



  • 書名:實時圖形繪製引擎技術
  • 頁數:299頁
  • 出版社:浙江大學出版社
  • 裝幀:精裝


; 第1版 (2010年12月1日)
外文書名: Real-Time Graphics Rendering Engine
叢書名: 中國科技進展叢書
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7308081338, 9787308081337
條形碼: 9787308081337
尺寸: 23.6 x 16.2 x 2.4 cm
重量: 680 g


鮑虎軍,is a professor at the State Key Lab of Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Zhejiang University, China.Dr. Wei Hua is an associate professor at the same institute.


《實時圖形繪製引擎技術(英文版)》內容簡介:Real-Time Graphics Rendering Engine reveals the software architec-ture of the modern real-time 3D graphics rendering engine and the relevant technologies based on the authors' experience developing this high-performance, real-time system. The relevant knowledge about real-time graphics rendering such as the rendering pipeline,the visual appearance and shading and lighting models are also introduced. This book is intended to offer well-founded guidance for researchers and developers who are interested in building their own rendering engines.


1 Introduction
1.1 Scene Graph Management
1.2 Scene Graph Traverse
1.3 Rendering Queue
1.4 Rending Modle
2 Basics of Real-Time Rendering
2.1 Rendering Pipeline
2.1.1 Conceptual Rendering Phases
2.1.2 Programmable Rendering Pipeline
2.1.3 Geometry Transforms
2.2 Shading
2.2.1 Rendering Equation
2.2.2 Lighting
2.2.3 BRDF
2.2.4 Light Transport
2.3 Summary
3 Architecture of Real-Time Rendering Engine
3.1 Overview
3.2 Basic Data Type
3.2.1 Single-Field Data Type
3.2.2 Multiple-Field Data Type
3.2.3 Persistent Pointer: TAddress
3.3 Basics of Scene Model
3.4 Entity
3.5 Feature
3.5.1 IAttributedObject and IFeature
3.5.2 IBoundedObject
3.5.3 IChildFeature
3.5.4 Subclasses of IGroupingFeature
3.5.5 Subclasses of IShapeFeature
3.5.6 IAnimatedFeature
3.5.7 Subclasses of ILightFeature
3.5.8 Subclasses of IBindableFeature
3.5.9 IGeometryFeature
3.5.10 IAppearanceFeature and Related Features
3.6 Scene Graph
3.7 Spatial Index
3.7.1 Relation Schema A
3.7.2 Relation Schema B
3.8 Scene Model Schema
3.9 Scene Model Interface and Implementation
3.9.1 Scope of Name and ID
3.9.2 Transaction
3.9.3 Scene Storage
3.9.4 Reference and Garbage Collection
3.9.5 Data Visit and Cache
3.9.6 Out-of-Core Entity
3.9.7 ISceneModel
3.9.8 ISceneStorage
3.9.9 Implementation of ISceneModel and ISceneStorage
3.10 Scene Manipulator
3.10.1 Manipulator Functions
3.10.2 Usage of Scene Model Manipulator
3.11 Traversing Scene Model
3.11.1 Traverse via Iterator
3.11.2 Traverse via Visitor
3.12 Rendering Engine
3.12.1 CRenderingEngine
3.12.2 The Composition of the CRenderingEngine
3.13 Render Queue and Its Manager
3.14 Camera Manager
3.15 GPU Resources and Its Manipulator
3.15.1 Texture Resource
3.15.2 Buffer Resource
3.15.3 Shader Program
3.15.4 GPU Resource Manipulator
3.16 Render Target and Its Manager
3.17 Render Control Unit
3.18 Pre-render and Its Manager
3.18.1 IPreRender
3.18.2 CPreRenderManager
3.19 Render Pipelines and Its Manager
3.19.1 IRenderPipeLine
3.19.2 Modular Render Pipeline
3.19.3 Render Module
3.19.4 CRenderPipelineManager
3.20 Examples of Pre-render
3.20.1 CVFCullingPreRender
3.20.2 CMirrorPreRender
3.20.3 COoCEntityLoader
3.20.4 CFeatureTypeClassifier
3.20.5 CRenderQueueElementProcessor
3.20.6 CLightCullingPreRender
3.21 Examples of Modular Render Pipeline and Render Module
3.21.1 CShapeRenderPipeline
3.21.2 CShapeRenderModule
3.22 Implementation Details of CRenderingEngine
3.22.1 Configure
3.22.2 Initialize
3.22.3 DoRendering
3.22.4 OpenSceneModel
3.23 Conclusion
4 Rendering System for Multichannel Display
4.1 The Overview of Parallel Rendering
4.1.1 Client-Server
4.1.2 Master-Slave
4.2 The Architecture of a Cluster-Based Rendering System
4.3 Rendering System Interface
4.3.1 vxlRenderingSystem
4.3.2 vxlModel
4.3.3 vxIUI
4.3.4 The Basic Example
4.4 Server Manager
4.4.1 Functionality
4.4.2 Structure
4.4.3 CServerManager
4.4.4 CServiceRequestManager
4.4.5 CServiceRequestTranslator
4.4.6 CServiceRequestSender
4.4.7 CSystemStateManager, CScreenState and CRenderServerState
4.4.8 CServiceRequestSRThreadPool
4.4.9 IServiceRequest and Subclasses
4.5 Implementation of Rendering System Interface
4.5.1 Implementation Principles
4.5.2 Example 1: Startup System
4.5.3 Example 2: Open Scene Model
4.5.4 Example 3: Do Rendering and Swap Buffer
4.6 Render Server and Server Interface
4.7 Application: the Immersive Presentation System for Urban Planning
4.7.1 System Deployment
4.7.2 Functionality
5 Optimal Representation and Rendering for Large-Scale Terrain
5.1 Overview
5.1.1 LOD Model of Terrain
5.1.2 Out-of-Core Techniques
5.2 Procedural Terrain Rendering
5.2.1 An Overview of Asymptotic Fractional Brownian Motion Tree
5.2.2 afBm-Tree Construction
5.2.3 Procedural Terrain Rendering
5.2.4 Application
5.3 Conclusion
6 Variational OBB-Tree Approximation for Solid Objects
6.1 Related Work
6.2 The Approximation Problem of an OBB Tree
6.3 Solver for OBB Tree
6.3.1 Computation of Outside Volume for Single Bounding Box
6.3.2 Solver for OBB Tree
6.4 Experiments and Results
6.5 Conclusion


