Family Guy Season11 Episode01 Title(標題):Into fat air Main story(情節):Lois在超市遇見了自己的前男友Ross Fishman 並全家被邀請與其共進晚餐 Fishman一家如此和諧能幹又完美 言語中時刻在顯示自己的優越感 另peter和lois深感“寡人不爽” 在聽到他們一家要攀登珠穆朗瑪峰後 peter也在衝動之下表示也要和家人攀登 沒想到得到lois的同意 因為她也看不慣F一家的自大作風 兩隊人馬在尼泊爾珠峰大本營照面 雙方都表示自己一隊會最先登上峰頂 經過一頓混亂的過程(我真的不知道怎么描述裡面的笑話)Peter一家到了山頂卻發現Fishmans早就等在上面 無奈的一家人下山遇到風暴 並且發現了已經凍死的Ben---Fishman家的兒子 在食物短缺的情況下Brain說服大家吃掉了Ben的屍體 Lois帶領大家返回營救上山搜尋Ben的Fishman一家 並在冰縫之中找到了已經凍僵的二位 Fishmans對Peter一家千恩萬謝直到........
Family Guy Season11 Episode02 Title(標題):Ratings Guy Main story(情節):為了湊夠20分鐘節目 Seth讓Peter一家人去參觀911消防局 回到家裡Peter驚喜的發現他們一家被選為了尼爾森家庭(他們家看電視的喜好數據將用來統計全美國電視收視率)從尼爾森公司在Peter家裡安裝機頂盒開始 美國電視界就進入了地獄一般的境地 首先Local Channel 5新聞主播Tom Tucker主動上門Kiss Ass 於是按照Peter想法的新聞變的混亂不堪。。。
Family Guy Season11 Episode03
Title(標題):Old big man and the Big "C" 本集故事分成兩個主線,Quagmire在棒球場和Brain搶飛過來的球,不幸假髮脫落,被攝像機捕捉到成了整個Quahog的笑柄。在酒吧里大家說服了Quagmire接受這一事實,沒想到Quagmire的作風竟然也像禿了頂的老頭一樣。。。最後Quagmire決定去醫院接受植髮手術,大家陪同前去。Brain在醫院解手途中,竟然發現了癌症晚期的pewterschmidt。Brain回家把這個噩耗告訴Lois,全家人立刻去看Pewterschmidt ,竟然發現Pewterschmidt好好的呆在家裡。Brain和stewie就得這裡面有陰謀,遂跟蹤這個他們以為是假的Pewterschmidt,竟然在P的公司裡面發現了能治療癌症的藥物。Brain奇怪Pewterschmidt 為什麼不公布藥方造福大眾,Pewterschmidt以企業家榨乾勞動民眾最後一分錢為理由拒絕,兩人被保全趕出了大樓,不料Stewie竟然偷出了藥物。Pewterschmidt帶著保全衝到Peter家欲搶回藥物,Lois知情後,懇請父親公布藥方,Pewterschmidt同意。不過AS ALWAYS美夢落空,最後公關解決了一切。
Family Guy Season11 Episode05 Title(標題):Joe`s Revenge Main story(情節):Joe Swanson AKA不會走路的Stan Smith 是因為在一次臥底販毒工廠時 被毒販Bobby Briggs識破 並且射慘了雙腿 從此只能在輪椅上度過餘生 這次Bobby被捕讓Joe揪了很久的心終於放下來 鄰居們聚集在Joe房子後院慶祝時 噩耗傳來--Bobby越獄逃跑了 Joe無法在等待Bobby逍遙法外十五年 遂向Chief報告要求加入追捕逃犯的隊伍被拒絕後 與自告奮勇的Peter和很不情願的Quagmire單獨搜尋Bobby Quagmire把自己的波斯貓留給Lois餵養 卻招來了Brain的嫉妒 Peter三人從與Bobby關係較好的脫衣舞女Tanya處得到Bobby的下落 卻在他的公寓讓他跑了 並被Dirty Cops抓住 三人逃脫後根據線索來到美墨邊境 堵截準備逃到墨西哥的Bobby Joe最後終於殺了Boby 報了七槍之仇。
Family Guy Season11 Episode06 Title(標題):Lois Comes out of Her Shell Main story(情節):Lois沒有指望自己生日會有Party慶祝 Brain決定為Lois舉辦一次Suprise Party Stewie在公園池塘邊撿到了一隻烏龜 甚是喜歡 便帶回了家 沒想到這隻烏龜竟然邪惡無比 甚至幾次想殺了Stewie Lois回家發現自己的生日派對十分高興 但是Peter的致辭卻處處暗示Lois已經青春不再這一事實 Lois無法接受被當眾捅到傷處的感覺 哭著離開了 於是Elderly Housewife版Lois變成了Young slut party girl Lois的行為也處處表現的如年輕女孩 Peter最先對Lois的改變十分欣喜 但是漸漸沒有無限的精力對付剛剛出來就去第二tua 瘋狂喜歡JB的Lois 對於漸漸瘋狂的Sheldon Stewie最後決定殺了它 最後出來收拾殘局的你想也想不到。。。Peter去JB的演唱會後台向Lois袒露了事情 因為擔心自己漸漸配不上妻子 重新得到理解的Lois恢復了往常 Seth又成功地騙了一集製作費
Family Guy Season11 Episode07 Title(標題):Friends without Benefits Main story(情節):Meg迷戀自己的同學Kent迷得死去活來的 差一點出了車禍 在Lois看似關心實則嘲諷的激勵中 Meg成功的約出了Kent 卻發現Kent是基友一枚而且喜歡Chris(重口味啊)沒想到被Stewie誤認為是他 做出了好幾次姿態、、、大腦一根弦的Meg拒絕接受事實 好幾次強迫Kent與自己親熱 Kent被激怒讓Meg很無助 Meg的朋友認為如果Chris和Kent在一起 就能告訴Meg和Kent在一起是神馬感覺了 Meg向Chris說出了自己的想法遭到其嚴肅的拒絕 固執恐怖的Meg向Quagmire要了些迷奸藥(......) Meg欺騙Kent說Chris同意 並且準備迷倒Chris Chris用一張兩人小時候的照片安慰Meg Meg最後不忍下藥 Kent來了以後東窗事發 Brain解開了Meg的心結 Happy Ending!
Family Guy Season11 Episode08 Title(標題):Jesus Mary&Josephine(哈! 我故意的) Main story(情節):聖誕節將至 全家人聚在一起裝飾聖誕樹Peter給大家講了Seth眼中 Jesus誕生的故事 千百年前 牧羊人Joseph........... I`m sorry 這絕對是古代猶太版的星球大戰!
Family Guy Season11 Episode09 Title(標題):Space Cadet Main story(情節):Chris在學校的行為越來越令人難以理解,Lois想要重新建立起Chris的自信心 決定聽從Brain的建議帶著Chris參加Camp 沒想到不自量力的Chris報名參加了Space Camp 一家人帶著Chris來到甘迺迪航天中心 Chris跟不上這裡面個課程 受到排擠 感到備受煎熬 於是他打電話希望Lois來接他 全家人來接Chris 偷偷跑進還在發射塔架上的太空梭 這次竟然是Stewie惹的禍 他啟動了火箭和太空梭 全家人被發射進了太空 NASA需要他們在船上操作在能返回地球 Peter弄壞了通話裝置 關鍵時刻Chris用自己學到的知識讓太空梭減速 重力捕獲飛機重新回到地球 Chris拯救了全家人 成為了大英雄 找沒找回自信就不知道了。。。
Family Guy Season11 Episode10 Title(標題): Brian's Play Main story(情節):Brain執導的喜劇《A Passing Fancy》在Quahog當地劇院Quahog Playhouse上演 幾乎叫得出名字的人都來捧場 劇情講述的是因為事業而冷落家庭的老段子 卻因Brain的創作熠熠生輝 贏得了滿堂彩。這是一部優秀至極的作品 Brain向住在洛杉磯的Gay Cousin Jasper求助 Jasper建議他啊永遠不要向Stewie袒露他的才華 對於自己遠遠不及Stewie這件事使得Brain鬱鬱寡歡 並且不得不昧著良心向Stewie撒謊 Brain把那部劇本的唯一存稿偷偷埋了起來 被Stewie發現了 並對於Brain向他撒謊很是氣憤 在瘋狂詆毀Brain之後 Stewie挖走了Brain的主角 帶著劇本準備在百老匯演出 Brain帶著Stewie參加了在紐約為S舉辦的歡迎晚宴 聚會期間 幾位著名劇作家拚命地詆毀Brain的舞台劇劇 Brain很是失落 酒後的他向Stewie吐露了真心話 那只不過幾年的輝煌和成功 Stewie了解他現在還太早 於是改變了劇本 失去了在百老匯發展的機會 為自己的朋友保留了最後的尊嚴。
Family Guy Season11 Episode11 Title(標題): The Giggity Wife Main story(情節):Joe有一張哈佛大學食堂卡 三人跑去免費吃大餐 也不知道怎么的就跑到酒吧裡面去了 最後在脫衣舞俱樂部狂歡 在波士頓各種撒酒瘋 宿醉中的Peter發現Quagmire竟然和一個半老的Hooker結婚了 Quagmire無法接受準備一個事實 受限於Quahog婚姻法 雙方離婚女方分得絕大大部分財產這一事實 Quagmire決定迫使charmese主動同意離婚 Quagmire順從Charmese的猜測 欺騙性地坦白自己是Gay Charmese無意中發現Quagmire在看AV Charmese認定Quagmire在欺騙她 拒絕離婚 除非Quagmire和男人啪啪啪 Quamire米有辦法 求Peter幫忙 木有想到Peter同意了 後面劇情太狗血......總之兩人沒有辦法辦事 Charmese明白Quagmire為了離婚做出的努力 決定簽了那協定 Peter和Quagmire如釋重負 Quagmire認為沒有兄弟會為自己做出如此事情 很是感激 但是沒想到。。。
Family Guy Season11 Episode19 Title(標題):Save the Clam Main story(情節):一群人生翻身無望只靠喝酒葷段子大老婆過活的中年老爺們組隊在比賽棒球 酒吧隊對藥房隊 Mort帶領的藥房隊請回了Jerome當替補 Jerome一擊棒球擊中Horace面門 Horace去世。Peter一家人去參加了Horace的葬禮 Meg無意間誤入太平間 被入殮師看中 僱傭了她作為兼職助手 Peter一行人參加完葬禮決定去Drunken Clam喝一杯 卻發現因為Horace欠債過多 酒吧被銀行收回了 Lois拒接三個人在她自己家裡和的昏天暗地 Peter無奈只能和兄弟們偷偷回到Drunken Clam Chris看見Meg在停屍房工作 就偷偷偷了具屍體來玩(............)Meg強迫Chris去當那具已經散了架子的屍體 Peter三人在酒館醒來 卻要面臨著酒吧被拆除的事實 三個人和警察與拆遷車輛對峙很久 Joe作為警察 必須服從命令 退出了抗議 在十五年的感情對決自己飯碗 職責的選擇中 Joe選擇了前者 留下來和Peter與Quagmire一起抗議 最後Jerome買下了酒吧 成為了Drunken Clam的新老闆 Peter他們得以留住酒吧 可惜啊。
Family Guy Season11 Episode20 Title(標題):Farmer Guy Main story(情節):Quahog的犯罪率正在升高 整個鎮子都在變得越來越不安全 Lois決絕承認這個事實只到一家人就餐回來後發現家裡唄洗劫一空。Lois只想讓自己的三個孩子在沒有犯罪和不良影響的環境下成長 所以Peter去買了一個農場(好爺們的舉動)Lois一如往常對於Peter衝動切不負責任的舉動很是憤怒 但是對於自己安穩生活環境的渴望 使得一家人還是來到了農場 只可惜一家人並不是經營農場那塊料(主要還是Peter) 一家人一直入不敷出 不久就會失去農場 Brain自告奮勇 決定去大學學習相關的學問 以便更好經營農場 Brain剛走 一場龍捲風迅速襲來 一家人躲到了地下室 驚恐地發現 這家農場的地下室是一個製造冰毒的小型實驗室 Lois打算立刻報警 但是Peter卻想用這個實驗室生產冰毒 從而拯救經營不善的農場 Lois經不過Peter勸說 決定做一批就收手 殊不知史上最容易上癮的不是吸毒 而是賺錢啊 錢越賺越多 但是一家人卻過得越來越不踏實 Brain從大學回來以後就發現全家人變成了毒販子。製造販賣一條龍 而Lois也發現正是因為他們的毒品 讓Quahog全鎮子變成了一個大毒窩 一家人決定離開農場回到城市 也不得不回家。
The Season Finally Family Guy Season11 Episode22 Title:No Country Club for Old Men Main story:Stewie在沙發裡面找到了自己的口琴 洗澡的時候扔在了浴缸里 Peter洗澡一屁股坐了下去 就變成了Harmonica&the Butt。一家人回家的飛機上 Chris遇到了Amanda 兩個人互生好感 Amanda邀請Chris和他的家人到自己家裡共進早餐 Brain發現 Amanda是羅德島首富Barrington家族的孩子 Peter在Barrington俱樂部遇見了自己的岳父Carter Carter對於Peter是俱樂部持有者Reginald Barrington的座上賓很是吃驚 突然間形勢完全扭轉Carter為了討好Barrinrton極盡諂媚。。。
Family Guy Season12 Episode02 Title(標題):Vestigial Peter Main story(情節):全家人準備去教堂 Lois認為Peter穿著破舊的衣服去“見上帝”不甚合適 二人去Quahog購物中心買新衣服 竟發現Peter脖子上長出一個巨大的腫塊 在醫院Dr.Hartman切開了腫瘤 發現裡面是Peter沒有發育完全的連體雙胞胎 Peter管他叫Chip Chip立刻贏得了全體家庭成員的喜愛 而初入世界Chip對什麼都充滿了好奇和新鮮感 迫不及待的體驗一切 Peter早已厭煩和懶惰 兩人決定分開 經過漫長的手術兩人成功分離 Peter本以為能脫離開Chip 卻沒想到他的小兄弟和自己住在了一起 Chip改變了居家環境 吸引了家裡每個人的注意力 令Peter倍感失落 Peter決定趕Chip出門 Chip發現後很傷心 遂離家出走 全家人都焦急的出門尋找Chip 而Peter呆在家裡卻受了重傷 Chip趕回來道歉發現躺在地下室的Peter Chip最後救了Peter 二人和好如初 Chip也堅定了自己出去看看世界的信念 本集一個天大的秘密被揭開 就是Peter的體重!293磅!133公斤!
Family Guy Season12 Episode03 Title(標題):Quagmire`s Quagmire Main story(情節):Quagmire帶著Peter和Joe去買最新的蘋果Macbook Pro 同時Lois在家裡的閣樓上發現了送給Stewie的第一隻泰迪熊玩具Oscar Quagmire因為瀏覽那啥網站導致電腦當機 他帶著電腦去Apple店的Genius Bar尋求幫助 竟發現了一個和自己一樣視性如命的女性Sonja 二人一拍即合滾床單滾到昏天暗地 而Stewie也陷入了兩難的境地 是回到Oscar身邊 還是繼續和Rupert在一起 最後他把Rupert給了Brain 自己和Oscar逍遙快活去了 Quagmire和Sonja的性行為越來越危險 越來越刺激 也越來越超過Quagmire的承受範圍
惡搞之家最值得一提的劇情是Peter 和一隻變異的公雞之間的大戰,分別在SE02 03,SE04 03,SE05 16,SE10 23 和SE11 03中出現。 詳細敘述 :Ernie The Giant Chicken View source History Talk24 5,006pages on this wiki Ernie Peter fighting the Giant Chicken Full name Ernie the Giant Chicken Voiced by Danny Smith Ernie is a Giant Chicken with whom Peter Griffin has had a long history of violence. He often shows up in the middle of a scene and interrupts Peter and the two engage in a long, drawn out fight won always by Peter, who then returns to the scene battered and bruised and picks up where he left off, not knowing that Ernie, seemingly dead, awakens and gets up after Peter leaves, foreshadowing another future fight. Each fight also leads to serious destruction of the environment around them and heavy casualties to bystanders. The whole feud begins with Ernie giving Peter an expired coupon, as revealed in "Da Boom". However, in "Meet the Quagmires", Griffin's meddling in his past allows him to accidentally punch Ernie while dancing at Enchantment Under The Sea, giving a new birth to the rivalry, and the new reason Ernie gives him the bad coupon, and 15 more years of balled up anger. Contents[show]In Da Boom Peter no longer accepts coupons from any chickens after "the incident" with Ernie. During a flashback in the episode "Da Boom," the Chicken gave him a coupon, but the coupon was expired. Peter was therefore provoked to attack him. A prolonged fistfight ensued, taking the two combatants all over a downtown metropolis. It appeared that Peter had ultimately defeated the Chicken by slamming his head into a photocopier repeatedly, though the Chicken then did a sneak attack on Peter (just when he was explaining what exactly happened to shocked office workers), putting him in a half-nelson/chokehold, thus resulting in the both of them falling off the office building with Peter landing on him. He was not actually dead, though, as he opens his eye. In Blind Ambition He returned to assault Peter when he was defending Quagmire in "Blind Ambition", the fight took place at a train station, a cruise ship, and finally an airport. But again, he was not actually dead, despite his head being chopped up by an airplane's propeller, spoofing the scene from Indiana Jones; his leg is shown moving into a fist. This fight also had the introduction of the chicken scream. In No Chris Left Behind In "No Chris Left Behind", their fight took place from the Griffin house, the sewers, a subway, a building site, an airplane and the Ferris wheel. After this, the two have forgotten what they are fighting about. Ernie takes Peter out for dinner to make up for the fights over a silly little expired coupon. And he brings his wife, another chicken named Nicole. Peter and Ernie seemed to have resolved their differences, but the peace was fleeting; another fight ensues when both of them insist on footing the bill. Despite having his brains bashed in by a frying pot he was not actually dead, as he again opens his eye. This is the first and only time in the series that the giant chicken is referred to by name, Ernie. In Meet the Quagmires Ernie made a cameo appearance in "Meet the Quagmires" when he got punched by Peter Griffin at the Country Club by accident while Peter was dancing; Peter convinces Death to send him back in time and eventually fixes his mistakes while in the past when Lois Pewterschmidt accepts to marry him instead of Glenn Quagmire, as an altered timeline plays out. Peter then dances with her and accidentally punches Ernie, angering him, but he is stopped by his friend, who tells him not to get so angry, because he'll probably never see him again. In The Juice Is Loose When the angry mob stormed down Spooner Street chasing O.J. Simpson, Ernie was a part of it. In Big Man on Hippocampus The Chicken appears in a cut away scene, where he hits Peter, after he insults his lawn, with a shovel, a crowbar, a baseball bat, a frying pan, and a golf club, which restored his lost memory as well as made him lose it again repeatedly. Peter later stated that he appreciated 'there was an odd number of objects'. In Go, Stewie, Go! The Chicken makes a brief appearance in the crowd scene where many of the major and minor characters witness Meg making out with Anthony, her new boyfriend, in amazement that her boyfriend was actually normal. In Something, Something, Something, Dark Side Ernie portrays Boba Fett opposite Han Solo, played by Peter. They do not fight. In It's A Trap! Ernie reprised his role as Boba Fett. Like his character, he fell off the ship into the Sarlacc, played by Meg Griffin. Prior to that, Luke Skywalker, played by Chris Griffin got a lightsaber swipe on him, the closest any character in either special to be even close to fighting him. Solo was about to fight Fett, but Fett had already fallen off when Solo turned around. In New Kidney in Town Peter, even as his sworn enemy, gave him a shoutout while he was a contestant on The Price is Right. Dr. Hartman later comments that he once tried to clone a chicken, and the result was a man-sized, hostile chicken but this is glossed-over during Peter's concern about getting a kidney transplant. In Trading Places Chris taunts Meg for being a chicken for not wanting to go on Peter's dirtbike and even going so far as clucking like one. This makes Ernie perk up his ears and call the clucking fake. In Internal Affairs Peter has another run-in with Ernie leading to another epic fight, this time because Peter accidentally backs into Ernie's car. During their struggles they land on Stewie's time pad and fight their way across time itself, eventually ending up in a genetic research lab and in space. Crashing back to earth on an oil rig, they continue to fight. Their struggle destroy the oil rig and Ernie is seemingly roasted by the rocket engines. But as Peter struggles to shore, Ernie shows he continues to live. In Yug Ylimaf We get to see a chicken fight played in reverse due to the effects of Stewie's broken time machine. Among other ramifications, Ernie fires a flamethrower at Peter caused in the aftermath of their creating a plane crash that destroys a military surplus store. They crash back into the plane which flies backwards from the crash. Their fight causes a bus on its way to the airport to careen through the streets. At the bus stop, they fight their way back to the surplus store and grenade is accidentally chucked into a coffee shop window interrupting Seamus as he is about to ask a barrista on a date. They continue their fight back through the surplus store window to where Peter hits Ernie on a bicycle by opening his car in traffic, setting off another chicken fight.
獎項:該劇獲得過2000、2002和2007年的艾美獎共3項,其中為 Peter Griffin配音的Seth MacFarlane(也是該劇的製片人)獲得了最佳配音獎。2006和2008年共獲得3項動畫安妮獎(Annie Awards),並獲歷屆動畫安妮獎提名共7次。曾獲得2002年艾美獎的最佳編曲作詞獎,能得到電視大獎的垂青,無疑可知《惡搞之家》配樂的爐火純青的諷刺幽默功底。