/Climate Dynamics Seminar, Penn State University,
University Park, PA, Apr. 2010.
·Ning, L., J. Liu, R. S. Bradley, and M. Yan, 2018: Comparing the spatial patterns of climate
change in the 9th and 5th millennia B.P. from TRACE-21 model simulations.2018 American
Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., Dec.10-14 2018.
·寧亮,劉健,R. S. Bradley,嚴蜜: Comparing the spatial patterns of climate change in the
9th and 5th millennia B.P. from TRACE-21 model simulations.第十二屆全國第四紀學術
·Ning, L., J. Liu, R. S. Bradley, M. Yan, W. Sun, and L. Liu: Elevation-dependent cooling
caused by volcanic eruptions during last millennium.2017 American Geophysical Union
Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Dec.11-15 2017.
·Ning, L., J. Liu, and B. Wang: Influences and mechanisms of South Asia High on extreme
precipitation over the eastern China.2016 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, Dec.12-16 2016.
·Ning, L., J. Liu, and B. Wang: How does the South Asian High influence the extreme
precipitation over the eastern China.2016 CLIVAR Open Science Conference, Qingdao,
China, Sep.18-25 2016.
·Ning, L., J. Liu, and Z. Wang: Simulated different influences on tropical Pacific SST
gradient from natural forcing and anthropogenic forcing.2015 American Geophysical
Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2015.
·Ning, L., and R. S. Bradley: The decrease of snow occurrence over the eastern United States
under future warming scenarios.2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, Dec. 2014.
·Ning, L., and R. S. Bradley: Bias-corrections on regional climate simulations over the
northeastern United States.2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, Dec. 2013.
·Ning, L., M. E. Mann, R. Crane, T. Wagener, Probabilistic projections of climate change for
the Mid-Atlantic region- validation of downscaling procedure over the historical era,
Worldwide University Network (WUN) Global Challenge Workshop, State College, PA, May
·Chen, K.,L. Ning*, Z. Liu, J. Liu, M. Yan, W. Sun, C. Jin, and Z. Shi. The persistence and
severity of drought impacted by volcanic eruptions in divergent drought phases.1st
Regional Conference on Environmental Modeling and Software Asian Region (iEMSs 2019),
Nanjing, China, May 18-20, 2019
·Qin, Y.,L. Ning*, K. Chen, J. Liu, and M. Yan. Assessment of Simulations of Megadroughts
over Eastern China during the Last Millennium.1st Regional Conference on Environmental
Modeling and Software Asian Region (iEMSs 2019), Nanjing, China, May 18-20, 2019
·Chen, K.,L. Ning*, Z. Liu, J. Liu, M. Yan, W. Sun, C. Jin, and Z. Shi. Responses of drought
persistency and intensity to volcanic eruptions at divergent drought phases based on
Community Earth System Model.International Conference on Silk-road Disaster Risk
Reduction and Sustainable Development, Beijing, China, May 11-12, 2019.
·Qin, Y.,L. Ning*, K. Chen, J. Liu, and M. Yan. Assessment of Simulations of Megadroughts
over Eastern China during the Last Millennium.International Conference on Silk-road
Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development, Beijing, China, May 11-12, 2019.
·Chen,K.,L. Ning*,J. Liu,M. Yan,W. Sun and L. Liu. Simulation of Ming Dynasty drought
based on Community Earth System Model. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting, Honolulu,
Hawaii, United States, Jun. 03-08, 2018.
·Liu, L.,L. Ning*, J. Liu, M. Yan and W. Sun. Prediction of Summer Extreme Precipitation
over the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Basin. AOGS 15th Annual
Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, Jun. 03-08, 2018.
Chen,K.,L. Ning*,J. Liu,M. Yan,W. Sun and L. Liu. Simulation of Ming Dynasty drought
based on Community Earth System Model.The 8th GEWEX Open Science Conference:
Extremes and Water on the Edge, Canmore, Alberta, Canada, May 6-11 2018.
·Liu, L.,L. Ning*, J. Liu, and M. Yan: Prediction of Summer Extreme Precipitation over the
Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Basin.2017 American Geophysical Union
Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Dec.11-15 2017.
·K.V. Schreiber, K. P. Paaijmans, J. I. Blanford, R. G. Crane, M. E. Mann,L. Ning, and M. B.
Thomas. Improvements in Estimation of Malaria Transmission Potential Modeling with
Anthropogenic Climate Warming.20th International Congress of Biometeorology,
International Society of Biometeorology, Cleveland, OH, 29 September 2014.
·Singh, R., T. Wagener, R. Crane, M. E. Mann, andL. Ning:Considering uncertainty in
climate change projections through a new decision-centric approach to global change
impact assessment on water resources tested in a Pennsylvania watershed.2013 American
Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2013.
·Singh, R., T. Wagener, K. V. Werkhoven, M. E. Mann, R. Crane, andL. Ning: A robust
decision making framework for identifying dominant controls on indicators of hydrologic
alteration under environmental change.European Geophysical Union General Assembly
2013, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2013.
·Singh, R., T. Wagener, K. V. Werkhoven, M. E. Mann, R. Crane, andL. Ning: When does
model parameter non-stationarity matter? Insights from applications of a novel trading
space-for-time framework across the U.S. and South Africa.2012 American Geophysical
Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2012.
·Singh, R., T. Wagener, K. V. Werkhoven, M. E. Mann, R. Crane, andL. Ning: Trading
space for time: a non-stationary approach to probabilistic flow predictions in a changing
climate.2010 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2010.
自然科學獎)一等獎(地理環境演化 過程重建、模擬與預估),排名8/10,(閭國年、劉健、吳敬祿、袁林旺、俞肇元、陳旻、溫永寧、寧亮、宋志堯、謝志仁),中華人民共和國教育部