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  • 書名:實用計算機英語
  • 作者:李一 湛邵斌 孫潔 主編
  • ISBN:978-7-115-28651-2
  • 類別:工業和信息化人才培養規劃教材
  • 頁數:220
  • 定價:32.00 元
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年9月
  • 裝幀:平裝


書 名 實用計算機英語(工業和信息化高職高專“十二五”規劃教材立項項目)
叢 書 名 工業和信息化人才培養規劃教材——高職高專計算機系列
標準書號 ISBN 978-7-115-28651-2
編目分類 H31
作 者 李一、湛邵斌、孫潔 主編
責任編輯 王威
開 本 16 開
印 張 14.25
字 數 364 千字
頁 數 220 頁
裝 幀 平裝
版 次 第1版第1次
初版時間 2012年9月
本 印 次 2012年9月
定 價 32.00 元




Unit 1 The Development of Computer Technology 1
Section 1 Dialogue: The Impact of Computers on People’s Lives 2
Section 2 Reading 3
Text A: The Evolution of the Computer Age 3
Text B: Different Types of Computers 5
Text C: The Future of Computers 9
Section 3 Occupational Tips: How to Start Your Career in Information Technology 12
Section 4 Class Activities: Guess Who the IT Figure Is 14
Unit 2 Computer Hardware 16
Section 1 Dialogue: First Day at Work (Hardware Orientation) 17
Section 2 Reading 18
Text A: Computer Hardware 18
Text B: PC Ports 23
Text C: Fast Facts on Apple 26
Section 3 Occupational Tips: How to Configure Your Own PC 30
Section 4 Class Activities: Hardware Crossword Puzzle Game 32
Unit 3 Operating Systems 33
Section 1 Dialogue: Buying an Android Tablet PC 34
Section 2 Reading 35
Text A: How Operating Systems Work 35
Text B: About Windows Vista 38
Text C: Linux OS 40
Section 3 Occupational Tips: How to Install an Operating System 44
Section 4 Class Activities: Finding the New Features of Windows Vista 45
Unit 4 Application Software 46
Section 1 Dialogue: How to Solve an Office Problem 47
Section 2 Reading 48
Text A: Microsoft Office 48
Text B: How Time Management Software Works 51
Text C: Computer-Aided Design 54
Section 3 Occupational Tips: How to Use Excel 2010 Formula 58
Section 4 Class Activities: A Debate on Video Games’ Effect on Youngsters 59
Unit 5 Computer Programming 61
Section 1 Dialogue: How to Choose the Right Programming Language to Study 62
Section 2 Reading 63
Text A: The Basics of C Programming 63
Text B: Object-oriented Programming 67
Text C: Languages to Know for Web Programming 71
Section 3 Occupational Tips: Tips on Good Programming Style 75
Section 4 Class Activities: Discussion on 10 Traits of a Good Programmer 78
Unit 6 Database 80
Section 1 Dialogue: A Customer Database 81
Section 2 Reading 82
Text A: What Relational Databases Are 82
Text B: Introduction to SQL 84
Text C: How Data Mining and Data Warehousing are Related 87
Section 3 Occupational Tips: How to Write a Project Proposal 90
Section 4 Class Activities: Using Google Earth to Search for a Location 93
Unit 7 Computer Networks 94
Section 1 Dialogue: How Computers Communicate with Each Other 95
Section 2 Reading 96
Text A: Computer Networking 96
Text B: Introduction to Network Types 98
Text C: Grid Computing 101
Section 3 Occupational Tips: How to Configure Your IP Address 105
Section 4 Class Activities: Sign up for a Foreign Mailbox 106
Unit 8 The World Wide Web and the Internet 107
Section 1 Dialogue: How the Internet Works 108
Section 2 Reading 109
Text A: The Development of the Internet 109
Text B: Blog and Microblog 111
Text C: The History of the World Wide Web 113
Section 3 Occupational Tips: How to Use Your Browser 117
Section 4 Class Activities: Compete in Computer Games 118
Unit 9 Communication Online 119
Section 1 Dialogue: Amazing QQ 120
Section 2 Reading 121
Text A: Using Instant Messaging for Business 121
Text B: MSN 123
Text C: How to Ensure the Safety When Chatting Online 125
Section 3 Occupational Tips: Shortcut Keys in QQ 128
Section 4 Class Activities: Using ICQ to Chat with New Friends 129
Unit 10 Privacy and Security 130
Section 1 Dialogue: My Poor Computer 131
Section 2 Reading 132
Text A: Computer Viruses 132
Text B: Antivirus Software, a Good Defender 135
Text C: Computer Crime 138
Section 3 Occupational Tips: How to Protect Your PC from Invasion 141
Section 4 Class Activities: Discussion on User- friendly Firewalls and Antivirus Software 143
Unit 11 Multimedia 144
Section 1 Dialogue: The Ultimate Movie Experience with IMAX 145
Section 2 Reading 146
Text A: Multimedia and Its Applications 146
Text B: Graphics File Formats 148
Text C: Adobe Photoshop 151
Section 3 Occupational Tips: How to Make a Wonderful Presentation That Makes the Sale 154
Section 4 Class Activities: Using Photoshop to Make Pictures Look Great 157
Unit 12 Electronic Commerce 158
Section 1 Dialogue: Online Shopping for Books 159
Section 2 Reading 160
Text A: E-commerce and Its Global Trends 160
Text B: How E-Commerce Work 162
Text C: The Lure of E-commerce 164
Section 3 Occupational Tips: How to Achieve an Online Store Success 167
Section 4 Class Activities: Video Watching (E-commerce) 169
Unit 13 New Techniques of Computer Science 170
Section 1 Dialogue: Why It Is Called “Cloud Computing” 171
Section 2 Reading 172
Text A: Cloud Computing 172
Text B: Toward a Global “Internet of Things” 174
Text C: The Coming of New Techniques,Evolution or Revolution 176
Section 3 Occupational Tips: How to Write a Good Resume 179
Section 4 Class Activities: Video Watching (The Internet of Things) 183
Unit 14 Your Future and Information Technology 184
Section 1 Dialogue: IT Working Experience 185
Section 2 Reading 186
Text A: Shaping the Internet Age 186
Text B: Building an IT Career in the Midst of Change 188
Text C: To Be a Winner in the Information Revolution 191
Section 3 Occupational Tips: The First Job Interview 193
Section 4 Class Activities: An IT Interview 195
附錄 參考譯文(Text A)及答案 196
參考文獻 221


